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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15879929 No.15879929 [Reply] [Original]

please stop going up Link.. i don't have enough

>> No.15879973

I cashed out $350K worth of Chainlink this week during the Devcon 5 if this shit goes above 33K sat I am going to be very fucked.

>> No.15879981

>I'm too poor to afford a $2.70 LINK I need it to be $2 70 cents is hard to come by.
You ungrateful puke, LINK hasn't even started its parabolic rise and is dirt cheap, and you're complaining. When will you buy all the LINK you can? When it's $20? $100? $500?

>> No.15880204


I didn't think top link Marines would be so weak. Imagine waiting for a better place to hodl money then link.

>> No.15880294

dumb faggot had years...nigga wants everyone to stop for him...selfish faggot

>> No.15880297

Why would you be fucked? You were planning to buy back?

>> No.15880431


>muh 2 years
nice cult mindset you got cube warshiper.. you realize normies don't know Chainlink exists, yet alone muh 2 years meme, being a dirtworm IQ equivalent to a newlinker is pointless.

>> No.15880450
File: 223 KB, 295x528, 1526773021870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had two years.

>> No.15880453

Link will return to 20 cents once tether implodes and btc bottoms out around $250

>> No.15880490

how new are you that you dont know link is on coinbase, the epitome of normie central. pathetic nulinker.

>> No.15880544
File: 43 KB, 750x472, 66098BAD-7801-407C-82D1-7988DC72428C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being $350,000 in debt

>> No.15880584


nothing I said ever stated that...

>> No.15880592


I will take out the biggest loan possible very soon , and pay if off wagecucking. Nothing to lose at this point. this will be $450 and people will be wondering why they didn't buy at $2.

>> No.15880598

It's not about being "poor", stupid. It's about not being a retard idiot that fomos after it's almost at x2 from recent lows (1.5). Who the fuck would fomo in now? A brainlet. That's who

>> No.15880639

This is like arguing between buying btc at 10 dollars vs 100 dollars...sure the guy that went in at 10 dollars will get more profit, but long term the price will increase by orders of magnitude it doesn't matter.

>> No.15880658


based anon

>> No.15880663

being this delsuional

>> No.15880764

$1000 eoy

You had your chance

>> No.15880803

Yeah the Marine meme is fuckin' awesome, anyways sold all my Link still love Chainlink bruh because it made me a free man.
No not planning buying back but it would suck because I could have sold at a much higher price.
No not any debt will use the money to buy a house so don't have any loan at a bank.
That's the only reason I cashed out otherwise probably kept it because Chainlink has potential.
But didn't want to get greedy and really had my eyes on a house.

>> No.15881007

>tfw still up x2 if that happens

>> No.15881226

ok mr. larp. you can stop now