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15917109 No.15917109 [Reply] [Original]

>move into apt with NEET roommate who eats literal tendies and lives off his dad who’s in debt and plays video games till 5am
>he’s mid-20’s
>I’m in school, progressing, accumulating LINK, doing well
>he copies every thing I do and am interested in
>I’m nice to him so I don’t discourage
>it’s gotten to the point where he basically wants to be me

I’m a little annoyed because I accumulated LINK from 2017 till now. I saw he was suffering so I gave him a ton of info on crypto. Now he got his dad to get his rich step-mom (he didn’t grow up with her, only met her two years ago ish, and pretends like her fortune is going to be his) to pay for LINK based on all my info, and he talks to me as if my ideas and info are his.

He had months to get a job to accumulate but he didn’t, and now he’s boasting about “his stack” that he didn’t earn at all.

The whole thing is he doesn’t even know what a blockchain is. He has no idea what he bought and he just parrots LINK twitter shills without having any idea what the tech does. He asked me one day if “LINK could decentralize the bitcoin”.

It pisses me off because I worked hard to study all of this and contribute to /biz/ research and he’s just some scammer who walks around stealing my ideas and wearing it like a badge.

Tell me the truth, why the fuck am I mad? At the end of the day he’s not me, doesn’t have the skills I do, doesn’t have the drive I do, and yet I’m still irritated whenever he comes up to me like a child and asks me to praise him for someone else’s stack.

>> No.15917130

Shill him bitconnect or APH

>> No.15917134

No reason to be mad.

Be happy. You’ll have another multi millionaire beside you with your best interests in mind. You’ll have a hard time finding real friends when you have millions.

>> No.15917172

>talking about crypto outside of biz
Cringe. He probably has a bigger stack than you too. Way to cuck yourself OP

>> No.15917185

nice if you used him to sell your bags.

>> No.15917187

From the way you described him he'll probably lose it all if he gets a significant amount of cash anyway. I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.15917197

Yeah He doesn’t really do anything for me and is fucking annoying to be around. I already have crypto friends in another city that I’m moving to after my degree.

All I can think of is a)
His family overall will feel more safe
B) everyone knows my influence on him and they know he’s a bullshitter
C) LINK is mooning soon and I can gtfo soon
D) for the rest of my life I’ll look back on the AB days with a smile knowing I’m one of the few ones who knows what that period was actually like

Already feel better writing this out desu.

>> No.15917206

Kek no he doesn’t but that would be cucked I agree. Fml

Absolutely true. He doesn’t really know what he’s doing and I study finance on the reg

>> No.15917212
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>LINK is mooning soon

>> No.15917220

He sounds schizophrenic. From my experience, people with such tendencies do the exact thing you mention.

>> No.15917231

dude whats wrong with you just setup wireshark watch his traffic find the wallet and steal the fucking coins my guy

>> No.15917232
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>OP who got spoonfed link thinks he’s a genius who got people stealing his ideas

have sex btw

>> No.15917244

>and he talks to me as if my ideas and info are his.
Sounds like all LGBT folk to be frank
>It's innate!

>> No.15917257
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>> No.15917277

“Homosexuality is wanting to be someone else”

>> No.15917305

have sex

>> No.15917354

Even if this dude makes it, he's not gonna make it. His mindset is obviously inferior to yours, so you will use that money way better than him. Yet you've helped him not off himself for being absolutely hopeless. If you're really concerned about coming out on top, don't worry, the chances of that not happening are small regardless of how big his stack his. A mindset doesn't magically change when you get more money, you've worked for that mindset, so you will reap the benefits.

>> No.15917368
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Based biz fren

>> No.15917617

Tell him that you sold everything cause you got scammed, and never want to hear about crypto again.
Because when link will hickup, he will blame you, be sure of it.

>> No.15917665

>A mindset doesn't magically change when you get more money
Fuck yes it does. You probable never experienced a real change in your wealth level.

>> No.15917731

LINK *could* decentralize Bitcoin tho

>> No.15917771

How much is his stack, anon?

>> No.15917805

Not the base layer.

>> No.15917822

You're about to get Mr. Ripley'd.
On a serious note stop living with and associating with degenerate losers.

>> No.15917906

How does the base layer matter. Bitcoin will be able to interact with all over chains and APIs in decentralized fashion

>> No.15917950

That’s what I’m saying. The NEET was asking about decentralizing bitcoin, not the outputs and inputs from another system. That’s why it’s stupid lol

>> No.15917960

True that and checked. Soon... my escape will be glorious

>> No.15918106
File: 138 KB, 890x1066, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're a coping wagecuck. Guess what wagie, LINK is for NEETs like him, not you. And he's not trying to "copy" you, he's just trying to make you feel better about how you waste time working. Meanwhile, YOU are the one that wants his lifestyle once you make it with LINK. Know your place faggot.