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File: 133 KB, 640x1355, CBE28FBE-A76B-46C8-93EF-7A7CF8D956EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15852534 No.15852534 [Reply] [Original]

>enlist with the armed forces because i'm not a faggot

>time to leave

>apply for any high paying job because they only hire military chads

>keep up my military physique

>laugh at chicken necks and non military cucks begging to get in my field

>short chicken necks on their internet funny money meme

>chad profits

Stay cucked biz

>> No.15852580

military is the gayest thing you can do at all.

showering with other dudes
no contact to women at all
fighting for retarded reasons, even risk your life, is there a more cucked thing than that?

>> No.15852582

>join ROTC in college
>Commission as 2LT in army national guard a few months ago
>come back to college town as 2LT
>plow through leftie chicks on dating apps who see me as their equivalent of a bad boy

Good times. Not larping

>> No.15852616

You are in a homosexual organization which has a mandate to use lethal force for the spreading of homosexual values worldwide.

>> No.15852623
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, explosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those energy drinks

I feel like I know you.

>> No.15852637

The only cool thing about the military is if youre in SF or joined as an officer and climbed into a high rank at an older age.

Anything else you’re just a worthless pawn being used for geopolitical action and when those pawns return home they become the biggest boots and act like such narcissists thinking their worthless military experience grants them eternal respect from everyone, and they get rock hard erections when boomers thank them for their service because they really have nothing else to live for.

>> No.15852640
File: 56 KB, 600x810, fucking plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oy vey, goy. Look how cool it is to fight for Israel and globohomo!

>> No.15852706

You're either in SF or never served at all. Fuck that mos, and everyone in it.

>> No.15852841

>voluntarily joining a band of men where 80% are your highschool retards except now you can't leave for X years
Really sounds like a 300 IQ thing to do

>> No.15852859

Typical tranyporn addicted chicken neck cope. I’ll be slamming all your moms and sisters in no time.

>> No.15852866

your bed looks like my bed when i was 5 years old

>> No.15852869


>> No.15852893
File: 3.08 MB, 3036x2912, IMG_20191008_124800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? I just got back from my lunch walk and there are brand ambassador thots handing out these cans. Never heard of it before today. 300mg caffeine is too much btw.

>> No.15852917

Only thing thats getting slammed is your ass by uncle sam and Israel lmao.

>> No.15853036

They’ll come in handy for the new PT tests

>> No.15853066

>0.02 shekels have been deposited into your account

>> No.15853106

Gotta run faster to save the Israelis goy!

>> No.15853143

For real. I was drinking those for a while for pre work out and realized I had to quit otherwise heart attack time.

>> No.15853152

Sucks they stopped selling bang huh..

>> No.15853176

New PT test will be scrapped when people snap their backs doing diddlys.

>> No.15853185

>type like a reddit fag
>brags about someone else running his life
Kys idiot.

>> No.15853200

Imagine losing your legs and getting minimum wage for corporate profits and Israel and being happy about it

>> No.15853243

what are you even talking about?

They had them all over Bragg. I was there since the end of August of this year

Reign was all over Bragg too, I actually had never heard of it until I got in, then when I went back to California I started seeing them.

>> No.15853260
File: 39 KB, 477x768, 4C2016BD-10E1-40F2-B0AF-218D8F17CE35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy being isreal’s mercenary you race traitor

>> No.15853268

Army is for low IQ retards and delusional povertyfags

>> No.15853301

DUDE! I made the mistake of drinking one of these with a 5hr extra. I no joke was having panic attacks and heart palpitations.

>> No.15853355


>stopped selling Bang

I can still get my Bang, there are just large dry pockets lol.

>> No.15853356

I worked with an ultra Chad he would drink 5-6 of those a shift. We were working 12 hr shifts. One day he came in and looked really pale, like a ghost. He went to see first aid 30 minutes into starting shift. One hour later we heard he didn’t in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Rip ultra Chad

>inb4 wage cuck faggot

>> No.15853365

He died. In amberlamps from monster

>> No.15853580


>specialist rank


Enjoy that 40k a year Police job

>> No.15854207

Lol this, I love when retards mistake false bravado for an actual career, now die for Mr shekelstein OP

>> No.15854531

Don't they put shit in the food so you develop ED in basic? Lmfao

>> No.15854596

>enrolling in the israeli foreign legion for a living
peak welfare right here

>> No.15854606

>join the military!
jidf thread