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15898237 No.15898237 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever wish you'd invested in a different career path?

>> No.15898299

I do, should have become a lawyer because I'm very good at lying

>> No.15898308

I wish I learned how to trade much earlier in life.
It's better than the software engineer life.

>> No.15898312

I kinda just fell into the work I do now and I absolutely hate it. So yes.

>> No.15898334

actually, police officier here in Canada would have been nice. they make 100-125k cad with overtime.
I could have begun at like 22 y-o and retire at 50 with an amazing pension

>> No.15898339

>Do you ever wish you'd invested in a career path?


and yes

>> No.15898355
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Absolutely, I got my masters in mech eng 3 years ago and let me tell you, mechanical engineering is the literal definition of mediocrity when it comes to engineer pay. Even the best senior engineers won't make more than 150k a year and for the rest of us plebs we are looking at 50-80k a year depending on what you do. And the job is so fucking boring, it's hell to go through 8 hours of that shit, and it's not like you can pretend work, usually u have a lot of work to do.
For the amount of effort you have to put in to get a degree these are laughable salaries and work conditions, I wish I did literally anything else.

>> No.15898368


similiar work here
lots of overtime
125k a year
8 weeks + vacation a year
rental property portfolio + crypto hopefully mooning = early retirement too

>> No.15898374

I know, rite. Fucking thermodynamic stress shit and I only need to learn some math to work at Google and be attractive.

>> No.15898381

Yeah I also would have liked to be a cop or a small town firefighter. I visited a little fire station once and those guys are basically Chad NEETs that go clean up a car accident every once in a while.

>> No.15898396

CS, software engineer, entrepreneur. Absolutely commoditised career full of mideocre agile cults.

Should have been an holistic cardiologist with a side-focus on mitochondrial research.

>> No.15898399

Grass always greener on the other side of the road
Though it does seem like a lot of engy majors regret it. Work as tough as a doctor and work more than a swe, but make less than both

>> No.15898411

i want to invest my dick in her ass if you know what i mean ;)

>> No.15898425

I pour concrete for a living, take a guess

>> No.15898462 [DELETED] 

Exposed slut here



>> No.15898523

I'm in MechE right now, what is a better alternative?

>> No.15898531


Same. BS in mechanical engineering here. I will design air conditioning systems that follow the building codes until I retire. The job isn't terrible, but I work with some of the least interesting people on the planet. They are all painfully risk averse and they follow conventional wisdom to a T, even outside of work. I'm currently doing FIRE and saving 70% of my income just because I don't want to end up like the ones that are still working there in their 40s.

>> No.15898545

why do you hate software jobs?
good luck fren

>> No.15898572

>design air conditioning systems

this is literally like 99% of mechE jobs. HVAC shit

>> No.15898581

career path?

>> No.15898609


Depends on who you are and what you like doing. That anon is describing pretty much every normie office cuck job. I personally wish I became a park ranger.

Just don't do petroleum engineering. It's like mechanical engineering, only your employer will pressure you to commit fraud on the company's behalf. No, you don't get a reward for doing so. Your reward is you're not fired.

>> No.15898639

Trap just checked

>> No.15898648


The high-performing straight-A star students I went to college with all went to Lockheed Martin, Harris, Northrop Grumman and all the other defense contractors, to build shiny things that fly. They have it even worse. They get paid 15% more than I do, work 30% more hours, and live in constant fear of the next mass layoff, or just get laid off after 4 or 5 years when they get too expensive. They all think they have a good job because of the shiny flying things.

>> No.15898676 [DELETED] 


>> No.15898677
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>Do you ever wish you'd invested in a different career path?

'career path' is irrelevant when you've invested in chainlink.

>> No.15898684

The only career path I actually want to take is "I do fucking nothing and get paid for it."

