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15847040 No.15847040 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here buying precious metals and expecting an increase in value?

>> No.15847051

chainlink stupid faggot

>> No.15847053

In dollar terms not necessarily, but I started stacking last year and am hooked. At worst it's a hedge.

>> No.15847083

I buy gold to keep my money safe, Not to make money off it. Sure you can make money/will have more money in the future if you hold onto it, It has been that way for thousands of years. Gold is used to secure your wealth so that in 50 years that 5 million in gold bars(Or whatever amount of money) that you keep will be worth the same or more in fiat. Gold is a store of wealth because you can stuff 10 million dollars into a briefcase in the form of kilo bars where as silver you would need a truckload.

>> No.15847087

I'm trying to do some research. Do you happen to know any source of info on increase of purchasing power during a high inflation scenario?

>> No.15847089

same here
i cant stop buying. wtf! the 100oz silver bars are so cool. only have 10oz gold bars

>> No.15847100

And to add, Both silver and gold are both good "investments" in term of the future because they will be needed for newer technologies. Gold has always been the standard for wealth.

>> No.15847109

If you can’t be bothered to watch the whole thing, just watch the last 3 minutes of this video.


Smart money has been buying silver and keeping its price down for the last 20 years at least

>> No.15847119 [DELETED] 


>> No.15847123
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linkfags dont even know (((they))) accidentally admitted they saw solar panels around a far off sun. Tell me ponzilinker, are solar panels made out of the thin air vaporware known as chainlink? Fuck no its made out of silver.

>> No.15847131

They have been buying both silver and gold. They have to own all the precious metals and land of the world to truly have wealth, Fiat is worthless because they created it. They know it's worthless. Anyone with a brain knows this is why we went off the gold standard. Not only that, But the implications with technologies and its massive use in them. Jews don't keep their wealth in fiat, 98% of their wealth is in gold/silver/land.

>> No.15847132
File: 3.74 MB, 2732x2048, 0D244670-FDC6-4BC8-8FE3-D631546253EB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely. If you do even a little research the scenario for PMs is stellar.
Yeah I hold some.

>> No.15847138

the ponzi scheme made us a lot of money while u are holding a piece of rock

>> No.15847163

Also what astounds me the most is how people seem to forget the hundreds of societies that have used gold/silver as their currencies for thousands of years. The same roman aureus that could buy you food for a whole day can still buy you that same food in today's standard and even more so.

>> No.15847168

Nice LARP rakesh

>> No.15847176

In short, Gold/silver has stood the test of time. It has been the greatest value of wealth for thousands of years. Anyone that says otherwise is a jew that wants you to suffer in debt while they buy it up behind your back.

>> No.15847179

Interesting video but I am looking for increase in value (purchasing power), not price, during a weak dollar.

>> No.15847191

To add even further, Most jewelry shops that sell diamonds are jewish owned businesses. They sell worthless diamond rocks to niggers and in exchange buy gold with that profit.

>> No.15847209


shut up tripfag

>> No.15847211

why then they abbandoned the gold standard?

>> No.15847227


While they make money off manipulating, it all pales in comparison to the true endgoal, which is too moon physical silver, hence the reason why they suppress the price, to accumulate near a billion physical ounces at dirt cheap prices
Judas sold out jesus for 14 ounces of silver
Would you sell out your friend for $280?
How about $140,000?

>> No.15847231

Because fiat can only be worth so much relative to gold when paired with it, They cannot create massive amounts of debt with an inflated currency if it's tied to a stable standard of wealth. Since they removed it, Gold has only kept up with inflation. Meanwhile the average american keeps getting poorer while they can take the fiat (((they))) get from taxes and buy gold with it.

>> No.15847244

Forgot the vid

>> No.15847245

Very based, That's why I have my silver in order. Most of my money is in gold kilo bars but I do have 2000 oz of silver.

>> No.15847258

wtf are you talking about nigger?

>> No.15847267

Also they take the money they get from american people to buy all precious metals not just silver.

>> No.15847268
File: 483 KB, 1080x1697, 20191007_143709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my family some of these for christmas.

>> No.15847275

Share a pic, friendo

>> No.15847277

Very nice, I recently picked up some silver bars from apmex

>> No.15847292

>linkfags dont even know (((they))) accidentally admitted they saw solar panels around a far off sun.

Please redpill me on this autismo pol bro.

>> No.15847343
File: 322 KB, 1200x1342, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global monetary reset, we are going back to a gold standard.


