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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15908913 No.15908913 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink will be worth at minimum 1k each in the future.

Second, those holding immense size stacks relative to the average person will have been able to accumulate by singularity (>50k) who are also Jew haters will be put on a target list. I’m pretty sure a few hundred million to one billion dollars in peoples hands are going to be heavily observed.

Wait for the Jew fairy to find out that your 500 million dollar hitler lovin ass exists... you gonna suicide yourself hombre

>> No.15908948

neets will inherit the world, fuck kikes

>> No.15909009

>this erc20 shitcoin that is has a creator that holds 65% of the supply will go 1000x, trust me bro

>> No.15909049
File: 39 KB, 477x768, 63E5AD3A-A90A-4C6F-B1C2-653A58B9E240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw 25% paternally kike. 75% sexy European. Tfw I infiltrate their institutions only to subvert them and then reveal my bad goy intentions.

>> No.15909064

I admire the Jews and hold considerable amount of Chainlink

>> No.15909084

We are the jew now. Feels about right.

>> No.15909319

>Wait for the Jew fairy to find out that your 500 million dollar hitler lovin ass exists
This is why I spend more time preparing to disappear at a moment's notice than I do on improving my node.

>> No.15909328

Jews Rock!
I also hold Chainlink and will use it only for the advancement of my family and not for any ideological purposes please let me live :)

>> No.15909343
File: 255 KB, 526x525, OvenWorld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll use my 237k LINK to buy Auschwitz and reopen it.

>> No.15909352

Something interesting happened yesterday. My boomer uncle who is very tech savvy and has 140+ IQ reached out to me and was probing me about chainlink. He's very well connected in computer/developer circles.

Anyway, he's picking my brain about it. We had conversations in the past about blockchain but never specifically chainlink. He asks my recommendation on where to buy it and how to store it.

I can post pics if you bros don't believe me. I think there's definitely some funny business going on.

>> No.15909363

Kys idiot

>> No.15909381

If ChainLink’s price grew at the same exponential rate as the retardation on biz, we’d be so rich

>> No.15909418

By then it'll be too late and all the kikes of the world will be on their way to real gas chambers. They will have successfully memed their way to an actual holocaust.

>> No.15909433


>> No.15909480

Based as fuck. Im half kike and would like to do the same. I was thinking but don't know what route to take. Banker? Lobbyists? Its a tough decision.

>> No.15909542


>> No.15909603

Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.15909704
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>> No.15910264
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>> No.15910407
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>> No.15910412

pictures with stamps please
I wanna see what you've got

>> No.15910427

This is me
Posting from phone

>> No.15910511

What's his connections homo

>> No.15910554

Replace chainlink w RLC and this thread makes sense

>> No.15910709

Literally who

>> No.15910735

Get off 4chan Bret, let Ethan into your room