>> No.15898722

generally, junior engineers start around $60k (obvi have to take into account location). maybe $70k if the job is extremely demanding. but yes it is all about rates. most contracts where you work on shiny things are $50 million plus and therefore can absorb expensive niche R&D / professor tier engineers

t. someone in defense program management

>> No.15898723

And this is exactly what I meant by pay mediocrity, they are wasting their life working in some of the best engineering firms in the country and they get marginally better pay than some random coder from google.
Should have done finance or some other easy meme degree and then spend 3 hours working and 5 hours browsing /biz/ and buying crypto. Seriously, fuck engineering.

>> No.15898743

I followed my dreams and now I'm poor, it's a nightmare.

>> No.15898754


>Become a teacher in New York
>Teach for a couple years
>Slap a student in front of the class
>Get sent to a "rubber room" because it is nearly impossible for you to get fired because unions
>Literally just show up and receive $70K/year plus pension, health insurance, full benefits

>> No.15898787


Exactly. I started "around $60k" too, at a boring, but less stressful job. If I worked as many hours as they do, I would have been paid almost 80k. My dad's company got bought by Northrop Grumman while I was still in college so I knew what goes on at those companies before I graduated.

>> No.15898814


I thought ME's made good money? what the heck

>> No.15898856

I work as an aviation mechanic and I'm in school for CS.

Retarded mandatory OT, insanely high stress, constantly arguing over money instead of is the job being done properly, coworkers are all 90 IQ retards who come in hungover. As long as I don't end up in a pajeet code shop that smells like curry anything would be better than this

>> No.15898863
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>I thought ME's made good money? what the heck

>> No.15898864


At the place where I work, project managers and senior engineers make over 100K/year. Engineering Leads (PM's boss) pull around 150K/year. The 3 or 4 vice presidents we have all make over 300K/year. The ones making good money are principals, meaning they own a share of the company and get dividends of like 20% while telling the lowly engineers that every single project we're working on is losing money.

>> No.15898869

I meant to say before that that ME is a meme. Every engineer at Cirrus my coworker worked with was an eternal intern. Just learn low level languages and do some robotics shit, I've heard countless stories of MEs who change fields over to software or electrical work

>> No.15898903

>I've heard countless stories of MEs who change fields over to software
Would you mind sharing some of those stories or tips anon? Because I'm in that exact situation, trying to learn some coding/finance so I can switch to whatever else except ME.

>> No.15899124

What do you do

>> No.15899150

What were your dreams

>> No.15899240

I wish I would've went to school for finance.

>> No.15899247
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Let me put it like this. I placed an order a week ago. It should have arrived this week, probably before Wednesday. There are three major possibilities of what happened to it. If it was "misplaced" then the ensuing paperwork snarl is going to hang the guilty party and they've probably realized that they have made a horrible error in judgement by now and are trying to figure out how to cover it up. It may have arrived but was appropriated by someone else on arrival, and it's going to be a very ugly confrontation before I confirm that. The third major possibility is that there's something wrong on the vendor's end and they just suck at communicating that to me even though they've already confirmed that the order is being processed. I have no way of confirming this until I hassle the vendor, hassle the people who may have appropriated it and who may well deny it, or after exhausting those I start following the order's paper trail until I find the idiot who thought that they were in the clear to pull the order before it processed and probably only realized when they were going back to fill out the paperwork that they should have completed beforehand that they made a very grave error that might actually land them in legal trouble all by itself.

I don't necessarily hate what I do. I hate the fact that I'm surrounded by people who turn what I do into a giant headache because they can't resist the urge to indulge in shenanigans even to their own detriment.

>> No.15899249

Become an artist. I know

>> No.15899564

Yep, I got a dual Bachelors in Electrical Eng, and Biometrics. Turns out though that all the biometrics jobs are with government contractors & shit in DC, where you become a cog in a machine developing dystopian-level shit like fingerprint scanners for railguns for the military or whatever. And EE is just boring & behind the times (much like what the MechE cucks have said ITT)

So, I sat down for a few months and made a trading bot for myself in python. Sole purpose was to sharpen my software dev skills to the point where I could actually say I can complete projects. Welp that was good enough for an excellent small (non-tech) company who took the chance on me.

Now I’m happy as a clam, I fucking love my job, it’s literally everything I thought SWE would be. Highly recommend taking the self-taught programming pill.

