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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15898095 No.15898095 [Reply] [Original]

Young males of /biz/, how are you seeing your future and how are you preparing for it?

I already have a quality gf but there's so much other stuff that needs to be done.

>finishing college and starting a job
meeting the new coworkers, building up your image and participating in cringe 48 laws of power power plays, listening to a (((boss))), coming home exhausted from work and all the unecessary stress that goes with the rat race, link can't moon soon enough

>deciding whether to live on countryside or in the city
modern cities are cancer but countryside has it's downsides too, there are small number of people that know each other for ever and are usually close minded towards newcomers, your future kids can't just go to the park and meet friends, because everyone is literally moving out of the countryside here and there are no young families, you lose all your contacts and friends start fading away slowly, you become isolated in the process, making new friends is harder

>deciding what kind of house to buy
should you go for the cheapest thing that is sustainable that you probably not enjoy that much, or should you buy a boomer tier house with pool, sauna, hot tub etc. and pay tons of money or even worse go into the debt

>do you continue pursuing status or do you become a neet once you make it
sounds comfy and fun and there are a lot of things that you can fill your time with while being a neet, but there's sometimes a wish to make a change in the world and affect your environment but you can't do that out of your personal basement, you need to get back in the degenerate society and play the game again

>raising kids
how to avoid them becoming coomers and sluts and make them grow up into good people that get respect and having strong moral values, you can isolate them but their social skills will suffer, if they hang out with degenerate kids they'll have bad influence

Faggy blogpost, but these issues are real and I'm wondering how are you going to cope with them?

>> No.15898348


I'm going to do whatever is necessary at the proper times to ensure maximum profit and guarantee myself a comfortable life.

Stop thinking Cuck. Life is a game, you don't think while you play a game, you just play. There are no time-outs and no shot clocks.

>> No.15898377

>finishing college and starting a job
>deciding whether to live on countryside or in the city
wherever your realital tethers allow you to oscillate, choose wisely
>deciding what kind of house to buy
I have free government housing, god bless great britannia
>do you continue pursuing status or do you become a neet once you make it
making it is a mindset, NEET pathways lead to glory
>raising kids
only NPCs have kids deliberately

>> No.15898513 [DELETED] 

Exposed slut here



>> No.15898596

>you don't think while you play a game
retard tier post

>> No.15898643

saving up for Helium

>> No.15898770

Sadly we have paralyzed our young people with NCLB. There was a time when you made decisions and had failures before you left high school. You learned from those failures and some random dumb bit of writing didn’t get you fired ten years later.

We all have choices and most often neither is right or wrong and once you make the choice you wont know what the other would have been like. Some choices you can also revisit and try the other choice.

Finish college
Start the job, (job, pay, location) put those in the order important to you and that will guide you.
Live in the suburbs renting a townhouse. For a couple years then you can decide if you like city or country.
Get married and have a couple kids, you don’t realize their importance until it is too late to have them.

>> No.15898773


This makes zero sense. I agree that you should live in the present but you should also think about future and how your present deeds affect it.

>only NPCs have kids deliberately

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.15898780


Based, but I'd like to have found myself before I have kids. Can't be of value to them if I'm not sure where I'm heading with my life.

>> No.15898892
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if you want kids try to get them to have good morals which means they will be decent human beings or self-destructing individuals such as any school shooter. whichever route they choose is depend upon if they're victorious or not.

i'd say city people on average are fucking crazy so if you can afford living in the country side do it. i think if you want family you can't afford to neet.

>> No.15898949

Kids help you find yourself.
Definitely get married first, but that journey of raising kids tests you and forces you to become something better.

And their existence starts helping formulate some of those other choices. Maybe location to be near grandparents if more important than having the fancy office with the window.

>> No.15899001

If you have a family being a neet will ruin that dynamic. You'd eventually drive eachother crazy for being around too long.

You can live in the city or live in the country its what you prefer but truthfully speaking there's no place like home, even if your home is a third world shit hole with spics and liberals and no guns.

