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15902633 No.15902633 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have shitty boomer parents?

>parents were given gift to buy their home from their parents (my grandparents)
>college cost was like 2k a year
>moms parents passed away she got a free house from will
>boomer dad at same company for 35 years and has been complaining everyday for the past 15 years
>mfw my college cost $80k
>paid it off
>useless boomer dad who's parents helped him refuses to help me
>has probably 2 million in his 401k
>im barely making ends meet

These niggas havent helped me once in my life and played life on easy mode. Instead of investing in their next of kin they don't do shit. I won't be helping them when theyre old. Fucking boomers

>> No.15902666

Of course. My parents are classic boomers. I hate them so much and completely cut ties with them.

>> No.15902746


>> No.15902758

Lmao expect boomers to pass laws making it illegal to abandon your parents in their old age. They did it in Japan.

>> No.15902763

Buy some Kleros, stake it until it 200x's, then rub it in his face + block their number.

>> No.15902766

check your privilege, OP
You've already had plenty of help by being born Caucasian in the first world and not having to worry about taking care of your parents

>> No.15902775

Sucks to suck OP my mom paid for my college and I'll be inheriting her house as her sole heir. Based boomer mom

>> No.15902783

You're lucky you know your parents.
You're lucky they love you.
Grow the fuck up and get happy, loser.

>> No.15902796

same. my grandparents gave my deadbeat father $5000 every year for Christmas. It wasn't until he abandoned me when I was a kid and fell into alcohol addiction did they stop giving him any money and enabling him. Me? I get $50 for Christmas every year since I was a kid and now I'm 21 years old. thanks guys i think i'll go gamble that money because fuck you

>> No.15902829

Sounds like they won't need your help.

They probably have some wierd fucking ideas like most boomers. I hope you all love each other and have good times together. They won't be around forever.

>> No.15902834 [DELETED] 

Exposed bitch here


>> No.15902839

Get pay back when they can no longer help themselves. You'll see how there tune changes.

>> No.15902840

literally all of us faggot are we gonna do somethign about it or not? buy link

>> No.15902841

Are those your actual parents in your picture OP? Jesus christ.

>> No.15902858

don't reproduce and end your bloodline
that'll show them

>> No.15902871
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Another boomer hate thread brought to you by the dividers and the conquerors— the kikes

Stay tuned for a women hate thread followed shortly

Fucking Jew rats

>> No.15902876
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>> No.15902896

Where did he say that he knows his parents well?
Where did he say that his parents love him?

>> No.15902905

my boomer dad thoroughly explained to me why he had no money and couldn't help me while we were ON HIS FUCKING BOAT next to his third house
its a comedy at this point

>> No.15902913

You do understand they only gave birth to you so you could pay for their healthcare right?

>> No.15902924

they love to talk about how they "literally had NOTHING" in a LARP-y rags-to-riches way but refuse to acknowledge that they came of age during one of the longest economic expansions in human history

>> No.15902937

wrong, french here healthcare is "free"

>> No.15902943

boomers are faggots, they could've worked at fucking 7-11 equivalent and bought a 3 bedroom house

>> No.15902951

>just work for the rest of your life

>> No.15902965

i honestly don't care anymore and im starting to find this amusing, i mean listening to someone you know is above 7 figures in net worth and own several properties explaining you why they have money issues is actually funny
the general amount of mental gym on any given topic also never cease to amaze me

>> No.15902976

that's why i said "free" instead of free
but we retire around 60, some fields like rails employees or teacher around 50 so i don't know what you're on about

>> No.15903017
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you have pic related in your wallet and give it to any doctor or hospital after being treated and thats it, you only pay for an extra insurance if you want "free" new glasses or dental stuff etc but you can totally do without any insurance and never worry about any health cost
you also use it to get your prescription drugs
also "free" except for over the counter confort drugs like honey candies and homeopathy stuff
you can use it as much as you want and book appointments with various specialist all week if you feel like it and pass any random number of exams you feel you need (you need the prescription from a regular doc obviously, you can't show up for an xray just like that) but you can ask any exam and you'll get it and you won't pay
(inb4 taxes, not my point)

>> No.15903077

Yes but mine are based as fuck. My parents bought me 2 cars and paid for my college. And they're leaving me 500k and a house in their will.