>> No.15899656


I'm gonna coooooom

>> No.15899680


Yes, as a surgical resident I wish I stayed in pharmacy school and started my fucking life and saving up to FIRE (financial independence and retire early) at 24. Now I won't fucking start my real life until im 32. JUST

>> No.15899774

How hard was it to learn coding without any prior experience? Would you recommend python or something else?

>> No.15899798

My friend went to community college for one semester and now makes 60/hr fixing elevators at 22, will be making 90+ by 25. I'm 28 with a BS and make 60k/yr doing analytical chemistry with 50k debt

>> No.15899887
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Programming is very time consuming, and using that skill for others instead of for your own desires gets old after a while. You get home mentally tired as fuck, veg out, maybe fap, sleep, rinse, repeat. I started to think I hated programming, but after I quit my job and started writing little utilities to help me trade, I started enjoying it again.

Also, I want to be financially independent. I don't want to work in some politically correct ghey office environment to survive. It didn't used to be so bad, but I can't stand this shit anymore. Remote programming work is no good for me either, because I lose motivation with no people around me.

However, trading is OK. Yes, I'm home all the time, but the bitmex trollbox, tradingview chatrooms, and the chans keep me sufficiently entertained while I trade. I don't have to rely on some jewish paycheck to survive, but I *do* have to rely on myself which pushes me to be better out of necessity. Trading is better for me, although it does have it's challenges. It's not as easy as it looks at first, but I enjoy this way of life a lot more. It forces you to be a lot more responsible, and ...I don't mind. I like seeing myself change for the better.

Trading can teach you a lot of things about life that I might not have otherwise learned.

>> No.15900298

Inner city teacher?

>> No.15900478

Yes, I finished uni and got a useless degree (for free but still), can't get any money with it.
Is it too late for me to become successful ? I'm 22 and poor af.
Is it better to learn programming or? Don't have capital to invest. I'm stupid af too but not lazy, don't want to end like my parents working retail for the whole life.

>> No.15900487

I dropped out for this exact reason. Thankfully I did an internship and realized just how miserable the field was

>> No.15900489

On some level I wish I became a boxer or MMA fighter. Or a martial arts instructor. Sitting in front of a screen all days sucks.

>> No.15900501

>Not investing his face in her ass

>> No.15900502

Its the brand, look at the tesla engineers. Shit pay, shit hours, no job security yet you gotta literally give your life over to them because "muh tesla"

>> No.15900504

Who dis

>> No.15900524

You can make good money as an artist if you have the creativity to make it lucrative. What art discipline are you good at?

>> No.15900545

My sister

>> No.15900565

You can make money as an artist if a rich kidfucker funds you. That's it

>> No.15900589

No, because I understand determinism.

>> No.15900592

Wow you guys fell for the mechanical engineering meme too? Worst mistake of my life

>> No.15900726
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That's a wide range.

Is network engineer still good? I was in accounting then sales but now I did my CompTIA A+ and got a job at a help desk.

>> No.15900738


I think I know what you mean ;-)

>> No.15900808
File: 60 KB, 373x500, 3079849093_4ed1806302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I majored in comp Sci years ago, worked at Amazon and then several other large/mid-size tech companies in Seattle. I'm a competent dev, but I hate the domain I work in (would rather do Ag tech, something more interesting), hate the management style in tech (agile is awful), I hate the culture in tech (diversity programs and progressivism constantly remind my how awful I am for being white) , work long-ish hours (55-60?) and the thought of doing this until I retire is depressing.

That said, the money is good and I can't walk away.

>> No.15900823

How’d you learn?
I’m tired of taking hits. And my career path is going nowhere.

>> No.15900873

>You get home mentally tired as fuck, veg out, maybe fap, sleep, rinse, repeat

This. This. Between meetings, creating stories, interviews, writing tech specs, support rotations, and finding actual fucking windows of time to get coding in, you arrive home a zombie. There's a reason tech companies offer employees lunch and fucking drycleanig - they want you to spend every last minutiae of time you have at a desk. I'm in my early thirties and I still find the occasional day where I'll wind up coding until 3 AM to meet a deadline. This just feels like a young man's game

>> No.15901214

I'm new here please don't hate me. I took the self taught programming pill and taught myself python and some Java.
What kind of trading does the bot do? Like stocks? Do you interface directly with the trading network?
Gratz on finding a kickass swe job.

