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15854285 No.15854285 [Reply] [Original]

So why are you not all in on QNT yet?

>> No.15854302
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It's BSV for me.

>> No.15854515
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>> No.15854649

Jana gana mana adhinayaka jaya he

Bharata bhagya vidhata

Punjab Sindhu Gujarata Maratha

Dravida Utkala Banga

Vindhya Himachala Yamuna Ganga

Uchhala jaladhi taranga

Tava subha name jage

Tava subha ashisha mage

Gahe tava jaya gatha

Jana gana mangala dayaka jaya he

Bharata bhagya vidhata
Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he
Jaya jaya jaya, jaya he.

>> No.15854768
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>> No.15854785

Because it's going to dump on this news the telegram is hyping

>> No.15854802

Why would it dump? And who would dump?
There's only 5k wallets, news will open the floodgates, not make people sell their precious QNT.

>> No.15854815

if quant wont make me rich nothing will make me rich

>> No.15855009

Im getting abit bored of it desu, it just strikes me as a trust fund for a private banker wanker more and more as time goes on, it simply pumps, then bleeds out, pumps a little more, then bleeds the fuck out alot more.

Gilbert may have the credentials, but if anything surely this is an indicator he's one of these cunts simply out for himself, he probably knows the right people to cross they're palms with silver to get out of it completely Scott free when all the holders funds bleed to zero.

I'm considering dumping my stack for something else, I had an opportunity to cash out around $15 and I didn't.

>> No.15855059

This isn't a money grab you fucking retard.

>> No.15855182

You seem...upset?

Let's get something clear here, all these things on this board, all of them are shitcoins. It's all a moneygrab, and just because it isn't moneygrab for you, doesn't mean it isn't for someone else.

Nice cope tho bro.

>> No.15855246

You clearly don't understand you're in crypto, not stocks


Finally someone that gets it.

>> No.15855257

You're being played by your own admins in that telegram son.

>> No.15855267

You're still making the critical mistake of taking QNT for another shitcoin or "crypto project". This is bigger than that.

>> No.15855375

He doesn’t seem upset at all
You seem retarded

>> No.15855433

>trust fund for a private banker wanker
Can you give literally any evidence at all? Or anything that even suggests this is the case?

>muh it pumps then bleeds, then pumps a bit more then bleeds again
And? So what?

>but if anything surely this is an indicator he’s one of these cunts simply out for himself

This is what the crypto space has done to people, you believe that one of the few individuals with legitimate credentials and industry connections in crypto is just orchestrating a P&d like the 1000 other shitcoins available to us

>> No.15855570

Bro, it's a token built on ethereum. Gilbert us just great at shilling a new wave token.

>> No.15855658

My god you lot are so naive holding on to this dear hopium.

My proof? My friends scams have been around since the dawn of time, the pump and dump has been around on the stock market forever, market manipulations, wash trading etc. It's all the same shit. You all.seem to think that your onto something new, youve found your 'special niche' and you will all get rich from it and never have to wage cuck again. It's tragic really, this crypto space is just tokenized assets, they are securities.

If you have half a conceptual clue on stocks, then you should know they are only worth something if you cash out at an opportune moment.

By not doing so the person who has leverage is most certainly not you.

If you think Gilbert is your friend and he's out to make you money, shame on you. You aight to know we live in a world where we look.out for number 1.

I've worked in the asset management industry for many years in the past and there are so.many white collar crooks that resemble this guy, and when the chips fall best believe he will be chilling on his yacht, and your pensions will have been liquidated chasing some desperate dream to ascend out of the shitty gutter you find your daily lives to be.

That's.me, I'm out.

>> No.15855695


>> No.15855704

Cringe tier fud

>> No.15855859


Ultimate cringe.

Of course Gilly is out to make himself rich as fuck. And what does he need to do for that to be possible?

1) Get the price of QNT high as fuck
2) Whilst trading volume/depth is high enough to support his selling

Well shit, I like the sound of that.

If Gil wins, I win. And I think Gil is a winner. I thought it as soon as I saw their shitty old website before the ICO, and I think it now.

>> No.15856210

How's that removed TA working for you quantfags?

>> No.15856285

I love how every Quant fudder apparently knows the ins and outs of the telegram, why are you in the coins telegram if you think it's shit?

>> No.15856417


Quant fudders know more about the project than even Gilbert himself. They have carried out detailed and complete research into the company and coin, leaving no stone unturned, just to warn us against the scam.

>> No.15856529

Your worthless donothing coin doesn't do anything and doesn't need a token to not do it.

Stick to the script you curryniggers, very good buy now sirs...no one gives a fuck enough to fud or even research this dumpster fire of fake sibos meetings and cringe ceo twitter photo collages of actual legit companies booths.

>> No.15856551

Anon you seem upset

>> No.15857003

is 1000 quant enough