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15865834 No.15865834 [Reply] [Original]

Smol stack thread
Also, can someone sell me.1 LINK? The binance won't let me buy just 1

>> No.15865878

post your addy and I will send you 1

>> No.15866235


Thanks kind sir

>> No.15866252


>> No.15866267

can i have 1

>> No.15866297


>> No.15866317

Omgggg thanks bro. I'll buy one more with my $3 and then I'll have 2. With staking it's probably going to be enough to live off of in 3 years. Thanks so much, hope you have lots of sex and lots of kids bro.

>> No.15866328

anytime bro, glad I could help

>> No.15866434

Ive sent you 3 smoll fren

>> No.15866456

Send me 1K or i will hack your wallet

>> No.15866457

No faggot you have to pay him now quit trying to Jew and send the anon those 3 bux

>> No.15866478

This is what I hate, retards like you that sit on your fat ass all day browsing the catalog waiting to respond to the OP first. I never get yous on this site no matter how hard I try so getting the first post is important. What if I have something constructive and/or important to say, but can't, because assholes like you that have no decency or respect for others ? Imagine getting off to taking that away from someone. I'm not even going to try to get through you retards, because it's the same thing no matter what board I'm on. Enjoy your "fbpb" responses because that's literally all you have in your miserable fucking life. Fuck you, seriously.

>> No.15866501

A small loan of 1 million dollars.

>> No.15866528
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>> No.15866556
File: 2.92 MB, 500x606, 30914B87.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy now?
You've been validated

>> No.15866573

What's your addy?
I'll send you one token

>> No.15866588

this dude quadrupled his LINK stack in just one thread

I wish I had social skills like that

>> No.15866607
File: 176 KB, 1080x2093, IMG_20191008_175722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this enough to keep living as a neet?

>> No.15866608

Ahhhh it's really true!!!! Just got it! Thanks man, I can't believe you. Never felt this happy in my life. We are all going to make it frens!!! Hope you get to have lots of sex and kids bro.

>> No.15866632

Even my 4 link stack I just got from my frens is enough bro. Imagine 4 BTC at ath, now imagine getting 15% a year on that. And link is bigger than BTC.

>> No.15866810

No problem man. Never sell em.

>> No.15866905