>> No.15899044

Why would anyone want to have kids in this day in age? You know society is about to collapse right? We're living the last moments of prosperity

>> No.15899256
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I was going to have three kids and live a solid life. Then I learned that the jews are trying to exterminate my race. Now I am having between 6 and 10 WHITE babies and if it gets too hard I will bail like a NIGGER and the US government will pay for my WHITE babies

>> No.15899410
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I'm 19yo and currently in first year of uni. I also have 20k LINKs. When LINK goes above €30, I'm comfily financially free. That's my plan.

>> No.15899428

check again if you have a quality gf

>> No.15899448

I plan on holding cash and assets until the crash comes and not buying real estate until the boomer death wave, thus my financial security is guaranteed

>> No.15899951

>Young males of /biz/, how are you seeing your future and how are you preparing for it?

>2023 communist revolution beginning
>scared, uncertain, but know my country and volk need me
>have prepared for this day for several years, food, ammo, weapons, no gf, silver and my linkies
>pet my dogo and step into the unknown to organize local National Socialists to begin countering movement.
>2026 the war is almost completely won. after china and Russia tactically nuked the cities and used tactical nuclear detonations to cause tsunamis to destroy American international hegemony which has effectively destroyed the communists, leaving majority white rural land untouched.
>mopping up pockets of communist guerrillas
>haven't seen my doggo, expect the worst being he was behind enemy lines and in the nuclear strike zones
>life is bitter sweet, miss my doggo,
> linkies are gone and have lost many friends.
>I am now Gruppenführer from my time fighting the communist niggers
>have been able to have a small homestead and now a pregnant wife
>I look back on the shitposting and linky memes, and sigh, but now look towards the future with optimism, something I never had.
>I look into the sunset, my wife by my side, only to think about my doggo and shitposting about making it
>wife asks "what is it anon"
>looks like i finally made it,
>pet my new doggo named linky

>> No.15899964

>but there's so much other stuff that needs to be done.
You're out of touch with reality and truth, friend.

>> No.15900166

Invent something
get rich

>> No.15900419

Same. I use to just want to live a decent life and retire with escapism but now I'm torn between that and dedicating my life to assassinating jews and politicians.

>> No.15900429


>> No.15901260

>deciding whether to live on countryside or in the city

>deciding what kind of house to buy

Let me throw my recent 2c thoughts:
What has always mattered most for determining and good life for humans is using tools. Applying the latest tech to make life better. Stone axes, campfires, the wheel, agriculture, tractors.
So the question really is how can you apply the latest tech which is coming out:
The biggest game changer I forsee is self driving - suddenly location doesn't matter as much anymore. If you have a Tesla, you can buy a house in the country, and let your autocar drive you to the city DnD meetup (or other niche interest) event while you get dressed, brush your teeth and read a book in the self driving car. Or you might have the car selfdrive an hour to a local lake for a pleasant walkies for exercise.

>> No.15901275

With game and movie simulations being better experiences than real life, with us spending so much of our time on screens, what the house looks like and how big it is are less of a concern. We don't spend much time around the house - we are spending our precious 100 waking hours per weeks on more compelling huge and complex virtual worlds - passive as movies, or active as games. What matters is the functionality of the house for maintaining health and being 'good enough' for having friends over. Yes it should probably have a pool so you can do swimming for exercise easily every day. It should have a kitchen space that will be easy to install robotic arms in for automating cooking and cleaning in future. Pets (kids and dogs) should also be managed using the latest tech, to minimise the unpleasant tasks: robotic auto cleaning is the main help in this regard (auto dog wash, vaccuming robots, hopefully a nappy change bot comes along soon) But again a big house is not necessary, even if social signalling is your jam, you can do so far more effectively to 'friends' and family by showing off how you apply tech to live like a king.
the house should also be within a quick delivery zone for things like uber eats and amazon.

>> No.15901707
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>With game and movie simulations being better experiences than real life
really not though, you should get out more