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15919860 No.15919860 [Reply] [Original]

is law school worth it? I'm considering studying for the LSAT because I scored a 158 cold. I have a philosophy degree with a 3.7GPA so I'm sure I can get in somewhere. I currently work a dead end job for $22/hr CAD, pins. Not sure if I want to become a teacher, or a lawyer, or what. I honestly just want to chill and smoke weed, but that can only happen if LINK moons since I only have 11.3k. I'm 23. Basically a doomer. Is being a lawyer even worth it since LINK is going to make them obsolete in certain areas? Is the rat race not worth it? I'm not sure I can handle all the networking.

>> No.15920723
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Former lawfag here. It is worth it if you know for sure that you want to actually practice law. If you don't already have a job lined up you will need to do very well academically or network you ass off to get a good job. IMO it is terrible advice to go to law school because if you aren't really sure what you want to do, or because it gives you lots of 'options'. If that is the case just get an MBA if you really think you need more schooling.

Finally, don't neglect to factor in how much debt you will rack up. If you end up working for the government it will take FOREVER to pay it off.

>> No.15920964

He looks 19

>> No.15921037
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If all you want to do is chill and smoke weed then law probably isn't for you, unless you think working 60 hours a week for ten years is chill. You sound like a good student, but probably not T14 material, which means you'll be going to a second rate law school. You'll have at least $150k in debt, and a long, hard road to pay it back.

The ultimate question here is do you have a passion for law? If you're ambivalent, which it sounds like you are, the answer is probably no. Law will probably be suicide fuel for you. Can you see yourself doing it for 10 years? 20? What about if you get married and have kids - then you're locked in it and you won't be able to switch careers at that point.

Why not pivot your philosophy degree toward something actually interesting. Look into a doctorate in psychology. You'll get paid for your work, and new avenues are opening up in the field of psychedelic therapy for PTSD veterans and rape victims. It's actually fascinating work and you'll be contributing to the species. You can successfully smoke weed and chill and call it 'professional research.'

Law isn't what you see in the shows. You're not gonna be Billy Bob from Goliath. You're going to be doing shit like spending four years of your life working on a pharmaceutical company's merger with another pharmaceutical company. The only money you get is from people who have a vested interest in fucking over society, because they're the only ones who can afford high-tier lawyers.

Do what you want, anon, but going to law school because you have nothing better to do is a mistake. I know it sounds cliche, but do what you love. Or at the very least, something you can stand.

>> No.15921044

Honestly, you kind of need to have a knack for it, or else you're gonna feel miserable. Long hours, your social life is weird and you can only relate to other law educated people, since the only thing you know how to talk about is law things.

Goddamn, its so boring and hard at the same time, I hate it.

>> No.15921107

You need a 165 minimum to go to a decent school. You will be competing cut throat against hundreds of the smartest and most driven people you ever met. You are graded against them on a curve. If you can manage to get into the top 10% of the class (you wont) then you will be making 180k+/yr and working fucking insane hours with the worst sociopaths you can imagine. Think of a squat balding jew screaming at you about a missed coma on page 214 of a 400 page document. Go get an mba, it's MBA, more chill.

>> No.15921486

Law school is relatively cheap in Canada, my link can pay it fully for some schools as of today. But no doubt it is probably a waste if I'm not sure I actually want to practice.

Psychology would be cool, I took a few psychs in my undergrad. I wouldn't mind doing another biology psych double major. I just have a block in my mind that sees a road too far to travel. Another undergrad plus more just seems crazy. I know I'm still young but time keeps speeding up.


yea I can't stand people, I've decided no fucking way. Thanks bros. Still have no clue what to do but fuck it. Got a youtube to 1500 subs back in the day and abandoned it. I always used to think what if what if but now it's with link. I'm living alone just working, only able to put away $500 a month with a semi meme degree. I probably have some mental issues but nothing that bad. I am mostly just angry at myself for not striving for anything in uni, just getting by doing half hearted work and smoking weed every day. Social life was whatever. Not nonexistent but still pretty pathetic. It is really tough to truly live in the present. I just feel apathy towards it all and feel like I truly have to enter the rat race and succeed to feel fulfillment. Unless I make it off crypto but I can't just expect that.

>> No.15921509

if you don't go to a T14 school, it's not worth it. you'll be fighting for a job the rest of your life. if you do land a biglaw job, get ready for 60 hour work weeks of mindnumbing work. want to move to another state? it takes about a year to get licensed, enormous paperwork and $1500+. overall, a pretty horrible career

>> No.15921535

Lets face it though if you get into investment banking people there are going to be virtually the same dickheads, at least women don't do that job though whereas in Finance its now like 50% women.

>> No.15921542

FUCK I MEANT LAW 50% sorry

Yeah you might like accounting since you can do your shit and smoke weed I also think the researcher job is interesting

>> No.15921598

23 is very young my dude. I'm 30 and I'm about to start down this very path. I have my BA in Poli Sci (meme degree, I know), and am going through Pepperdine's online Psychology MA. I'm ex-military so it's free for me. Hoping to get good grades to get into Johns Hopkins, which is the epicenter for psychedelic therapy.

Hope to see you out there some day ;)

>> No.15921614

>law will be suicide fuel, instead sit and listen to the lame problems of idiots and narcissists and find a reason to tell them to come back again in a weak to pay you more money.

>> No.15922126


>> No.15922161

Lawyer here. Don’t do it. I’m praying for LINK to rescue me from this disaster of a career. I’m like you I wanted to chill and smoke weed but I was afraid of being poor and I fell for the lawyer meme. Now I’m stressed 24/7 and feel like I have wasted my life. If LINK moons I will literally cry.

>> No.15922221

Don't go into law if you want a stress free life. Think about this, law is stressful to the point where many folks quit biglaw, take a paycut and fight to get hired with the federal government because they offer the wet dream of an honest to god 9-5 schedule. Ask any federal attorney would they ever go back to biglaw and watch their reaction.

Trademark Attorneys at the USPTO get to work from home full time from anywhere in the goddamn US. I would kill for a position like that.

>> No.15922258

Kill the LSAT and go to a top school. I also have a 3.7 but got 171 on the LSAT so when the dust settles I'll probably have some good options. I want to end up at Yale and feel like I can scam my way into top 10% at wherever I end up. If you can get into a T6 school I think law school is still worth it.