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15841586 No.15841586 [Reply] [Original]

Is there reason to get married and have kids in 2019? Is the American dream of buying a house, finding a loving wife, and raising a family dead?

>> No.15841594

just avoid american women

>> No.15841633

Suicide rates. Cause: Men inflicting pain on another man.
Homeless men. Cause: Men being lazy or not employing each other.
Prison Inmates. Cause: Men committing crimes.
Murder Victims. Cause: Men inflicting pain on another man.
Military Casualties. Cause: Men joining the army willingly and inflicting pain on another man.
Workplace Fatalities. Cause: Men taking jobs that are incredibly dangerous for a lot more money. Taking unnecessary risk.
Sources: Open your eyes.

>> No.15841648

2 homeless boiz meet up and employ each other

>> No.15841652
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>This is your brain on feminism

>> No.15841660

lol this
Men are behind 99% of the world’s problems

>> No.15841682

You know how you can tell women aren't the primary victims of war? Cause they're not the ones who are fucking dying.

>> No.15841685



Go back

>> No.15841707

Women are committing crimes, too. Its just that women's crimes are not considered crimes. If a woman brakes up with her boyfriend and she seriously tells him to jump in front of a train and he does it, she will receive no punishment.
Now if you respond with "yeah, because it was his choice", well then why is active euthanasia illegal?
Why is it murder if a doctor gives his patient toxic substances, if his patient wants to die, but when a women uses psychological violence to force her "pathetic" ex she doesnt care about anymore into suicide its okay? how do you, as a feminist faggot, explain this?

>> No.15841743
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we can't go back, too many blacked & greta threads. Oh shit, I almost forgot to say faggot

>> No.15841758

>suicide rates: men inflicting pain on other men
so the women who keep on implementing insane regulations, raising taxes, and voting for socialists who increase government spending—all of these things combined making living a life funded by your own independent contributions to the economy nearly impossible—are actually men?

>> No.15841759

And behind 99.9% of the progress. Back to plebbit.

>> No.15841876

Thought men own most businesses. You can also use the local library for internet access and look for a job.

I don't care for feminism and neither do I care for retarded arguments. OP's pic and yours.

>If a woman brakes up with her boyfriend and she seriously tells him to jump in front of a train and he does it, she will receive no punishment.
Should you all receive punishment when you tell people "kys" online? You never bullied anyone online and act unfriendly towards another anon? You might have personally contributed to some man getting depressed because they repeatedly received negative feedback from other men and feel like they have no place in the world and that no one accepts them as they are. Why are men who act, dress, or talk odd bullied by other men? Most men will simply ignore them.

>Why is it murder if a doctor gives his patient toxic substances, if his patient wants to die, but when a women uses psychological violence to force her "pathetic" ex she doesnt care about anymore into suicide its okay? how do you, as a feminist faggot, explain this?
Because relationships are business transactions and just because one party wants you out of their life doesn't mean they should be held liable for your own mental state when you have the choice of leaving. When you're dying of cancer and you want to end it all, a doctor shouldn't take your wishes as seriously if they feel like you can be saved. You're also forcing your selfish wishes on a doctor who will have to go to sleep that night knowing they have killed someone.

And yet strangely 99.9% of men can get by and not suicide.

>> No.15841879

who the fuck cares about this shit so much they'll off themselves?

>> No.15841893

I meant most women will ignore a man that acts odd or talks odd. Most women will actively avoid conflict if possible.

>> No.15841921
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Don't women try to commit suicide at least as often, but are literally too big of a bunch of pussies as to actually go through with it? Also pic-related. And aren't women super abusive even in lesbian relationships, with lesbians being 4 times more likely to split up when compared to gays, and women initiating most straight divorces? Women aren't the innocent angels anime and other media makes you fags believe... Even if it's a beautiful fictional delusion.

>> No.15841932

>most women will ignore a man that acts odd or talks odd.
uhm...i think in my case this only happens because they are really busy. if they had more time they would reply to my messages and wanna meet up

>> No.15841940

>loving wife
Fucking kek.

>> No.15841970
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forgot pic

>> No.15841971

Standard behaviour from people who juat derive their beliefs from what's popular.

> bring up issue
> get any opposing response
> "woah calm down haha! I'm not interested in a debate, see ya!"

>> No.15841982

Look up Michelle Carter.
I know that this site hates women but at least do one search before getting mad about nothing

>> No.15841985

>source: dude trust me

>> No.15841997

If it's any consolation, I will reply to your message. I am kinda busy shitposting though and I also have to do some reading and buy groceries later, so maybe we can play Xbox sometime next week?

>> No.15842009

>Military Casualties. Cause: Men joining the army willingly and inflicting pain on another man.
Yeah, cause the draft doesn't exist.
Get real, retard.

>> No.15842010

yeah, one case out of a million. wow.
and because its one case out of a million its reported in the news. news are sensationalist. and its a fucking sensation once a girl is actually getting held accountable for her crimes.

