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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15853227 No.15853227 [Reply] [Original]

They think it's going to pump
I keep adding small walls
These poorfags in the tg can't even take down a small 500 qnt wall.
They think Gilbert will drop something huge tomorrow
The desperation in this tokens bagholding is hilarious.
They think it's going to 10x and more.
They don't realize that those days are over and qnt buyers from last year are already up 100x. It's all dump from here anons. Nothing personal, profit is profit.

>> No.15853657

> increasingly nervous swingQuanter who thought it was going below 300


>> No.15853722

Can't you read faggot? You can't even take down 20eth walls.
>he thinks it'll pump
It'll pump when I remove my walls stupid.

>> No.15853960

i seriously in all reality hope you die.
scum like you will be shit on a shoe in a few weeks

>> No.15853982

Pajeets on suicide watch

>> No.15854155

>It'll pump when I remove my walls stupid
> 20 ETH walls

Biggest cringe of my life. You realise you're talking to the guy who had the 70,000 QNT wall up in may and unironically, upon removal, triggered the run to 0.05?

I feel embarrassed for you.

>> No.15854554

Gonna buy a huge bag next week. Thank you for your sacrifice.

>> No.15854671

Connecting Central Banks

When the floodgates open you will be no more than a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean.

Enjoy your time because soon it'll be over.

>> No.15854702
File: 137 KB, 777x1280, IMG_20191008_154427_977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're about to get BTFO

>> No.15854750

When can I buy this on a T1 exchange?

>> No.15854766
File: 625 KB, 828x1054, 315B2847-42CD-4479-8C27-8F2A80730779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up Tranny

>> No.15854832

prob not, quant thinks the cowboy exchanges will go and crypto enters regulated stock exchanges.

>> No.15854875
File: 58 KB, 356x381, Bosch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Boschposter