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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15849574 No.15849574 [Reply] [Original]

Member, VIDTards, when your precious pnd piece of shit token had a volume of 9,2 million dollars through KuCoin? Well, now the volume on KuCoin is 17k Dollaridoos and you can suck my white dick HAHAHA. Pajeets and Pajeetas absolutly BTFO

>> No.15849712

>Nobody wants to suck a meth head maga tard dick

>> No.15849718
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>> No.15849767

there was a trading competition
how new are you?

>> No.15849787
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So what there was one, brainlet? The volume was 4-5 times higher than the marketcap. That is called washtrading not "trading competition".

>> No.15849866
File: 378 KB, 746x1089, muh-revenue-and-profit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubious marketing strategy encouraging mass spamming and washtrading. Scam tokenomics. Useless worthless token. No unique tech. Operating at a loss. Partnered with LTO. Small side project of another company. Pass!

Let's look at the white paper and do some math. They will need 1,500,000 files validated to break even. One file validation costs as much as $2.20, $1.65 on the middle plan, and even less on the bulk volume plan. Let's go with an average of $2 per file validation.
>1,500,000 Files X $2 = $3,000,000
>$3,000,000 / 5 Years = $600,000
$600,000 is their estimated annual revenue as file validations are a one-time fee and not reoccurring. The verifications are free. V-ID sold $3,400,000 worth of tokens in the ICO with a white paper outlining a plan for five years, so the numbers so far are reasonable.

V-ID is a tech company with no unique tech or first mover advantage. Supposedly uses algorithms that cannot be patented, according to bagholders. Multiple competition exists, including Acronis Notary, IBM Blockchain Trusted Identity, and Bitcoin.com Notary to name a few. V-ID's potential advantage is a user-friendly design, which can be had for $10,000. V-ID is in the software industry, so let's value the business at an incredibly generous and delusionally optimistic 3X revenue. In which case the company can be estimated to be worth $1,800,000 as of today.

If VIDT will convert to VIDS, which represent shares in the company and the total supply is 62,391,039 VIDT, then one VIDT is realistically worth 2 cents today. 5 cents if we only use the circulating supply (30,800,318). Of course that's with the 3X multiple. At 2X annual revenue (and only looking at circulating supply), one VIDT is worth one penny. And currently, it's even worth less.

Will the largest VIDT whale with his tokens locked up in a smart contract want to sell or convert to VIDS next year? Will "he" also do cursory math before making his decision? Coin is overvalued and worthless.

>> No.15849923

He’s back guys, he’s back! I’m finally seeing the biz bigfoot. B-b-but what happened to his past clearly-refuted and incorrect FUD? Is this his new attempt? How does he have the energy and emotional investment to keep his single-digit brain cells working all the time on creating new FUD?

>> No.15849953

>B-b-but what happened to his past clearly-refuted and incorrect FUD? Is this his new attempt?
Do you mean the 55 cent FUD that only happened because of the incorrect copy on their website which the founder promptly removed from the pricing page after seeing my pasta? What else was refuted, dear bagholder friend.

>> No.15849966

it's so satisfying watching the biz shitcoins burn out. I told you this was done once it started its decline. newfag bagholders want to try to educate the rest of us about muh fundamentals and adoption. kek. hope you cunts learned a lesson from this. all shitcoins follow the same pattern.

>> No.15849985

Hey shizo bagholder how are your losses?
Are you getting sweaty, Ranjeed?

>> No.15850013

guaranteed this cunt has been buying all the way down. thinking he's playing it smart.
>so much fud....bullish.

>> No.15850058

The only thing he is grasping onto are the tokenomics. Everything else gets in the way. Imagine believing in tokenomics without crunching numbers or looking at the overall big picture. Without the big picture, it's a ponzi scheme.

>> No.15850126

reminds me of old REQies.
>every transaction burns REQ. mathematically, this will be worth infinity dollars someday.

>> No.15850169

This reminds me of these high deflation coins like nuke, bomb, void and optitoken. All are very obviousy quick money making schemes.

>> No.15850175

>One day only one VIDT will remain and it's going to be worth 100,000,000 dollars!
Imagine thinking Chuck E Cheese tokens collectively could be worth more than Chuck itself, LMAO

>> No.15851217

>shitcoin being a shitcoin
What the fuck do you biztards expect
If you’ve been here longer than 6 months and still put money into shit like this you need to sort your life out

If you’re putting your money into crypto, it’s either btc or a legitimate alt such as quant

>> No.15851225

>Random shitcoin shilled on /biz/ is a scam
>Any token that's not LINK is a scam