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File: 199 KB, 306x324, fqyp2al97zsz-VideoToMp4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15855499 No.15855499 [Reply] [Original]

>people actually paid $5 for a Link

>> No.15855531

Every person still shilling link FOMO’d and bought in above $4. All the OG investors sold above $4 (including sergey and the devs, kek) they couldnt believe this shit even got above $1. Now its just late adopters shilling so they can break even at their $4 buy in.

>> No.15855577

man that clip will never get old

>> No.15855597

well people laughed at you for buying over 60c once.

>> No.15855605

The devs pocketing a pretty penny says nothing about their lack of faith in the project and more about their human desire to have money.

>> No.15855610

Yeah link was a nice ride of you got in early. Same with qnt. And they will both do well but I'm not looking to 2 or 3x or wait for a whole crypto bullrun again that won't happen. Time to move on.

>> No.15855655

>Every person still shilling link FOMO’d and bought in above $4.
Wrong. All the insufferable twitter shills bought heavy below 60 cent

>> No.15855683

>+10 active fud threads
yeah, we're actually gonna make it lads

>> No.15855706

Nice pink. If you got in early now is the time to get out before this goes back out of the top 20.

>> No.15855867
File: 132 KB, 1200x889, 1510115264921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digits speak the truth. That night will go down in history.

>> No.15856512

Another FUD thread, do you feel special now little boy?

>> No.15856577

Nice head canon. You do know there are wallet autists that check shit like this? Nobody is selling, no-linker.

>> No.15856584

What was it that trump said? I cant remember

>> No.15856597

People will pay $5k for a link

>> No.15856620

Eoy 2019 nonetheless

>> No.15856635

people are going to pay 10 dollars for it very soon

>> No.15856704

Don't make promises you can't keep anon

>> No.15856748


something about hillary taking a village in haiti or some such

>> No.15857386

reminder that LINK is NOTHING like ETH.

1. ETH had a testnet with thousands of users and finished mainnet 1 year after ICO, and only raised 16mil. Chainlink had a testnet and mainnet with ZERO users after 2 years and 32mil. It has gained ZERO adoption (the partnerships aren't using it). The level of developer adoption and excitement for ETH vs LINK is absolutely incomparable, LINK has none.

2. The Ethereum tech was actually innovative. It was the first successful attempt at a smart contract platform. It was decentralized and working one year after ICO. Chainlink only has centralized oracles (Sergey is lying about decentralization) which are not new or innovative. Their "innovative" solution to sybil resistant consensus is KYC.

3. The Ethereum foundation only had 1% of the Ethereum supply after ICO. The Chainlink team has 65%. Also when Ethereum was $1, it had a market cap of less than $100,000,000. It was actually a low market cap gem. Chainlink's real marketcap (if you count the 650,000,000 tokens in Sergey's wallet, ready to sell) is currently $2,000,000,000, which makes it an incredibly overpriced top 10 coin, not a low market cap gem like Ethereum was at the time.

4. Chainlink has already had mainstream exposure. It's made the front page of crypto subreddits countless times, was covered in forbes and every news outlet imaginable. Yet, even after all this attention, it has failed to get any developer adoption. It is fair to say that every single dev in the space knows about Chainlink, and decides not to use it. There are many projects running oracles in production, none of them choose to use Chainlink.

>> No.15857588

I thought this was just common knowledge, I made 54k off it and I’m in high school
If only you know how bad things really are

>> No.15857593

wait what? I bought link at $2

>> No.15857605

>newfag doesnt know
someone paid $10k for a link once time

>> No.15858241
File: 76 KB, 748x1024, smugpresident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the height of the hype for me. watching trump sally into a room full of ne'er-do-well stuffy elites and drop his dick on the table while hill dawg seethed.

ah hell, will the precedent of bants set then ever be topped?

>> No.15858338
File: 128 KB, 831x639, 1488662495471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Bought at 70 cents. Sold at $3.80.

>> No.15858474

I wouldn't buy Link for over 3 cents

>> No.15858580
File: 488 KB, 1000x1000, qecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15858752

Didn't read; not selling.

>> No.15858757


>> No.15859326

I bought between 20 and 35 cents. You're the only one coping here.

>> No.15859413

How fucking greedy do you need to be to let a 10x go right by you without taking any profits... This guy has learned absolutely nothing from 2017

>> No.15859427

No entry point for you. I'm NOT SELLING.

>> No.15860287
File: 51 KB, 1200x657, D_DhiLtXoAEvu9H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reaction in the OP was when he said "Hillary is SO corrupt, she got kicked off the watergate commission"


The entire speech is fucking LEGENDARY, never saw anything like it. Went into a room full of satanic kikes and just metaphorically killed Hillary without hesitation.

The guys savagery is unmatched.

>> No.15860450

I can't believe I never saw that. It's really no wonder why he's constantly under attack. He walked into a thieves den and threw down his glove.