>> No.15901236

Making a lot of money through luck (buying bitcoin and ethereum in 2016 after I quit a previous job) was the initial inspiration, but the bear market of 2018 inspired me even more to learn how the markets move. It wasn't a very efficient path to learning, but I explored technical analysis and found what I liked which hasn't changed too much in 2019 although it's been refined quite a bit through trial and error and learning new things along the way.

To jumpstart you in the right direction, I'd recommend a book titled "Welcome to My Trading Room" by Alexander Elder.

>> No.15901294

Thanks dickhead will read that
Ive read recently;
>The compelte guide to selling options By James Cordier
>Technical Analysis explaine by Martin Pring
>Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques by Steve Nison

>> No.15901301

not really. Sometimes I wonder what would've become of me had I chosen a different pathway.

>> No.15901317

It's really common to go heavy into analysis in the beginning, but risk management is an important topic too. Make sure you take that seriously. It's the defense that will keep you alive.

>> No.15901401

damn where do you work? where I'm at I can relax for half the day and code for the other. of course there are meetings too but nothing crazy. I find that in a company with more than just engineers, you can take longer to finish your work because the non-technical people have no idea how long it takes to do things, and they are blown away by things that take not much effort.

>> No.15901467

Yes. I turned out to be absolutely no good at computer science.

>> No.15901535

Haha, sounds like me. I was a mech engineer in the automotive industry making $80k a year. Got tired of that shit since I'm just working so much that I didn't even have time to spend that $80k a year. I just work as an independent contractor now. I do anything from handyman stuff to IT related things like installing security cameras and WAP. Make alot less but it's so fucking easy and half of the time you are standing around BSing while waiting for parts and instructions/details on what to do next. It's a great job.

>> No.15901641

Its easier to make money that way, yes. But you can still bypass that and make money but you gotta get creative and put in a lot of work

>> No.15901647

Naw I love my job hehe

>> No.15901683

Heavy Equipment Operator, Easy work...good pay, OT, its not at all stimulating and coworkers are tarded.

>> No.15901729

Must have been a good one if you had to check it
Fuck jannies

>> No.15901833


Construction Manager, know that feel. Hard finding a balance between taking care of the boys and tapdancing for the customer

>> No.15901965

Only thing about CS I hate is the basedboy cucks it attracts. I have learned that the 'smarter' people are the less they understand how the world actually works.

>> No.15901982

These threads make me wanna just NEET up. Apparently all jobs are horrible, unless you reach enlightenment and manage to BEE youself

>> No.15901991

After sports gambling for many years I know all about risk management. My demon currently is degenracy. I cannot escape the escapism present in todays world. Intital capital is a bitch to retain when its consistently drained through drugs etc.

>> No.15902059

Just draw furry porn for commissions. You'll be rolling in cash in no time.

>> No.15902065

100%. I studied math in college and nothing else. Turns out unless you plan to go on to get a PhD with math, it's useless. I wish I'd studied computer science AND math together, or even engineering. Finance is a third option. Now I'm trying to become an actuary though.

>> No.15902075

Learn to draw naked females well and you'll never go hungry if you ever go prison

>> No.15902078
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Unironical mechE here, chemical engineering undergrad. I work steam turbine outages and generator stator rewinds.

Honestly, everyone who is cookie cutter mechE don’t wanna work hard pussy ass motherfuckers won’t make it. I graduated in 2017 and now I travel the world and am supervising nearly 20-30 people at any given time. I legit applied to a normal 40 hour week mechE job this summer and went to the interview high on coke and got a 110k offer but I asked for 120 so I turned it down. This is also in the southeast US.

honestly, anyone who works a mechE job at 60-80k probably deserves less because i saw the regards that graduated in my class, you literally don’t deserve to make more than that because you’re a peon idiot.

