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File: 1.53 MB, 1876x1590, Annotation 2019-10-10 113616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15877595 No.15877595 [Reply] [Original]

The SEC will never approve an ETF. Bitcoin is not a serious market.

>> No.15877629

Priced in

>> No.15877647
File: 52 KB, 625x626, 555155FB-D88A-450B-8875-F3383D0430CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok if that’s how you feel and aren’t looking for a debate why bother posting?

Oh right, because you’re looking for some cocks to suck. Carry on OP

>> No.15877666

Unironically bullish. We want an unregulatd, unfettered market. Did Bitcoin ETFs exist when Bitcoin ran up form 1 cent to $20,000? No. The insane stack-multiplying gains we know and love will become muted and eventually halt as the crypto market matures. We want to delay that as long as possible. The profit lies in the immature market, a.k.a. the Wild West. We want to remain in NeverNever Land as long as possible.

>> No.15877677

That was tether fraud though

1.3 trillion lawsuit just last week which imo sounds very fitting for their crimes

>> No.15877678
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>> No.15877686

youre right, it would be insane to approve an etf , seeing how volatile and scammy and manipulated btc is. however, i dont think btc actually needs an etf. its pretty much a nothing burger at this point.

>> No.15877689

Checked. The market wont become regulated ever if the boomers die though. Kill all boomers time.

>> No.15877691

An ETF would give crypto legitimacy. It cant get approved ever because bitcoin will never be a legitimate asset.

>> No.15877898

Valid point but these ages died in january 2018. We will still see nice margins compared to boomer markets, but the days of constant 10-100x are long gone.

>> No.15878218

everybody knows this market is manipulated as fuck, ETF will get the normies rekt
>inb4 boomer markets are manipulated too
they're manipulated by kikes not by chinx, there's a difference here

>> No.15878250
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STOP trying to make an etf happen. It's never gonna happen!

>> No.15878261

u maxitards just cant make up your minds
>fuck the banks
>nvm we want them to invest lol
kys, unironically

>> No.15878268
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8 BTC volume xDD LMAO!!!
LINK etf when?

>> No.15878284

This. Millennials and Zoomers RISE UP. Step one is to Stop doing your taxes. Then:
>remove your mailbox
>get rid of your phone #
>stop checking email
>only communicate via DMs, snapchat, telegram

>> No.15878290

>Bitcoin is not a serious market
nope. nor is there any plausible argument to the contrary

>> No.15878307

i just made an ETF

>> No.15878324

The lawsuit is literally nothing.
It's just 5 jews bagholding shitcoins like OMG trying to blame their shitty decisions on Tether.

>> No.15878361

>lawsuit is literally nothing
its not y'kno, not really. Theres a difference between BS'ing a metric shitload of crypto cretins (90% of whom running their onwn scams anyway) that your financial instrument is '100% backed' OR providing actual documented proof of this unlikely tale to a court. Suing Tether was free money, the kikes should be applauded for having the sense to get in first

>> No.15878372

ditch one cancer for another....

>> No.15878413

well go clean it up, nobody wants to see that

>> No.15879186

That lawsuit is going to prove once and for all that the entire crypto market is a sham and none of this fake internet money has any value. Tulip.0

>> No.15879223

Who cares about boomer bureaucracy?

Everbody can buy BTC and store it in their own wallets. Why invest in "muh ETFs"?

>> No.15879245
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>we are all the same person

>> No.15879786

Bitcoin is just not compatible with SEC demands and US law on securities offering.

Plus, who wants an ETF when Bitcoin can literally be bought anywhere and everywhere, without a broker, quick, fast, and very secure?

ETF is bullshit.

>> No.15879969

Its not compatible because its a highly manipulated gambling scam market. If it wasn't then the SEC would have no problem approving an ETF.

>> No.15880402

I also add, why would anyone go for an ETF, that is not backed up 1:1 with real BTC but FIAT (or maybe just thin air)?
And maybe not even custodial (which means they hold all the funds so you have a very big intrinsic risk of losing funds completely), when we both know that you can just hold your wealth in 32bytes?

>> No.15880474

Who gives a fuck?