>> No.15842026

>I am kinda busy
see? even for u my rule is true.
people only stop responding to me if they are too busy.
feels good :-)

>> No.15842038

>Yeah, cause the draft doesn't exist.
Okay, pajeet. Most first world countries don't have a draft and most men will not see combat but will shuffle papers around, make burgers, or do jumping jacks and run around some tent. Wars are committed by men. If no man joined the military, there would be no wars.

>> No.15842048

Fpbp. American women are complete trash compared to literally anything els

>> No.15842055

Hahaha and what about ... "we will just have to agree to disagree" or "that's just your opinion"

Even getting a prenup may not protect you, but definitly get a prenup. And no matter how much in love you are, don't let them know how much you have, and have an exit strategy.

>> No.15842091

Women fit for the most part in normie territory. They are more willing to follow the rules and are happy to be guided. Thats why there is no female Jack the Ripper or Charles Manson, and there is no female Mozart or Einstein.
The men distribution is lower in normie tier, so there is more population in the extreme sections.
Women take care if kids and other people, so make sense they are stable and predictable.
Make conquer, discover and break limits, ith in the good and the bad. And these differences are a overall good and needed, and being part of a sex or the other other does not exclude exceptions.

>> No.15842116

There's no reason to live because everything can and will go wrong. Neck yourself, incel, it's the only power you'll ever have.

>> No.15842149

Married anon here with 3 kids. Getting married and having kids has been the absolute worst financial decision of my life. But it's more complicated than just this. When I got married I was making like 60k a year. Now I make 120k a year because I have a wife who supports me and wants me to do well. So having kids and a wife has caused me to work that much harder.
We get a child tax from the government here (Canada) regardless of your income. So I take that. It used to be like 600 per child per month or something until they reach a certain age then it drops. Currently I still get 650 a month I think for 3 kids. That offsets most of the extra costs.
Having kids is rewarding when you can afford to offer them a good life. You get to watch them grow and learn. And gives your life some more meaning. But no doubt it's a bad choice to marry a woman who loves to spend all your money. Because after kids, she shouldn't be out working. She belongs in the kitchen. And she's a liability

>> No.15842350

kek. I doubled my salary after having kids too. I'm more broke now than I used to be though. at least in terms of having savings in the bank and spending money. I own a house now, so that's nice.

>> No.15842360

>lol just keep putting stress on them and making them feel like failures who, no matter how much they actually have earned, will never have access to enough of the wealth they've generated to buy their own property and live an independent life! if the most sensitive and acutely aware of their scenario kill themselves, it's no big deal!
not footing your bills much longer you cunt

what kind of a question is this? having private property in which you can have a family is the whole point of life, dude
the people who will kill themselves after years of being denied access to the wealth that they HAVE LITERALLY EARNED are the people who get the most fucked by socialism, and are intelligent enough to know that they're getting the most badly fucked, but perhaps not intelligent enough to realize that there's a way out
it's honestly very tragic; some anons might say this is some kind of darwinism, but if that's the case, then it's a form of darwinism that primarily breeds better social manipulators and more sophisticated parasites rather than the kind of darwinism that breeds better wealth producers

>> No.15842395

>not footing your bills much longer you cunt
I'm a man, you defeatist pessimistic cunt. Why don't you raise up other men instead of tearing them down? Have a circle of friends, start a business, and your options are limitless. Lobby for increased minimum wage and cut back funding on the military. Fucking $10 military rations.

>> No.15842439

>Is there reason to get married and have kids in 2019
For you? No- no reason to continue your lineage. Don't worry about it.

>> No.15842530 [DELETED] 

>raise up to other men
>lobby for increased minimum wage
lol because raising the minimum wage is an act that produces wealth, rather than an act that forces society to pretend that shitty work from shitty people is worth more than what it actually is, in turn only devaluing the work of people who actually do decent work and want a decent life
you speak badly of the act of tearing people down, as if that isn't all you have ever done
>start a business
telling people to start a business after you've advocated for increased government regulation shows how dismally out of touch you are
you've either never run a business, or your business was a retailer of very basic goods and services (and if you were especially successful, MAYBE you or your dad had connections with someone in government to give you special benefits)
try retailing medicine in a place like canada and see how far you get

>> No.15842539

conner i fucked your mom hahaha oopsie

>> No.15842555


>> No.15842557

>raise up other men
>lobby for increased minimum wage
lol because raising the minimum wage is an act that produces wealth, rather than an act that forces society to pretend that shitty work from shitty people is worth more than what it actually is, in turn only devaluing the work of people who actually do decent work and want a decent life
you speak badly of the act of tearing people down, as if that isn't all you have ever done
>start a business
telling people to start a business after you've advocated for increased government regulation shows how dismally out of touch you are
you've either never run a business, or your business was a retailer of very basic goods and services (and if you were especially successful, MAYBE you or your dad had connections with someone in government to give you special benefits)
try retailing medicine in a place like canada and see how far you get

>> No.15842573

I propose women break off and form their own nation. We'll see how long it takes for them to get overrun with invaders or having them begging to return to civilization since they can't even take care of themselves

>> No.15842610

>this is your brain on reddit

>> No.15842626

>this is your brain on...wait, what brain?

