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15908480 No.15908480 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't rich people buying chainlink if it is the future? why is it so well hidden in plain sight? if all the elite billionaires were interested, why would they not invest at .10c ? instead its a bunch of autist whales .. or its the "whales accumulating" meme.. maybe that's what they mean by the money being handed down from generation to generation, because even old boomer billionaires that have most of their assets in fiat weren't paying attention or something? kek

>> No.15908488

Know you got it

>> No.15908489

World is way smaller and dumber than you appreciate. Most billionaires actually just have no idea what the fuck is happening

>> No.15908498


Hurr durr why didn't everyone buy facebook at 5 cents, etc

>> No.15908504
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Majority were too busy with typical SV VC unicorn pump and dumps to notice when it was that low in price. Those with the intelligence and foresight to recognize what they had were understandably tight-lipped about it.

>> No.15908512
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operating chainlink meme mission success

>> No.15908513

What a fucking retarded question. Do you really think billionaires have seen link let alone btc. At most they looked into it for 5 minute and lost interests. Doesn't mean shit. Do you really think billionaires are gods with knowledge of the future.

>> No.15908524


Facebook was worth $629.6 billion

what an absolute joke $1 billion marketcap is... JESUS

>> No.15908535


well i mean, some of them didn't get that far by mistake...

>> No.15908545

You're underestimating just how little people know about crypto, including billionaires. People barely know about Bitcoin, let alone Chainlink. The real volume of this space is manipulated and isn't nearly as high as believed. If billionaires actually started investing shitloads of money into crypto the market would explode in price.

>> No.15908549

>billionaires that have most of their assets in fiat
name 1 (one) billionaire that does this

>> No.15908550


i think that's the problem with the fiat system and government... rich billionaires pay tax's and shit and don't want to lose all of their government money..

>> No.15908551

Because billionaires already have businesses and industries that are making them billions. They also (rightly) view crypto as unnecessarily risky. Crypto is well known to be extremely high risk with a small chance at extremely high reward. Most people loose all their money, while a few get rich. If I had millions or billions to invest I probably wouldn't bother with crypto either.

>> No.15908561


meant assets tied to fiat currency, not hodling meme dollars

>> No.15908563

>why aren't rich people buying btc
>why aren't rich people buying eth
>why aren't rich people buying ans/neo


>> No.15908565

Well if your end goal is to make money off of cryptos, and everyone who is a big enough whale to make crptos value go up, doesnt see enough potential in them to justify making the investment, isnt that a bit problematic?

>> No.15908630
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not when the largest financial institutions and contracts are incentivized to convert to smart contracts

>> No.15908659
File: 1.75 MB, 2500x1354, The Art of a Ponzi Scheme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking delusional, everyone knows about bitcoin and it still cant reach a new ATH

>> No.15908689

Most of them didn't get that far by investing either. You want to make a billion better start a real bussiness with huge potential.
Big investors come when there's big money to be made. They haven't realized the money making potential yet and don't want to risk it. I guarantee if link goes over 7 dollars millionaires are going to be watching and if it goes over 12 they'll be buying.

Until then we have to rely on dedicated small fries. 20 small fries are worth 1 millionaire and so on.

It just seems strange that you'd base your speculation on billionaires because if you actually did that in crypto or the stock market you'd always be too late.

>> No.15908693

>ponzi scheme
>pump and dump
You people really don't know what these are do you?

>> No.15908730

How many rich people and elites Re under the age of 40? These people can't even run an Excel spreadsheet. The next wave of money will be into this stuff. It's just simply too early for it.

>> No.15908741


why not just like... one redpilled billionaire thats interested in buying low

>> No.15908758

As someone who has studied this. The elite/wealthy ONLY get replaced in two events. Violent revolution or massive technological revolution. If LINK is in some way technologically revolutionary it is almost certain that new millionaires/billionaires will be created from its surge.

The entire history of human society is basically an ever smaller elite accumulating ever bigger amounts of wealth until they get massacred by the mob or some technological revolution happens. Boomer and pre-boomer elites are basically getting pretty close to both of those factors. Either we will have a technological revolution creating new amounts of wealth for new people or they will hang by the ropes soon.

>> No.15908759

>duude why not one extremely rare red pilled billionaire under the age 30 who looks at crypto currencies

How do you know one hasn't
>inb4 why wouldn't they invest a full billion dollars into link

>> No.15908770

Why would you put Kek at the end of this? FUCK YOU PAJEET SHIT SKINS

>> No.15908793


based on the schitzoid linkies on this board, they would be tempted to go all in and join the revolution

>> No.15908794

Why would you say something about schiff? He’s going to gitmo to rot in there. You realize he killed people at the standard hotel AND had a “liddle” kid massage parlor where he would fuck children

>> No.15908798


based and redpilled