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1582940 No.1582940 [Reply] [Original]

Most online website's value calculators show on average the same estimation of the revenue per day of the same website, but what are the parameters these calculators use to make these estimations ?

And do they also take in consideration the amount of visitors using adblockers ?


It's one of the online calculators I like to search random websites with, and it's hard to believe how much do some shitty websites make a day just because they have traffic.

>> No.1583786


>> No.1584215

The only way to know is to talk to the webmaster and assume they're giving you an honest answer. Website value calculators are always wrong. Their algorithm is bullshit. A better idea would be email the webmaster and say you want to buy their site. They'll disclose all the information you want if they are considering selling. Sites like Flippa are transparent as to how much revenue is earned and through what channels. I would everything with a grain of salt. Things can be easily faked to entice a buyer.

You can create an estimate yourself by looking up their monthly traffic volume on Alexa or Similarweb (which are inaccurate). You may get an accurate answer by emailing the webmaster and saying you want to buy ads on their site. They always tell ad buyers how much traffic they're getting.

Next go on adwords.com and look up the average cost per click (cpc) for keywords in their niche. If you don't know what to do, turn off adblock and look at what their ads are for. Put that product on the adwords search. Assume they're getting 3% click through rate (ctr).

Now take their monthly traffic, multiply by 3%. Multiply the result by the average cpc you found on adwords. You now have a rough estimate of their adsense monthly earnings. But what if the site does more than just adsense, like affiliate sales?

You can do a lot of guesswork because unless you're doing something similar online, or the webmaster is honest with you, you'll still have an inaccurate answer.

>> No.1584339

Thanks for your anwers i will try to look into that

>> No.1585828

website calculators are typically just a rough estimate as guy before me said the webmasters are typically the only people that really know what kind of $$$ is generates.

the quality of your websites is not the most important thing, the traffic is. most decent websites that aren't just shit out blindly have enough content that they can retain interest from the traffic enough to profit off it.

the amount of traffic you generate (and to a slightly lesser extent the -quality- of said traffic) typically has a direct impact on the revenue potential. If you get 1 ad click per 10 visits as the site is, if you manage to get more of the same type of traffic in you can expect that rate to stay fairly consistant

beyond that there's also banner advertisement that many websites sell'

I don't know for sure, but I'd imagine the website price checkers use a combination of:

-various analytical resources to research the volume and quality of traffic
-the used keywords and their estimated values
-age of the website
-backlinks (amount and PR quality)
-PR in seach results
-alexa ranking

etc etc

when people try to sell a website buyers will often request proof most of the time (screenshots of its earnings) and value it at 1-6 months worth of its net profits

this rule can be heavily altered though depending on the site. Some sites may cost extremely more (1 years worth of profits, I think the highest I've ever heard of was 3)

The large ones normally like this are huge special sites with companies running them, not 1 man operations

>> No.1585974

Well, that's a lot of parameters, I guess I will have to mess around with online applications for a while until I can make my own idea about how to generate traffic efficiently.

>> No.1586180

I used web calculator and it said that one of my sites were worth 2,000+

In reality I have only ever made an excess of 600+ over 9 months with about 1-2 dollars every 2-3 days.

Calculators are bullshit, only the webmaster knows the true value and profits.

>> No.1586406

Did you had a lot of traffic on average ?