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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 11 KB, 250x250, gravedigger-dp250x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15858676 No.15858676 [Reply] [Original]

How do i get a job gravedigging or working in a graveyard?

Can i own a graveyard? Just buy a bunch of land than sell a small part of it

>> No.15858763


>> No.15858991


>> No.15859007

my dad digs graves and has for about 30 years now. I grew up working there, its very comfy.
If you want a job, hang around the graveyard and ask if the grave digger needs help. Prove to him you are useful.

>> No.15859128
File: 387 KB, 680x708, a09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fell for the grave diggin meme

>> No.15859148

I unironically know someone who works at a graveyard. Simply learn how to do landscaping and your typical facility maintenance. then apply at your nearest hiring graveyard
>can I own a graveyard
Probably, but it isn't cheap and the regulation to do so must be insane

>> No.15859161

Based I'll check it out
Maybe that was my calling to just dig holes

>> No.15859191
File: 149 KB, 600x611, The Future You Chose Skeleton Bus Ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Majored in Grave Digging
>Landed paid co-ops 4 years running
>$90k starting, plus unlimited take home bones
>Paid to earn a Masters in Mortuary Arts


>> No.15859215

I've considered becoming an executioner too. Turns out it's usually people with a lot of police training. So I can't just apply and do that.

>> No.15859249

We've all got to start somewhere. Apply at the police academy and repeatedly clarify that you're only signing up to kill people.

>> No.15859252

I have my PhD in Crypt and Mausoleum Construction. You jelly, bro? I make $120K starting plus a free tombstone sign-up bonus.

>> No.15859265

>Apply at the police academy and repeatedly clarify that you're only signing up to kill people.
Great way to never get hired as a cop. They will put you through their psychological testing and conclude that you are a creepy schizo outcast. Cops are supposed to be upstanding citizens. Many were soldiers.

>> No.15859304

Check back in during the next recession. You crypt creeps are all the same, thinking that extravagant Boomer burial work will cover you from cradle to grave.

Good old fashioned 6-foot-unders will never go out of style.

That's why it's perfect. You explicitly offer to do all the killing that more normal cops are squeamish about.

>> No.15859579

stop picking on me..

>> No.15859753

They use excavators now.