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15844390 No.15844390 [Reply] [Original]

A friend of mine goes up to NYC and sometimes buys gold coins from the banks because they sell at or near the spot price. I asked him to buy me a couple ounces and when he came back he said they aren’t selling now. The only time that had ever happened to him was right before the 2008 crisis.

>> No.15844395

is your friend an 8 stories tall crustacean from the protozoic era?

>> No.15844400
File: 189 KB, 670x473, 081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The collapse is upon us. (((They))) will just try to hide it as long as they can so as many people as possible can get out.

>> No.15844401

BTC at 88k tomorrow

>> No.15844407

I don't believe you (or him) since when can you buy hold from banks anyway

>> No.15844439

In NYC there are banks that sell at near the price you see listed on the indexes

>> No.15844459
File: 26 KB, 701x157, B5B5C382-39C2-46D8-9A33-F0DB0D92FEE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god n-no not again

>> No.15845352

We have more debt now than in 2008

>> No.15845358

This thread was yesterday and is now a pasta

>> No.15845371

I don’t think repo

>> No.15845375

sting a thread from yesterday makes it a pasta

>> No.15845381

Nope this is new news, and it should concern everyone on this board.

>> No.15845394

The total amount of debt is not the important part, what matters is deficit growth/shrinkage and the ratio of the total national debt to the US government annual tax revenue, which has remained at a near 1:1 for some time now.

>> No.15845413

i need about Tree fiddy.

>> No.15845455

Pics or your friend is imaginary pasta sauce spilling all over spaghetti back to reality OP is gravity Epstein insanity manic vanilla icecream thriller dope brain dealer pusher poofter fiddy cent on da bluff snow soon winter is cooming

>> No.15845674

Local coin shop has been completely wiped out of gold the last month or so. People keep going in and buying out the whole shop

>> No.15845691

cool, i liked this story better when i saw it in a thread yesterday though

>> No.15846222

not anymore

>> No.15846276
File: 1.83 MB, 4032x3024, A537EF12-05C7-4B13-99B2-197550CCFBF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local place still has platinum maples. Am I stupid for buying them?

>> No.15846290

Yes 95% of demand is industrial use. Not a PM

>> No.15846422

What if my time horizon is 20 years and fuel cells actually become a thing?

>> No.15846613

Checkd for truth

>> No.15846638

yes. bitcoin is way better than boomer metals.
it's like buying sears stock or investing in amazon in 2000.

>> No.15846662

not if link gets there first

>> No.15847130

you have to wait two more years for that anon

>> No.15847151

You're dumb if you think bitcoin or shiny metals are going to save you from what's coming.


>> No.15847208

Yeeeeeehaaaaa Cletus.
Deh tooook mah jaaab

>> No.15847249

Call me what you like, but I speak the truth.
You'll be the first to go

>> No.15848062

based retard

We'll have a recession but not some armageddon event. Every damn generation for the last 2000 years thinks theirs is the last one. I guess it makes them feel important

>> No.15848067


>> No.15848146

Smart. It is currently the most undervalued precious metal.

>> No.15848171

They never realize that the most extreme and unlikely option is always preceded by years of gradual decline.