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15844344 No.15844344 [Reply] [Original]

>link $1k eoy
>link will reach market cap of $350 billion.
Are you all fucking stupid? Even bitcoin isn’t that high. Wtf is this retard logic?

>> No.15844354

Market cap is a calculation based off of price, not the other way around, genius.

>> No.15844359

>he thinks market cap matters in crypto

>> No.15844373

Even so, link will never reach 1k. 350 bil market cap? Don’t be fucking dumb

>> No.15844397

Simple, one bank drops 40bil. Their competitors hear about it and trying to buy even comparat, but the price will be higher because of the 40 bil, so they start dropping 60, 70 bil and on and on. That’s how we get 30k eoy.

>> No.15844637

Most realise this, they’re just trying to ride the pnd to £10

>> No.15844655

>30k eoy
U w0t m8?

>> No.15844694

Staking you absolute sub 80 IQ monkey.

The 350 million in circulation will not remain that way. Most will be staked, which will vastly reduce circulation.

This is the lowest IQ fud I've seen. Try 80% of circulating CL being staked. Why do you think whales are accumulating?

>> No.15844725

my net worth in this timeline $978,570,000 USD

>> No.15844741
File: 884 KB, 978x986, 9ygFL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>December 2015, BTC marketcap: $6,000,000,000, ETH marketcap: $60,000,000 (~$1 per ETH)
>ETH will never reach $100 retard. That would mean it's marketcap would be as high as Bitcoin's
>BTC proceeds to moon to $20k
>ETH reaches $1400
Funny how that works huh

>> No.15845075

Look everybody, it's a nulinker.

>> No.15845115
File: 33 KB, 480x478, 1518420925371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cool OP but it will still happen anyway screencap this. It's hilarious to me that while people my age are going to wageslave putting money into their 401Ks I'll accomplish in a couple years what they never imagined possible.

All because I did my own research and believed in sir gay. This must be what buying bitcoins at $100 felt like, if only I came to this board more often when link was sub $1, but I got my 10K stack so I'm satisfied

>> No.15845142

For some reason this flavor of fud always forgets that the valuations they attack imply large amounts of growth in rest of the market as well

>> No.15845170


>> No.15845191
File: 190 KB, 1079x580, Screenshot_20191007-200533_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God it's so tasty. The fud never changes

>> No.15845200

you are one dumb mother fucker. You dont even know how to repeat propaganda correctly

>> No.15845226

Have more fren >>/biz/post/1554039

>> No.15845234
File: 106 KB, 467x680, 371D35DE-4BA0-4838-9705-FE4EE26CB0E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15845254

"Yes, but you will have to buy now and wait 3-5 years. No, not in one fucking year you idiots, it will take AT LEAST three years. Vitalik says that by that time we will know if ethereum is TRULY scalable and can handle as many transactions as Visa. Perhaps there is some weird cryptographic reason why we can't scale up, but I am confident that advancements in blockchain technology will make it happen. It will be just like bitcoin, as soon as it starts hitting the mainstream normie news, the demand is going to skyrocket, sending the price exploding to 1-3 orders of magnitude higher. Vitalik saw the potential of bitcoin when demand was low and coins were $4 a piece. Now Bitcoin is over $613 per coin and Vitalik travels the world in luxury fucking hot bitches. If only you could go back in time and convince your retarded self to take the plunge and go all in. Elon Musk sees the potential of Ethereum. History will be divided in two parts: BE and AE. Bitcoin is going to be a forgotten relic of the BE (Before Ethereum) era, and Ethereum will rule supreme in this AE Crypto2.0 era. Ethereum is going to be bigger than the industrial revolution, bigger than the big bang.

Now that the price is back down to $12.10 I’m purchasing $6,000. Will update with proof tomorrow. When the price goes to $200 in 4 years, I will have made $93,173.55 profit. Financially I will be far closer to my goal of buying a ticket to Mars and becoming a Governor on Mars. You might say 93k isn’t that much, but even if I got paid $50 an hour, I still would have saved myself over 1,860 hours of work. Almost two thousand hours of work!"

Quote from that thread, really makes you think that [REDACTED] could unironically make us all millionaires much sooner than we all believe

>> No.15845296

December 2017 the XRP reaches 3.5 dollars for a suply of 100 billion is a marketcap of exactly......... 350 MM....... So yes it is mathematically possible....... But there is a 0.001% chance that it will happen....... at the end of this year at least.

>> No.15845300

It matter relative to other crypto or assets.
If i made an ico with a market cap bigger than eth, would you buy it?

>> No.15845326

someone who doesn't understand how market cap works

someone who doesn't understand probability, but thinks adding the word "mathematically" to his post makes him sound informed

>> No.15845369


Dude chill out, no one is serious about it reaching 1000 dollars until at least a decade from now or however long it takes for real value to be in the contracts that it has to guarantee (read: mass derivatives adoption). It will hit 100 tops

>> No.15845389

getting ETH vibes from this pessimism

>"7$? dude that's overpriced as fuck"

>> No.15845409

I might be dumb, but you’re a faggot

>> No.15845424
File: 81 KB, 470x595, 1556497235298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I've been thinking. Is there any way we could memetically foster in the mindset to trick normies into never selling LINK like how "hodl" became the standard phrase for BTC holders? A lot of what gives BTC value in the first place is the idea that in the future it will be worth something. It does have value on it's own for a lot of factors but the biggest contributing factor to it's current price IMO is the mindset that it WILL be worth ______ at some point

That being said, when LINK gains more and more traction people eventually will come here as the place known for spotting yet another moon mission. How can we influence future newfags into becoming bagholders while we all dump on them? I see attempts by obvious discord trannies trying to do so, sometimes they stick othertimes not. Any ideas?

>> No.15845514

Link will hit $30 USD AT BEST, that's actually assuming BTC breaks through 20k at the speed of sound literally, which will never happen again.

>> No.15845718

Harmony is unironically $1 EOY and you're all sleeping on it when a huge chunk of you are only holding like 40 LINK. Why are you wasting your time?

>> No.15845737


>> No.15845750
File: 669 KB, 1440x1168, stinkystinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QNT needs a total of $15 billion in order for it to reach $1k. Profit margins are so much better than LINK and a lot more realistic. Delusional chain stinkers back at it again!

>> No.15845757

LINK won't even hit $10 EOY. Won't even be close.

>> No.15845762

I'll suck yo dick.

>> No.15845767

lol nulinkers mad af

>> No.15845841
File: 61 KB, 820x638, 1569162538797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marketcap faggits are back. This is incredibly bullish

>> No.15845850

>link will reach market cap of $350 billion.
Wont need to be that high because you can count my stack out of circulation