1913 USD Inflation rate


Four Horsemen.

>> No.15847361

He is talking about Tabby's star. Google it

>> No.15847364
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GOLD=business metal
SILVER=Peoples metal
PLATINUM=Kings metal
PALLADIUM=Anons metal

>> No.15847375

How old are you that you have 2000 oz silver? That's seems bonkers to me. You have a house that's paid off and plenty of living expense cash too?

>> No.15847431
File: 593 KB, 1547x2053, 869FF3E7-A09E-4FB4-B89B-A06D9650C127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah got some 100 oz bar’s recently pic related

>> No.15847445

(((They))) won’t tell you what it is, but it is a bunch of mega solar panels harvesting the suns energy

>> No.15847460

27oz silver stacklet here. Picking up 10 ounces with each paycheck

>> No.15847484

What is that?

>> No.15847485

i read an article saying its clouds, through all those solar panels could make an appearance of a fucking cloud. if they used millions of satellites to harvest the solar panel.

>> No.15847495

I am 22 years old and live with my dad and we are transparent with each other on everything including guns,crypto ,silver, gold,platinum. He has been investing for 20 years in precious metals and has a little over 6000oz total, He has also 10 kilo bars of gold. He has formally given me 2000oz that I could do whatever with(which is still in the safe) when I graduated HS in case I decided to move out but I never did, So I haven't touched it and told him I don't plan on doing anything with it unless silver moons. I'm an only child and I inherit everything stated in his will. I don't have to get a job or work, But mostly pay for my expenses like video games or insurance by crypto trading. Me and my dad have a good relationship and as he sees it his wealth is my wealth and I'm very fortunate. I usually don't speak about anything about his wealth or metals IRL as I know to keep it on the downlow.

>> No.15847497
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this shithole website won't let you post more than 1 image.

>> No.15847501

Didn't they just crash into the moon?

>> No.15847516
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>> No.15847523

6000oz in silver forgot to mention, I make a good amount of money to buy whatever I need.

>> No.15847524

Keep stacking lad you will make it
they know what it really is
If that admitted it was solar panels garnering that stars energy
Silver goes to $1,000 overnight

>> No.15847525
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>> No.15847528

No. PMs are a store of wealth

>> No.15847530
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>> No.15847540
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>> No.15847554
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>> No.15847561
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>> No.15847569
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>> No.15847580
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>> No.15847586
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>> No.15847587

I think PMs are actually currently undervalued by the market. Therefore when the adjustment occurs I am expecting a huge increase in value. USdebtclock.org verifies this.

>> No.15847595

These look super fucking nice. I'd probably stack usd just because if they looked like this

>> No.15847602

Source of these images?

>> No.15847652

These are fucking nice looking. They should definitely make these I'm sick of our ugly ass currency.

>> No.15847827

Those look sweet. I can't remember what documentary I watched, but there was a line about when a currency is doing bad they add color and beautify it.

>> No.15847856

Its not official but can be.


The Federal reserve will be restructured and ran by the US treasury, Fiat will be replaced by USD backed by gold, and secured by crypto.

there is a bill being passed to create a USD crypto to replace the antiquated Currency.

>> No.15848121

>they can take the fiat (((they))) get from taxes and buy gold with it.
where are the proofs^ Could I have a little bit of hopium? Proofs?

>> No.15848206

Based I remember you
>once this video hits this amount of views
post the vid

>> No.15848295

There is speculation that the amount of silver required for solar panels will be halved by 2028.

>> No.15848654

>Fiat will be replaced by USD backed by gold, and secured by crypto
why should the price of gold increase if we go bac to the previous standard?

>> No.15848702

>Also what astounds me the most is how people seem to forget the hundreds of societies that have used gold/silver as their currencies for thousands of years
WHO FU*ING CARES if roman bought with gold.... we live in a world with digital / apple pay / bitcoin paypal ways of paying.
Why should we pay with rocks?

>> No.15848738

My question is always here:
Where are the proofs that banks are secretley buying silver?
Where are the proofs of this meme?
''muh economy collapse''... every normie says this
FED will simply lower interst rate and nothing will happen

>> No.15848920
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Yes anon you are right. It was all bullshit . Just trying to dump my bags on some asshole at the biggest price possible. How did you see through the scam?

>> No.15848953
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>> No.15849087

Well memed anon

>> No.15849148

Quality meme

>> No.15849617


Congrats anon. Don't get complacent. Work on yourself now. It takes a lot to make a man and you want to live up to your father's expectations, right?