I’ll be out here fucking foreign bitches. I just hit 100k for the year last friday, at October 10, and hand to god graduated in May 2017.

Just don’t be a pussy or a little bitch and make that green.

Pic related

>> No.15902088

I got straight As, studied math, and graduated from an Ivy League school. I swear I should have chosen engineering or even a medical field because this shit is horrible.

>> No.15902093

Stop being a faget

>> No.15902101

What do you mean? This was almost 3 years ago. 2 years of working as a high school math teacher has made me virtually unemployable despite all that. I am trying to get into the insurance industry because it's white collar, at least. As an underwriter or risk analyst I mean.

>> No.15902111

Also I'm the only teacher I've ever met that isn't a bleeding heart liberal and it's unbelievably difficult to communicate with these people. I think teachers complain way too much even after doing this for 2 years.

>> No.15902140

If you studied math and went to an Ivy League school and are a high school teacher you are both a literal faget and a retard. I know math majors from low ranking schools that went to work for software companies making $80-110k. You literally went to an Ivy League school to teach algebra 2 to niggers? I wouldn’t blame your choice of math degree, I’d take a long look in the mirror and ask why you aren’t capable of more. The answer is probably simple : you’re a beta. I legit have no fucking clue how to do my job but learned that if I just go to work and throw big dick energy around senior management making lower management look like idiots, I can legit go and smoke and fap and watch YouTube all day and just complain about aspect of the job I know nothing about and then get a 3% raise twice a year. It’s easy man just stop being a cuck pussy bitch

>> No.15902153

You're a fucking retard, if you're so good at math and from Ivy league you can get a 150k+ paying job on Wall Street as a quant

I makes me so fucking angry that there are geniuses out there who are good at their shit but have basically no idea about how to market it and make money with it

>> No.15902171

Tell yourself that it's going to negatively affect your trading to indulge in drugs.

>> No.15902182

Quants generally have a PhD in math. Also I am studying to become an actuary now, taking the tests and all that. I basically just studied pure math, and just a little finance and statistics. Because I took a lot of graduate level courses covering algebraic topology, I learned a lot of interesting but ultimately useless material outside of math academia. If I could do it again I would choose CS or engineering, like I said. Anyway, apart from being an actuary, I'm not sure what else I can do. I'm basically just applying to any office position with the word "analyst" in the title and anything even remotely actuarial hoping someone will email me back. Other than that I genuinely don't know what to do.

>> No.15902197

I'm on my 4th actuary test, while maintaining a wife and kid at home and working as a high school math teacher, and I'm 23. So it's not like I just jack off and do nothing all day, but I've already quit this job with nothing lined up so starting next year I need to get a real job. I want something that will put me back in an office where I actually have to use my brain and think again, instead of teaching mind-numbingly boring lessons to teenagers all day.

>> No.15902231

wow retardation the post

>> No.15902249

ChemE here. I'm making about 65k right out of college in one of the poorest states so its good for starting my career. I took a low paying job out of college cause I took forever to graduate. I genuinely enjoy the work and get payed more than the mechE's we have.

I do wish I wouldnt have fucked up and stayed in school forever as I had an oil and gas jinternship that could have led to 85-90k starting. Weed really made me lazy for like 4 years.
I think we are seeing a giant upsurge in chemE cause we can end up literally anywhere, I would like to go into technical sales or consulting to get to 100k some day but Im gonna have to do a lot of hopping around careers every 3-4 years.

>> No.15902258

goddamn dude, I really hope youre lying thats honestly fucked

>> No.15902270

>"I don't mean to be rude but don't you think you could be working somewhere better than HERE?"
-my coworker
>"Between you and me, I don't think this is the right job for you. You're the kind of guy who needs to be put in a box with a computer where you can just do math and write algorithms and that kind of thing all day long."
-different coworker the year prior
>"Nobody here knows why you're still here. You're smarter than everyone on this staff. Think about it for a second. Who are you jealous of that works here with us? Really think about it. Noone. Everyone here is stuck doing this shit."
-still another coworker
Makes me feel like shit every time because I genuinely came into this job with good intentions but within 6 months they all start telling me to leave.

