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File: 6 KB, 278x181, 02A08EAB-5618-4D4E-8DEF-32B3DE42FA0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15844393 No.15844393 [Reply] [Original]

>four men have to cross a ravine via a bridge that will only carry maximum two men at a time
>it is dark, and they have only one torch between them. No-one can cross without either holding the torch or being escorted by the torch-bearer
>Each man can cross at a different rate, but will default to the slowest member of the party they are crossing with
>one can cross in ten minutes, one in five minutes, one in two minutes and one in one minute
>how can they all cross the ravine in 17 minutes or less

>> No.15844404

Buy chainlink and they can jump the lambo clear past the bridge

>> No.15844406

If you can solve this, then shill me a coin and I'm going all in. If you can't, then tell me your favourite flavour of grybto gurrency so I can stay the fuck away

>> No.15844424
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What is decentralized mixicles.

>> No.15844435

i had to look it up. neat riddle

>> No.15844447
File: 69 KB, 500x426, Dinosexx0r322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15844450

Aaaand you baited us. Turns out they all can't cross AND STAY across the ravine in any fewer than 19 minutes.

>> No.15844455


>> No.15844475

The /biz/ approved answer would have been to solve it without looking it up, then shill me a coin

>> No.15844495

i didnt give an answer.

>> No.15844506

I remember solving this as a kid, get on my level plebs

>> No.15844519

I stand corrected.

>> No.15844523

One and two-minute dudes go across
Send two-minute guy back with torch
Four minutes so far
Give the torch to overweight five-minute guy and let him guide the obese sub-70 iq ten-minute guy across.
Fourteen minutes so far
Hand torch off to Chad one-minute dude and have him go across, bring back two-minute
17 in total, there's no fucking "less" dipshit
Buy LINK already

>> No.15844536

To make it easier to follow, I'm gonna assign each man a personality.

Nolinker takes 10 minutes cause he's retarded
Jannie takes 5 minutes cause he's slow
Hodler takes 2 minutes but at least he's mentally stable
Linker takes 1 minute cause chad

Linker and Hodler go across first. Hodler stays there, Linker goes back with the torch. Three minutes. Jannie then escorts Retard across the bridge, taking ten minutes, and sends Hodler back with the torch. Fifteen minutes. Hodler goes back across bridge with Linker, making seventeen minutes.

Buy LINK, pussy.

>> No.15844548
File: 26 KB, 267x259, 1570349799849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician, I only gave designators halfway in.

>> No.15844580

>solve it in 17 or less
>solved in 17
>(solve in 17 or less) = TRUE
Wah wah I don't understand OR

>> No.15844596

Anyway, looks like I'm going all-in on LINK. Wish me luck guise

>> No.15844600
File: 259 KB, 650x400, 1568668725694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


linkies cannot hence why they retort to memes and simple 1 word answers, primarily because they can’t even comprehend how chainlink works or what it can or might do. I can tell you everything, it legitimately does nothing because it’s vaporware.
No partnerships
Down over 50% from all time high
Stale overused memes
Shitty fantasy LARP threads
Shitty insider LARP threads
No real world applications
Built off a platform created by an admitted pedophile who wore a furry costume to a developer conference
Staking never coming

Chainlink will never moon. It already did you deluded idiots. Coinbase + Google is this biggest news you will ever get.

Thinking that staking will do anything to the price is absolutely brainlet thinking. Just look at all the other "staking coins" charts. Low dopamine mouth breathers.

>> No.15844612
File: 431 KB, 945x745, 1568399993523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a member of the scam LINK team. they've posting here straight 2 years. sirgay promtoed his token here, that's why it's promoted here so much, he owns the jannies and the board.

Udoo, goldbugs, silverbros, stock market general, vidt, bsv, btc maximalists, fantom, hot, harmony, all of us must unite to rid this board of the linkie scum.

We know fatass sirgay and his minions come here. We know they hire pajeets to post here. We know half the board was deluded into buying and we know the jannies are bought off. Just post screenshots of your payments and the shilling. You'll get a great whistleblower bonus if you rat to the SEC. You DO NOT want to be associated with it once the ship goes down as it eventually will.

>> No.15844615

ok retard

>> No.15844620

Are you buying LINK or not, stop wasting everyone's time you dumb homo erectus

>> No.15844659

See >>15844596

>> No.15844699

Sorry, internet's pretty fucking spotty where I'm at right now. Post pics of your buy orders preferably, or don't. I hope we both make money either way.

>> No.15844740

First I need to find my Trezor, I think my gf tidied it away somewhere it was right on the side a few days ago