>> No.15842632

I've fucked two married women in the last year. Talking to my third. Don't get married. Women are vile, selfish creatures who always put their own happiness over everything no matter who it might hurt.

>> No.15842635

Lol, calm down roastie. Don't be so passive aggressive.

>> No.15842646

You got roasted by a "roastie". Deal with it.

>> No.15842652

Sounds like women are intelligent and know how to live life. You should always put yourself and your needs before others.

>> No.15842660

Male privilege doesn't exist, while female privilege clearly does. Your penis envy, notwithstanding.

>> No.15842677

Yes, it was my privilege to have you pwned.

>> No.15842680

what you posted in >>15842626 literally wasn't even a good or punchy non-argument

>> No.15842689

Listen, just because you're a loser in life doesn't mean female privilege doesn't exist, it just means most girls are prettier than you. lol

>> No.15842694
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Who hurt you, Conner?

>> No.15842697

i made 25 year old married woman with two kids lick my ass, her husband found out later and almost strangled her to death, to get back at him she sucked my cock again month later.

>> No.15842703

Yeah, just abandon your children and financially ruin a man for the rest of his life because you want a different dick up your cunt.

>> No.15842724


>> No.15842732

Yep, so no marriage for either of us!

>> No.15842743
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That's probably true. No actual pretty girl would be replying to a cuck like you. tee hee.

>> No.15842756

Wow, really owned yourself with that one.

>> No.15842765

No. Married maybe if you meet the right person. But kids? Never. Only poor and rich people have kids. Kids will ruin your life if you're middle class.

>> No.15842784


> Discussing politics with women

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.15842808

The first one told me she was getting separated from her husband but she got pregnant and told the husband it was his and they got back together. The baby came out black.

>> No.15842824

>Is there reason to get married and have kids in 2019?
You are really stupid

having a wife and children are a blessing from God

>> No.15842832

Its society and institutional discrimination making men commit crimes

>> No.15842839

>Implying women divorcing their husbands doesn’t cause suicides, homelessness and murder
eat shit feminist scum

>> No.15842875

>Its society and institutional discrimination making men commit crimes
Who is doing the discrimination? Women who are not in power? Or women who are in power because men allowed them to be?

>getting married in the first place
Homelessness I will give you, because the laws are shit. Suicide maybe if they had kids. Murder, I will not. Who made the divorce laws? Beta male cucks.

>> No.15843165

It is according to you, Moishe

>> No.15843223

Its your responsibility to step up and lead her anon. Given a choice will women act like spoilt brats. You have set the rules and take the lead so that she can follow.

Yes women these have degenerated and most of them are beyond repair, but we must not neglect to admit our role in this. When children are spoiled and have no manners and grow up to be terrible people, the parents are somewhat at fault for that. Its not all their fault. In the same way should we also admit a part in this tragedy.

>> No.15843316

>Its society and institutional discrimination making men commit crimes
lol this is what black people say. You sound like a liberal you faggot.

>> No.15843353

>imagine dumping all this bait and only one person biting.

>> No.15843357

8/8 gr8 b8 m8

>> No.15843632

I harvested enough (you) for my liking.

In reality,
Women = Men when it comes to struggles.

>> No.15844339

>just nigger things

>> No.15844394

Imagine being named Conner

>> No.15845150

>i cant win this argument so i wont diacuss it further

woah chekmate conner

>> No.15845206

>debating a fleshlight
betas are hilarious

>> No.15845260



South America and South East Asia

>> No.15845330

i think people here and in your life would agree that it would improve the world if you kys
so kys.

>> No.15845347

No i just save and invest as much as possible so i can retire early to a developing country where women still act like women and i'll still be able to have a family and kids

>> No.15845361

But if I die, you won't know which shitcoin to buy next.

>> No.15845693


The dream is holding on by a thread.

Somehow, I ended up with a nice wife. We have one kid and money is a fucking struggle. I don't know how anyone could possibly have multiple kids in this country. I make about 60k a year, wife makes 40k and we basically scrape by in a cuckshed.

A see a crash coming in 2020. What happens next is the key to America's survival, we can't stay on the path we are on.

>> No.15845992

men control the government not women you fool

>> No.15846003

show me the million other cases then, pls

>> No.15846378

>men control the government not women you fool

Argue this as if it's not a bad thing and see how in control you are.

>> No.15846389
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Male privilege is an inbred pedokike cult convincing borderline trisomy 21 victim intellect bean flickers that passing around your newborn son to be molested is in the child's best interest.

>the cut dick looks better
>don't you dare touch my meat curtains

Entitled cunt "logic".

>> No.15846397

God damn it, where's Big Bird? This is as transparent a demoralization thread as possible.

>> No.15846418
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>FUDing family
>demoralization thread

>> No.15847195

> You should always put yourself and your needs before others.
Enjoy your miserable life

>> No.15847207

You know nothing

>> No.15848094

yea, they usually do pills and wine and shit while men usually go straight to the gun. even in suicide men know how to put a better effort than women