>> No.15902341

almost believed it


>> No.15902373

It was challenging the whole way, but in the best way possible. You gotta have a project you’re actually invested in because it spurs your motivation and you actually get pissed off and search harder when it doesn’t work, whereas if you’re just building a stupid fuckin calculator app from a tutorial, you’d just give up.

>I’m new here
It’s for margin trading BTC, I use it on Deribit. Connects directly to their websockets servers

>> No.15902414
File: 2.76 MB, 4032x3024, F01E7ED9-D4FF-4D14-A09D-4A53FBCC0C7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch?

>> No.15902420

MD here. Should have gone into investment banking.

>> No.15902426
File: 150 KB, 750x495, F0EF6D75-6A81-46A2-9B59-708BB82AD5E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal clip from job offer in fucking South Carolina after graduating less than 2 years ago

>> No.15902433
File: 77 KB, 750x212, 165F44E1-3829-4846-9C10-4BC9C8AF4AE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal clip from my response.

I was seriously coming down from hard drugs during the interview and they still give Me a job offer for 100k.

All you got to do is not be a pussy. People don’t give a fuck about you as long as you can make them money. Beats don’t make money. Don’t be a beta

>> No.15902438

This looks pretty nice. What's the problem?

>> No.15902441
File: 50 KB, 678x710, 19CDFCD5-0F73-4AD0-B544-544F7633FAC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much this, currently 25 paying to work in a hospital 9-5 and study when I get home to my shitty apt with 3 roommates. Delayed gratification becomes meaningless when you reach these depths of disillusionment

>> No.15902455

I am making $140k in my current position but it is long hours and I have to travel a lot. I asked for $120k for another company to work from home, no travel and they only offered $100 plus $10k signing, when I put on the application $120K minimum. Why waste my time flying me to nY if you can’t match my minimum required salary on the application. Fucking pussies.

If you’re not making $100k your 2nd year out of engineering school you’re a cuck

>> No.15902461

Should’ve aimed for IB earlier

>> No.15902478

>side-focus on mitochondrial research.

Don't worry you wouldn't have made it. Also, it's called a specialization.

>> No.15902481

>Tfw went to Penn
>Literally all my friends are investment bankers
>I'm unemployed

>> No.15902490

True. I'm in non-FAANG (so let's say, shit-tier) tech. A bunch of folks jumped ship to Tesla and SpaceX and regretted it. It's all of the shitty work-life balance of a place like Apple or Samsung, with all of the shitty pay and everything-is-an-emergency-because-"manufacturing" of a place like Intel or TSMC.

>> No.15902863

Why not pick up c++ and go work at a HFT firm.

>> No.15902952

Are you me? Lmaoooo also I have no idea but I'm pretty sure network engineer is trash. I went straight from accounting to MIS major, and I am a "network engineer 1" and make 40k, on the plus I do practically nothing all day

>> No.15902959

No. Have held down two middle of the road jobs that I am too smart for but are very laid back. Why stress over long hours when I have a 15 minute commute and be in the office for 6 or 7 hours (work 2-3 on a busy day) then get home early to be with my family.

>> No.15903065

Ever feel like careerism is a trap? I would rather be a bartender in a comfy beach town than a doctor or a lawyer any day. It might seem elitist to say but the difference between 30k/yr and 600k/yr isn't enough when your stress level makes you want to kys and you have no time to enjoy your money.

>> No.15903102

Impressed at the number of STEM people ITT. I’m an IR major making 60k at 25 with 19k debt. It’s not great, but I work with 30 year olds with 100k in debt making 55-70k.

>> No.15903105

I wish I had stayed in construction because I plan on becoming a property investor. At 23 years old I think I made the best decision possible at that time, but even then and now I know this is something I wont do forever

>> No.15903111

I will never masturbate to porn another day in my life

>> No.15903150

I was kinda surprised when I loaded up pornhub for the first time in a year and theres a full screen ad of some chick with 2 dicks in her mouth at the same time. They're really going overboard on pushing the degeneracy to people

>> No.15903167

no, as a chosen NEET with Pepe face tattoos my life is perfect I couldn't ask for more

>> No.15903176


>> No.15903262


Ahahahaha I’m so glad I got denied from Northrop as a college student because im now working at a FAANG making 3x what I would make there

>> No.15903267

I usually think Asians are gross, but this girl has my dick hard. Soooo good.

