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15873731 No.15873731 [Reply] [Original]

Im 5'5". Dont mention women.

How likely is it to turn 5k into 50k by May 2020? Not a year longer after the btc pump. I mean may 20 2020 exactly

>> No.15873852


>> No.15873854
File: 81 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 feet 5

>> No.15873865

It's most likely your attitude and looks in that order that keep the Wymyn away.

>> No.15873881

women care about competence
if you are small you seem you are incompetent
if you are small and competent then you contrast so much that you become alpha
if you let lookism elliot rodger autismos faggots get to you, you will be incompetent even before you start

before in 2009 when the redpill just started everyone knew it was all about body language and clues rather than lookism, then all the fags came from /fit/ trying to impress other men and hell break loose, now its an echo chamber of thirsty legit homosexuals trying to rate each other and discuss after commune how alpha and hot they would be if they started clubbing or trying

>> No.15873891


even if you fail the mindset of trying hard enough to focus on your will and goals will be enough to improve your life and make you happy with yourself

>> No.15873918

You could do it if you had the knowledge on how to make it with crypto, right now it seems like you're going to have to rely on luck and sergey

>> No.15873923

>he fell for the women meme

>> No.15873933

Kek nice dubs

>> No.15874007

omega retards and/or trolls. Fuck off, faggots

>> No.15874011

Hit the gym and become a chadlet

>> No.15874013 [DELETED] 

also didnt read other than the first line cause again, retarded as shit. Are you trolling me or are you really this stupid? Serious question

>> No.15874024

and margin trading... well luck. Ya I feel its possible. I feel it... but shit, god truly is a moherfucker for this.

Im the anon that trained more than 99% of humans when I was 16. I stopped BECAUSE of my height

>> No.15874053

fuck off back to r9k you little virgin.

>> No.15874055

I didn't read past 5'5" top kek lil man

>> No.15874079

down syndrome

>> No.15874086

Post a selfie. Lets see your "chad" face :)
make me jealous of your "beauty" kek
Scared, pussy? I thought you were an alpha male!

>> No.15874108

Lol little man syndrome in action. He cries out in pain as he lashes! So cute!

>> No.15874123

>so cute!
Utterly disgusting. The embodiment of a faggot

>> No.15874172

>5’5” tall
Utterly disgusting. The embodiment of a child

>> No.15874184

>just dox yourself on a mongolian cheese rolling forum

No thanks, if i post my chiselled jawline you’d necc. don’t want an incel dwarf’s death on my conscience.

>> No.15874210

and yet you probably have the body of a boy yourself kek
pussy. Id be willing. I guess youre not as much of a chad as you think you are :)

>> No.15874229

I’m 6’2” and shredded. keep coping.

>> No.15874242

>tfw 5'7''
short ass op

>> No.15874263
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>> No.15874278

What's it like being so small though for real? Can this be an AMA now, ankle biter?

>> No.15874281

BSV... that's how. DOY.

>> No.15874296

And probably beta looking even at that height. If not, post pic
thats not good either. 5'10" is the minimum
Sure if you ask legit questions instead of acting like someone with down syndrome

>> No.15874325
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No u

>> No.15874329
File: 26 KB, 267x259, 1570349799849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay brother. I have a confession:
I'm 5'. And yet I have a gf who I fuck on the reg despite them being nearly a whole foot taller. You'll find the one you need eventually, don't let these fags bully you. The only women who care about your height are GENUINELY not worth the time.

Also buy LINK, it's unironically the only safe bet and otherwise you're a degenerate gambling dipshit

>> No.15874344

Can't you speak about centimeters like civilized people you fucking 3rd worlder retards?

>> No.15874346
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>> No.15874356
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Um fuck you

>> No.15874369

Im from the u.s., dumb retard.

>> No.15874372
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>> No.15874386

I dont get it

>> No.15874387
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>Dum wetard

>> No.15874400
File: 25 KB, 480x480, Brainlet 9-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont get it

>> No.15874429

Are you on LSD? You are the biggest retard on this thread (impressive) and arent making any bit of sense

>> No.15874449

Do you carry a gun?
Are you afraid of getting mugged?
How do you compensate for your lack of height when looking for a mate?
Is it hard for a midget to find a girlfriend?

>> No.15874482

>Do you carry a gun?
>Are you afraid of getting mugged?
>How do you compensate for your lack of height when looking for a mate?
My face looks good. With that said, I dont bother as I have demons in my head thanks to this emasculation.
>Is it hard for a midget to find a girlfriend?
Not really. Ive had girls about my height or shorter openly flirt with me. IF I had 0 issue with my height, I probably would have been married by now.

>> No.15874486


who are you danny deVito?

>> No.15874507
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>> No.15874529
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>I totally could have been married by now

>> No.15874546

you truly are the biggest retard on this thread. Others were shitposting but THIS is just pathetic as FUCK. One liners and some images. Cant even come up with better roasts. I pity you

>> No.15874587
File: 256 KB, 1080x819, 20191010_050800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an anonymous IMAGE board. Go cry about being a fucking midget somewhere else. And you fucking loved that RuneScape meme, don't fucking lie you bitch

>> No.15874601

I dont even know what runscape is and dont care. Eat dicks

>> No.15874662
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>> No.15874679

Do guys irl give you shit for being little?

>> No.15874682
File: 138 KB, 382x349, FC9540B4-D7AF-49B9-A651-A657DAE51561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why post such low effort content?

>> No.15874691

No. Normies dont seem to give a shit.

>> No.15875313

You seem like an alright guy. It's a shame you'll be purged.