Imagine being poor and having parents that don't love you lmao

>> No.15903118
File: 57 KB, 425x319, carte-vitale-mutieg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you pay around 30 a month for a "mutuelle" and have your regular vitale card and your mutuelle card then you're 100% covered
i had new sunglasses with correction made this spring just because i can get new glasses every years and other shit since i have a mutuelle
you're limited in how much it cost if you don't want to use your own money but you can go for brands or expensive stuff and complete with your money if you want so that work like a discount

paying for health shit would be like paying for roads construction to me or to get a new sidewalk, that shit always been socialised in here

i honestly like it even if im never sick, few years ago i had something health related i wanted to check and i spent a month getting prescriptions for various specialist appointments, scans, ultrasounds even an mri and some visit to specialised doctors in various hospitals
i didn't cross my mind that any of it had a cost in the same way i don't think about how much the road i use cost around my place or the sewer system, like its state shit i don't care just take my vitale and shut up
also you can have any appointments in less than 3 days if you're not retarded

>> No.15903165
File: 1.44 MB, 1591x812, Capture d’écran 2019-10-13 à 06.30.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like just to be clear, you visit a doctor
and give them your vitale card (pic related) that's it and its unlimited, feel free to see a new doc if you didn't like what you get
then you exit with your prescription of whatever and go to a pharmacy (we don't sell drugs in malls or random shops, only there) and use your vitale card as you would use a payement card, except you don't pay for shit, and yes it's based

just saying because im not sure foreigner understand how that work

>> No.15903171

> I hate them so much and completely cut ties with them.
checks out

>> No.15903200

My boomer parents blew most of their money being stupid and nowadays go on acting like they're the victims in all of it. Naturally they also think we have it incredibly easier than they did.

>> No.15903205
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Calm down satan

>> No.15903230

Universal healthcare always collapses, I guess enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.15903250

also (last post i promise) your vitale card is in your wallet next to your debit card, driver license, whatever and sometimes you're like ohh shit i was supposed to pick my prescribed drugs at the pharmacy but i forgot my vitale or i was supposed to see the doc today and forgot my vitale
in which case you pay upfront and they fill and give you pic related that you then mail later and whatever you paid goes back to your bank account

its common to look at your bank account and notice random money deposits like +15 or +80 because the doc vitale machine wasn't working that day or its a new place and they are not equiped with the system yet so you paid something and since it can take a week or two sometimes for the administration to sort things out you forgot about it and you notice the +60 or +120 because you saw like two docs and you're like "oh cool thanks, had completely forgot that shit"

then you laugh in french thinking of the amerimutt dying of tooth decay or mortgaging his house to afford a scan

>> No.15903261

bullshit, it's just werks
have been since i was born and will be till im dead
don't fall for the jewish propaganda made by the labs and insurances who want their cut

>> No.15903269
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based & baguettepilled

>> No.15903313


The boomer has passed his law, now let him enforce it.

>> No.15903341

OK, well the problem is that here in America Boomer health care is literally the majority of what the government spends money on.

>> No.15903430

They garnish the wages of Japanese who do not support their elderly parents.

>> No.15903443

They do that here too. It's called social security.

>> No.15903460

Please share all your best boomer parent stories, I'd like some schadenfraude tonite

>> No.15903464

I'd be picking the worst nursing home around, and make sure to tip the doc or nurses a couple grand so they take extra special care of the old shits.

>> No.15903481

Declare them mentally unfit and buy a BRZ.

>> No.15903512
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>my college cost $80k
that's literally only your fault for going to such an expensive university. Most traditional 4 year schools are a fourth of that. And if you go non-traditional (competency-based especially) it's even less

>> No.15903630

>i mean listening to someone you know is above 7 figures in net worth and own several properties explaining you why they have money issues is actually funny
they have issues with acquiring money for whatever their next objective is
your situation is like a noob in OSRS listening to a guy in full Armadyl (like 50m?) explaining why he's having a hard time getting enough gp for a Twisted bow (1b+)

>> No.15903696

thing is healthcare as whole is a meme and shouldn't exist
its called social security in here not healthcare and the point is you don't even think about it
no we don't have a special tax for it or anything
do you worry about being able to afford the sidewalk you walk on or picking the trash in your street? should you? no because its state business, not jewish personal insurance business