>> No.15903305

Have been making roughly 100k at non-FAANG tech startups since I was 20 (22 now). Quit because mandatory working hours and office politics/extremely incompetent managers is something I simply cannot tolerate, and now I'm working on my own thing and hopefully I can generate some form of passive income within the next few months while travelling the world and learning languages.

I think wageslaving and giving up 8 hours of your day so some other asshole can get richer is the greatest con of all time, especially if you are a non-autistic software engineer who can make it on your own.

>> No.15904391

>this meme

>> No.15904494

did you come off as arrogant to them?

>> No.15904504


Mech Eng student here, third year, you just literally triggered all my existential fears, holy shit, im going to grind it, i just want money to save, but if you are right im probably going to kill myself before i get enough money to retire

>> No.15904543
File: 13 KB, 320x240, simpsons barney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude i wish i invested in a different life path

>> No.15904793

EE grad
all the smart ones went into software eng, since thats where the money is.

Why bother grinding it through engineering at uni when all the non STEMcels are having fun.
in the end you both work in an office and you maybe start with a slightly higher pay.

>> No.15904806

>I took the self taught programming pill
can I find a job in this way?

>> No.15904829

You ever met anyone else in real life who says they trade crypto or use a bot to trade?

Most that I've met just get way into TA and try to day trade.
multi monitor setups
enough to impress normies
usually too eager to talk about it too

I've been running a bot for the past year or so, been pretty profitable but I hardly talk to anyone about it. I just acted dumb when the topic of crypto comes up (start calling it bitcoin stock)

I've yet to meet a profitable trader who wasn't memeing in real life aside from a friend of mine from highschool

>> No.15904856

I kinda believe it, im final year EEE and 90% of my class dont even know what they wanna do, or even have the drive to make some profound impact on potential employers.

In interview there will be nothing that stands out about them, so they will eventually end up in some shitty job at the lower end of the pay scale.

I was offered a job at year 2 by a company I was working at in the finance department just for the summer. I WAS WORKING IN FINANCE AND WAS OFFERED AN ENGINEERING JOB AFTER MY GRADUATION.

Its true, there are so many engineers that are boring, uninspired glorified accountants.

And then there are the engineers in the world that influence real change in our tech space, and get shit done, complete projects ahead of schedule and under budget because they actually have DRIVE.

>> No.15904877

dude its the double anal penetration and double vaginal penetration... like 35% of your dick is rubbing against another mans dick, like seriously WTF!?!? and they all consider themselves hetro, its all kinds of weird and deluded.

not for me thanks.

>> No.15904956

I just started my training becoming a investment advisor at the Belgian bank where I've been working for 2 years. Could be worse but I miss excitement. One day I wanna open a business. But the pay is decent and I have lot's of benefits. Knowing how bad of a student I was I really can't complain.

>> No.15905001

>Work as tough as a doctor
Seriously doubt they work 100hrs a week
or these awesome 32 hour shifts when you are literally passing out while still having to make swift decisions regarding whether you are going to jail or not
Medicine is the worst career ever, third only to cannon fodders in infantry and those pajeet sewer divers

>> No.15905030

Wtf nigger statistics is easy as fuck.
You can learn stats, but have to be born genius to excel in math.
Also most people will not understand wtf are you talking about when you start sperging out. It does not even matter as long as you bring in the money.

>> No.15905054

currently doing a stats undergrad hoping to finish with a stats phd and not sure if this thread should worry me or not

>> No.15905188

med student here
Medicine is pretty great. Great salary and great recognition. Of course you want kys in the first semesters, but then it gets fucking easy. You don't have to become a trauma surgeon and be stressed out 24/7. Just become a family doctor or dermatologist, offer special treatments, sign some pharma contracts and maybe work independently. Of course you can 10-100x in the free market, but it is the best wagie job you get. I can also earn my money with crypto and stocks.
When the markets collapse, I won't be hanged like all the bankers and still be on top of the social hierarchy.

