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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1586500 No.1586500 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, a fatal accident at a local amusement park just killed 4 people. Tragic, but their shares dropped by 8% and will probably fall further.

I'm thinking that these are good shares to buy, because the actual value of the business has only suffered a short term hit. This is sad, but it will fade from the news cycle and people won't give a shit. We see it happen all the time in the tourism industry. Bad press hurts in the short term but if you can tough it out, and so long as there's nothing seriously wrong with your business (Dreamworld has been around for literally decades, so I think probably not) you'll bounce back.

What does /biz/ think?

This is all hypothetical. I have no money in shares and almost certainly won't buy these ones, but I'm just practicing my brain.

>> No.1586520


park might have to shut down for a while, possibly permanently, recovery might last years, who knows.

the global economy is in the shitter at the moment, although the ozzies expect to jolt their economy back to 3% growth in 2017, so the population may gain more disposable income and the company can go back to a pre-2015 path.

probably good time to invest, maybe, with short term dips in the future that you're gonna have to weather out.

>> No.1586525

As learned from the lessons playing roller coaster tycoon when I was 8 years old, time and increased advertising overcome deaths that are incurred from fauly rides.

This should be a solid buy, as long as you believe there is no more room on he downside.

>> No.1586529


you're sick trying to profit from the death of 4 kids

>> No.1586535

>park might have to shut down for a while, possibly permanently
Doubt it. DreamWorld is a major park and gets routinely investigated by the regulator all the time. The ride itself is 3 decades old and has never had anything like this happen. Unless there's an industry-government conspiracy going on this can't be more than a freak accident. DreamWorld had to shut down a ride in that section of the park a few years back (it was old and uneconomical to refurbish) and it doesn't seem to have hurt them. My thinking is that the underlying value of the business hasn't actually gone down, it'll just take a while for customers to regain confidence (or, more cynically, forget about the dead people) and come back.

>This should be a solid buy, as long as you believe there is no more room on he downside.
If I were to buy I'd wait for it to bottom out and the media coverage to lull first. There'll probably be a few days before it fades, and then I'd buy. I'd sell before the (inevitable) inquiry results are released and the CEO gets strung up, but that's years away.

Everybody wants to be rich, but nobody's willing to sell their soul.

>> No.1586561


can you somehow gain access to their daily visitor numbers?

if the market overreacted, we should expect

visitors_before*value_before/value_before < visitors_now/value_now

of course, it might be a week until we can gather statistically significant metrics..

>> No.1586563

Not a chance, unfortunately.

>> No.1586626

Yes. Look at every major company with some sort of scandal. The market always overreacts, and how often do they go out of business? I've yet to see it.

>> No.1586673
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Your best comparison is an accident which happened in the UK's Alton Towers theme park, where one rollercoaster fucked up and led to legs getting amputated from a couple of riders and other injuries.

You can see here what the impact was, how long it went down for, and how much it recovered by.

>> No.1586694

People die. Your gonna die, I'm gonna die. We are ALL going to die. Stop being a reactionary little faggot and accept it.

>> No.1586859

This is fking done. http://www.news.com.au/national/queensland/at-least-four-people-injured-after-serious-dreamworld-incident/news-story/ab194466f5fd49e1e1c17e5468bbbd47

This is the worst shit i have ever seen the park will get totally boycut.

>> No.1586867

The question is, how do you get the news of the accident before the shares dropped

>> No.1587124

The accident actually occurred on June 2 so you're being misleading. Merlin was fined 15m pounds for that accident.
I don't see Ardent getting fined more than $10m. Plus Ardent is diversified with good life health centres and White Water world.

In anticipation of a further dip I've put in 2 buy orders: 2.15 and 2.

Market opens soon, wish me luck

>> No.1587144

Just hang out there every day.

>> No.1587209

>As learned from the lessons playing roller coaster tycoon when I was 8 years old
All good business advice begins with this exact phrase.

>> No.1587212
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>> No.1587223
File: 90 KB, 513x616, Hugrats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted in another ASX thread, but relevant here too.

This morning I got in at $1.88 and just sold at $2.2. After brokerage that's a 16.8% return. I'm a happy chap.

Correction: profiting off the market's overreaction reaction to the death of 4 adults.

Still feels a bit cheeky though

>> No.1587378

>I don't see Ardent getting fined more than $10m
Wait, why?

>> No.1587385
File: 268 KB, 1333x2000, CkdRzgRUkAAcVfC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just go for it!

>> No.1587405

There's going to be legal action from everyone involved as well as fines from regulatory bodies.
The share price has only begun to drop. Watch over the next 6 months.

>> No.1587494

Last year Alton Towers had the Smiler crash where 5 people had serious injuries, another dozen had minor ones. After determining that the crash was human error, AT was fined 5m pounds.

A girl died on a ride at the Royal Adelaide Show in 2014 and they were fined $3m AUD.

Using Merlin Entertainment (the owners of AT) as an example, I think AAD will recover from the recent crash in the next couple of weeks, but slowly suffer in the coming month because people will be less confident in Dreamworld rides.

>> No.1587896

Fuck off OP, those shares are MINE
you sick fuck..

>> No.1587956

>share price at 2.35 AUD
>2.35 AUD
>a good buy

neck yourself

>> No.1587981

There will most certainly be legal action taken against the business in the future. Luckily I called my broker to enter a short position as soon as ppl had their faces degloved.