>> No.15903707

had to fucking google that nerd reference to get the point
yes its like that

>> No.15903752

french here again, im sorry for you mutts struggling with what is basically a non issue for us
our country is in the shitter im not denying that, mostly because of being flooded by people who want to take advantage of it but still
i really would like to make you see things from the point of view of someone who live in a country where worrying about education or health money isn't even a thing, not to brag but to make you understand you're being fucked with and jewed
its perfectly doable to have socialised health and education and it works
no its not commie/nanny state bs, the point of living as a society is to have infrastructures, not libertarian roads or jewish insurances making money on your kids for a degree or you because you're sick
you guys seriously need to stop defending that shit
hearing you comply about it really sounds exactly like someone complaining about not being able to afford his sidewalk and worrying about not being allowed to leave home or some dumb shit

>> No.15903784

yes goyim, hate your ancestors

>> No.15903833

i mean just morally, not even thinking about the economics
the state should guarantee equality of chances, not equality of outcomes because that's up to you to do your part but private only viable education is an obvious elite reproduction system where you're fuck from the start if you aren't rich enough

also health shouldn't be a capital and you should be treated the same if you're a bum and the er pick you up in the gutter or a billionaire having a stroke

and lastly its very easy to cut any public service budget to then say "look how shitty it is, we clearly need the private sector to take over and offer a beter service" which is retarded because in one case it's
- your money taken (taxes) then given back as a service
and in the other it's
- your money taken plus an extra for profit and given back as a service
yes a public service is actually free in the sense that you get what you pay for, exactly, also its not driven by profit but principles and values
private is profit driven and cost you its price + what is extracted for profit so you're basically losing money and have all the costs in your face instead of diluted collectively and painlessly until you need it
>i don't want to pay for somebody else shit
then why do you use the sidewalk or pay any kind of taxes, why do you use any infrastructure, why don't you live in the woods?

>> No.15903862

>These niggas havent helped me once in my life
Quit being a nigger yourself, fuckin zoomer scum

>> No.15903920

Day of the pillow

>> No.15903952

Dont bother mate, the amerifats are just gonna screech about communism mate. It is like explaining safe tap water to hungabunga tribe in Africa. Usa health care is on par with Nigeria

>> No.15904063
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>french here again, im sorry for you mutts struggling with what is basically a non issue for us
It's only an issue for the people that make it an issue. These days you can get easily a degree with under $10,000 and with no scholarships if you aren't a retard. These kids will go to expensive universities over more affordable ones and then screech about how much it costs.
>i really would like to make you see things from the point of view of someone who live in a country where worrying about education or health money isn't even a thing, not to brag but to make you understand you're being fucked with and jewed
I agree with universal healthcare to an extent (ie: it shouldn't be the taxpayer's job to pay for your obesity/smoking related illnesses). But with education the problem is you're basically forcing those who chose to go into a trade/field that doesn't require a degree to pay for those that choose to get a degree. Plus, there are affordable options currently available to us, but the average mutt is just too stupid to use them. They don't go into competency-based programs, they go to ridiculously expensive universities like the OP, and they don't apply for any scholarships.

>> No.15904067
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>my parents help me so much I have to hide things from them so they won't try and help
A feel not many can relate to I am sure

>> No.15904068

Only if you're middle class, if you're poor or broke it's as free and high quality as EU

Thanks wagies

>> No.15904197

my dad is an awesome guy who has worked hard his entire life, makes good money, and understands that his generation had it much better than mine

So lucky that my dad's in the 1% of good boomers. I had to pay for my own college because the recession hit him hard right when I needed the money, but he helped me out with a car, insurance, phone plan, place to stay if I ever needed it. He'd give me money now if I ever asked for it but I prefer to make it on my own.

>> No.15904360
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>grandpa was rich
>thanks to him dad went to top uni
>got cushy job, nice car and his own house in his early 20s
>all thanks to grandpa
>30 years later dad is telling he is a self made man and I should succeed on my own without anyone helping me

And cherry on top
>he makes six figures, goes on vacations and provides for his new wife with her chad son
>while I'm working dead end job and taking care of my financially retarded mom

He loves to brag and send me pics from his trips overseas. Says I should stop being so frugal and fly to Thai, enjoy being young.

>> No.15904384

>Eurofag's face when he realizes in about a dozen years that they could afford healthcare because the US paid their defense bills

You won't remember this thread, but it'll still niggle at your subconscious.

>> No.15904389


>> No.15904403

I always sympathized with you, Lucy. Fuck YHWH and fuck humanity. And most of all, fuck jannies

>> No.15904445

>Anyone else have shitty boomer parents?
No man I think it's probably just you