>> No.15905276
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> med student here
> Medicine is pretty great

>> No.15906107

Is that what you tell yourself as you cry to sleep every night?

>> No.15906166

Turns out I'm a naturally good boxer. I started too late at 25 years old. The chances of me going up against a professional 20 year old and winning are unlikely.
I really missed out anons

>> No.15906169
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My parents pushed me to study system development and even though i finished college i suck major ass at it. I only don't suck that much at front end development but everything else i beyond me, it didnt help that my college was legit fucking awful So i am trying my best to not suck major ass and save a decent amount of money to set up my life with an apartment in a nice place to change careers later.

>> No.15906174

I work in a very niche manufacturing sector. Learning how shit is made is pretty cool but the novelty wears off after about 6 months

>> No.15906247
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that was my life not too long ago.

I was working basically 11 hours a day not counting lunch hours from monday to monday while being constantly shat on by coworkers even though the huge majority of the problems derived from them and i had extremely shitty working conditions.

Ill start a new job in 2 weeks that seems to have way better working conditions, an actual team to help me out and people that will actually tell me what in the absolute fuck they want. But i dont want to follow this carrer path anymore. My last job broke me and i rather have low pay in a secure job than having a decent pay for shitloads of work.

>> No.15906702

It could have been worse. You could have gone into accounting.

>> No.15906756
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I did and then made the decision to switch careers. I loved being in college, not because of the parties, drinking and all that bullshit, but because I genuinely loved learning full time. Yes, I'm one of those faggots. Because of that I knew I wanted to be an academic and potentially teach at a uni someday. I graduated with a BA with a very high GPA, and then my plan was to jump through all hoops for grad school like get practical experience, take the GRE, and do a bunch of other crap needed to get into a Ph.D program. While working in my field of study I learned that I actually hated it (learning about something and actually doing it are two different things fren) and suddenly didn't know what I wanted to do anymore. I was literally in career limbo for about 2-years and was in a pretty dark place personally during this time. I then realized that there were other ways to be successful and also be constantly learning without paying thousands per semester at some meme uni. Ended up getting various tech certs, worked my way up in that field, and am now making double what I did in my former career, and that's just after 3-years of being in it.

>> No.15907404



>> No.15908223

Currently in school to become a hospital/nursing home administrator. Wish i stuck with biomedical engineering or nursing. but feel like public health jobs suit me better.

>> No.15908318

Chemical engineer here. Currently in the process of switching to machine learning engineering. Wish me luck senpai.

>> No.15908334


>> No.15908396 [DELETED] 
File: 369 KB, 1332x750, IMG_20190308_000103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>> No.15908496

Dropped out of college, started doing electricians apprenticeship. Completed that only to really hate my job and worst of all is I completely sucked at it, so I stopped after 4 months of working. Now I'm 25 an unemployed since february. I have 150k cash, but it's not enough to stop working. Maybe start learning how to plumb or something, but I'll probably get bored of that too. What do? If I would be allowed to choose my own hours, I could put up with shitty jobs. I was thinking about starting a "crime scene cleaning" company, who cleans up found dead people, shit, wasp nests, basically the stuff nobody wants to do.

>> No.15908509

I had to work really really hard to get into a position i could have walked into had I educated myself properly. I got a low grade from a BAD uni and it took me 3 years of hard work in my company to dig myself out. Could be doing my job 3 years earlier had I just bothered during my A-levels to try.

>> No.15908527

>Was raised on the philosophy that helping others is the right thing to do
>Decide to go into health care (Not medicine tho)
>No one happened to mention that healthcare staff get shit on with working hours vs pay
>Now looking for the most selfish job I can get which pays the most, with a semi garbage degree


>> No.15908706

What do you trade besides crypto? What happens when you have a negative month? Is it not too stressful to depend on trading alone to make a living?