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15847377 No.15847377 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>attempt to find a gf
>use a dating app
>only match with fat/ugly women
>this is after being lenient on which girls I do swipe right on
>nonetheless most of the women I see on there irritate me without even knowing them
>1. Tats
>2. Drugs
>3. Multiple piercings
>4. Roastie tier pics
>how could I even date an attractive one when most of them look extremely annoying?

Anons what now? Financially this is easier as no wife and no children means lower costs. Yet I still want a wife but the majority of women I see on there look extremely irritating.

>> No.15847568

>dating apps

Doing it wrong retard. Go to pre schools and pretend your a parent and take one of the kids. Impregnate the girl and she can be your wife and also your daughter

>> No.15847575


>> No.15847579

>pedophile ass white boy

>> No.15847584

Haha yes glowing my fellow anonymous yes. Glowing recommendation!
>not being a pedo

Enjoy your used goods.

>> No.15847591

What do you look like? Picture?

>> No.15847623

The best you're going to do on a dating app (unless you're Chad) is a genuinely nice girl who underneath the tats/piercings/roastie pics just wants a man to lead her and show her a different way. She'll take out the piercings, cover the tats, and stop taking the stupid pics, with your guidance.

If that sounds like too much work / not your style, and you decide you want a qt3.14 Christian gf instead, well, you know where to find her desu

>> No.15847649

26y/o virgin here

I've almost resolved myself to never getting pussy. If you don't find a good woman what's the point? I still work out, have a job, and generally try to function normally though

>> No.15847651

found the democrats.

>> No.15847662

found the republican

>> No.15847667
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>1 post from this id
>fellow white i am so sad everything is so hard i am going to give up

Demoralization thread. Remove the spooks remove the Jews.

>> No.15847814

I'm a Christian and I do want a Christian gf. However I don't feel comfortable going to church for the sole reason of finding a gf. Do you have a gf and if yes did you meet her at church?

>> No.15847852
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>>use a dating app


You can't patronize dating apps and then complain about women being trashy whores. It's like /tv/ and Netflix - they all complain about they yet they feed it $15 every month so it can just grow more.

>> No.15847954
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Very based, never forget there's nothing wrong with being attracted to youth/innocence.

>> No.15847977

>they irritate me
Welcome to women, fren

>> No.15847991

You need to lower your expectations. All women are whores

>> No.15848008


Like you're so fucking great anon. Just go on the dates to get practice talking to a human being, and be nice to the people you date while you unsperg your mind.

>> No.15848071

It's kinda gay though

>> No.15848520

wtf, I thought only boomers and hillbillies use dating apps

>> No.15848632
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It's known fact that the world's most wealthy and powerful men are pedos. Cope, seethe and dilate.

>> No.15848753

>he doesn't like fat chicks

Lmao low test cucks will never make it

Also kys manlet nerd. Only alpha 6'0+ like myself are entitled to a non tattooed virginal gf

>> No.15848839
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>> No.15848846


>> No.15848881
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It's betas who fight over leftover scraps. Kind of how it is with lions, too. The alpha gets to feast first. Whereas the beta cuck has today made white-knighting the scraps a part of his mating ritual, trying to wife one such old roast up. In turn wanting to force this delusion onto everyone, all the while coming up with comical delusions like pic-related. (Nothing against "old" virgins though. This is about post-wall roasties.)

Their idea:
"Everyone should be forced to take used up scraps," rather than "Everyone should be allowed to get fresh meat."
"Inferiority and disrespect for everyone," rather than "Excellence and respect for everyone."

They aren't even commies, wanting an utopia for everyone. They are the retarded version thereof, wanting a dystopia for everyone.

>> No.15848894
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>> No.15848896

"Fresh meat is obviously not to be taken only in regards to physical age, but also spiritual purity and the ability to bond, etc.

>> No.15848950

Telling people to commit crimes is a felony
Reported to FBI

>> No.15849330

Okay now this is epic. So he basically found a way to exploit the female psyche and "rape" them with consent. Might try this.

>> No.15849434

To be fair, Miki is shit and no one should like her.

>> No.15849473


>> No.15849477

to be fair most of you guys in the thread aren't much of a catch either, looks or anything else really, not that it matters to a lot of girls when it comes to sex believe it or not but it's huge because you will self-sabotage yourself out of good opportunities, when asked if they would be ok with being with the girl of their dreams in their current life situation most guys default to saying yes on the surface but deep inside none of you want that girl of your dreams right now, so fix your own issues first, body, looks, money whatever it is, not cause of societal expectations but because it's something you 100% want and need in your life and then look for hot girls or your dream life

>> No.15849510
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Unironically based

>> No.15849698


Are all women really like this? I have some faith for the tiny percentage of women who are not sluts, but maybe it is just wishful thinking.

>> No.15849803

I think this is innate to all women. Supposedly women get pregnant easier if they orgasm during sex so it would kinda make sense for them to subconsciously want someone who will fuck long and hard. You know someone who seems sexually agressive, a "bad" boy.
That said if someone is a manlet, obese or just plain ugly I don't think there is anything that can help.

>> No.15850162


Lol, don't do this unless you want to go to jail.

>> No.15850390

Numb yourself down to approach girls in public. At the train station, grocery store, shopping mall, at some kind of volunteering or sport event. There are still feminine and modest girls out there.

You just have to grow the balls to literally approach every single female you find attractive. Does not matter how silly you feel in the moment then or how you rationalize yourself not to. Literally numb yourself down and expect to get rejected 100s of times. But do not internalize it. You soon will understand literally no one gives a fuck about anyone in this world. Nothing bad will happen when the girl rejects you, she will forget you in the next 30 seconds. Fuck - go out to huge public gatherings like a (city centre) at try to talk with every single female there, go from one to another. Do not give a fuck that some girl you approach just saw you talking with 5 girls before. She will be even more attracted to you, she will see that you have some kind of sexual value (you are doing something right) and she will even compete with other girls and will want to be with you even more....