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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 113 KB, 700x560, Blizzcon 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15883954 No.15883954 [Reply] [Original]

Everything will be just fine.

>> No.15884288

It's going to be a disaster unless they crack down hard on speech. Can you imagine an open Q&A with the current atmosphere? No way they are going to do that.

>> No.15884311

It'll be like this but for wypipo

>> No.15884485

Is that a horde flag?

>> No.15884502


>> No.15884523

Gonna get me some put shorts

>> No.15884627

Who cares? Nobody is gonna stop playing classic wow because of a unknown hs player. As long as they have revenue, they'll be alive

>> No.15884652
File: 71 KB, 620x465, 153992475256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>civil liberties degrading globally
>who cares, muh vidya is fun
yeah, this apathetic generation is the final nail for humanity

>> No.15884668
File: 754 KB, 607x609, 1554133296692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The same huge corporations that pander to gays and trannies also bow down to fascist regimes that slaughter their own people
And people wonder why we don't take the world seriously anymore

>> No.15884674

Holy shit, so many stereotypical cucks.

>> No.15884685

They do what the current behind the scenes power tells them to do. They would just as happily justify killing niggers as they do now with assisting in the kalergi plan and promoting anal love, as long as they get tax cuts and are allowed to operate.

>> No.15884743

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not remotely surprised by it. These people are far less free than even you or I. Mere actors playing their parts.

>> No.15885364

Zerg Ling Empire

>> No.15885378

Why are Americans obsessed with Blizzard? They never made a single good game

>> No.15885392

starcraft and warcraft 3 have been the best games i ever played. everythibg after wow turned shit

>> No.15885407

Play more games

>> No.15885427

i am not into shooters, rpgs, anything where you have to walk around actually

>> No.15885428

>Company does what's best for the company
W o w literally shaking rn how could this happen

>> No.15885649
File: 149 KB, 1687x739, 1543225699057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>civil liberties degrading globally
oh really buddy? NOW is the time you start pretending to care about this?

>> No.15885672

Your map is bullshit.

>> No.15885680

It's literally just 14yo zoomers having their first political drama and spamming twitch chats about some "injustice". It's not about China, it's about the basic rule everybody knew about of "no politics". You break a hard rule, you get a hard sentence. Same shit would happen if that gook said fuck trump or maga.

>> No.15885688


>> No.15885701

how exactly did you ascertain that this thread is when I started to care? the CCP ain't no friend of any freethinking individual you moron

>> No.15885709

kys brainlet

>> No.15885732
File: 39 KB, 704x557, 1554667476949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adhomming source because zero arguments
desperate retard lol
Keep pushing the imperialist agenda laddie, be the good goy your government always wanted you to be

>> No.15885741

Every company that enable Chinese propaganda should face heavy sanctions.

>> No.15885812

yeah wake up sheeple, you are totally subverting it by posting your twitter honklers

>> No.15885953

Yikesd and Havesexpilled

>> No.15885988

How do I short Blizzard?

>> No.15886008

The same way you short any other stock?

>> No.15886024

>internet dramas
Grow up.

>> No.15886034

I'm inexperienced

>> No.15886044

Then you should absolutely not be shorting anything, certainly not based on some emotional knee-jerk about video games.

>> No.15886061

gooks get nukes

>> No.15886102

you're missing the bigger picture here
this is the same shit the NBA is wrapped up in where american companies are now beholden to china
I'm looking forward to see how groups like the LGBT and minorities react to china pressuring companies to stop including them in content because it will happen when they gain more power