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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15863829 No.15863829 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag from /fit/. Is it too late to get in Chainlink? I could buy 200 units right now. Also what's the difference between buying link with Eth and buying link with Btc.
pls no bully

>> No.15863846

Also post body

>> No.15863847

kek i know this story

Buys link now quite high
has a poorfag stack
learns to trade
starts swinging
makes a little
loses a lot more
ends up with a 74 link stack

>> No.15863848
File: 34 KB, 300x300, 1567422464707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newfag from /fit/
the bull run is here bois
this pump is nothing

>> No.15863849

Just wait until chainlink drops, I should my bag of 250 coins when it dropped because I needed the money, hope it drops so I can buy again

>> No.15863850

No difference just fucking buy

>> No.15863854

Imagine thinking buying link right now is a bad idea. It'll be $5 within a month.

>> No.15863856

Want real advice? Wait for a pullback.

>> No.15863861

Listen here pal it'll never drop below $2.60 AGAIN

>> No.15863864

Buy and tell all the gymbros to buy as well.

>> No.15863892

Can someone tell me the difference between link/eth and link/btc. WHY DID YOU MAKE IT SO COMPLICATED

>> No.15863911

fuck u

>> No.15863919

It's the same you bloatmaxxing fuck. Just buy use ETH since the transfer time is faster.

>> No.15863925

There's a thread right now with people talking about Sergei being a bulk king. That's why i'm here lmao

>> No.15863931

Just buy LINK straight from the source at jewbase dot com AKA coinbase dot com if you're too retarded
also fucking LOL

>> No.15863936

Yeah I did that. Now i'm just waiting for the confirmations.

>> No.15863955
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>wears pants

imagine the smell

>> No.15863989

If you could buy 60" 4K TVs for $3 a piece would you?

>> No.15863998
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>> No.15864020

Listen to me very carefully. Chainlink is a scam. You are literally FOMOing in at the top of a very obvious pump and dump. The majority of /biz/tards on this board bought LINK when it was less than 20 cents and are laughing at you for buying their bags.

>> No.15864036

Don't fall for the excessive shilling
Buy BTC and wait a few years
Do NOT touch any altcojns

>> No.15864075


>> No.15864091
File: 61 KB, 640x272, 1568228657304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont listen to this man
we are going to $1000 eoy

>> No.15864100

its usually a bad idea to fomo in on something. you're not too late to make some nice money but you will probably not get insane outer galaxy tier gains. LINK is the only crypto that matters. We are not even near finished. gl anon

>> No.15864139

They were already discussing it on CNN today, faggot. Leave your stale, shitty pasta for reddit.

>> No.15864166

Welcome to hell, OP

>> No.15864209

Its the same Link either way, there is no difference . Just use Eth to buy if you have to move it to another exhange to buy because fees.

>> No.15864230

>he had 2 years, and he decided to buy now

>> No.15864252

i will help you. first say coin or just the ticker not units. second how much money at max are you willing to put into crypto

>> No.15864283

>no one could possibly have only got into crypto more recently

>> No.15864470

Did you make this thread?

>> No.15864516

The cancer is spreading to other boards

>> No.15864575

Hey man. Just buy VIDT for its enormous upside. Don't buy these larger caps (Eth Btc Link). It's like watching your gains in the first year of lifting vs watching no progress 10 years into lifting.

>> No.15864631


>> No.15864651
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Can't wait for the post chainlink 100$ run when everyone is discussing how they "knew about link" etc and didn't invest.
Fuck you all, /biz/ is the only board on 4chan capable of truly making it.

>> No.15864720

Buy now, this will be the lowest dip for a while.

>> No.15864737


>> No.15864854
File: 48 KB, 960x686, 1570497816126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cnn sauce?

>> No.15864973

buy it soon. half right now, half in a week or so