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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15852784 No.15852784 [Reply] [Original]

If it’s so revolutionary, why shill it? Wouldn’t you want to own as much of the supply as possible

>> No.15852791

because this is the only place on the internet to talk about it.
we FUD redditors because fuck those faggots, they don't deserve SHIT!

>> No.15852803

>we FUD redditors
you ARE redditors

what this should tell you is that anyone who could've been invested in chainlink is already invested, and they're all out of fiat
next step is the dump, of the pnd

>> No.15852879

There is a POW coin with a better oracle design being accumulated by a few whales in the know.

Link is a flash in the pan, no one wants to hold utility tokens long term.

>> No.15852882

Shhhhhhh don’t tell them

>> No.15852885

accumulated my 20k stack over a year ago faggot now I just have to wait and watch

>> No.15852889
File: 158 KB, 640x965, m7oopubdiuh21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we love each other here, we support each other, and lift one another up.

>> No.15852923

Thank you fren

>> No.15852926

Some of us bought under 50c
Some of us are better than you

>> No.15852940

Where the fuck you been last 2 years

>> No.15853063

this is the battle that has been taking place - altruism vs greediness. newfag

>> No.15853076

based and humanpilled

>> No.15853087

What a nice giant helping out small human gold diggers

>> No.15853096

You had two years

>> No.15853101

Linkies love to shit on the greedy bankers but then they go and fud their own investment out of greed. The Memeball is real.

>> No.15853103

Nice, when will MSFT Azure integrate with them?

>> No.15853281

Because some people don't know what delayed gratification is. Fucking idiots. Instead of accumulating in silence they shill like monkeys for a quick pump. They don't realize they're just cucking themselves