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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15841839 No.15841839 [Reply] [Original]

gotz 14K stinky LINKy
gonna hold through $5 breakout
thinking of selling 3K @ $10 so that I can take out my initial investment, that leaves me with 11K.
thinking of selling a 100 here a 100 there as LINK makes it way into triple digits.
what are you doing? going to sell some at $5 or $10? not even selling some in the $50s would be crazy I think, at least take out initial investment

>> No.15841966

sold 4K yesterday = doubled my investment, left with a bigger stack that i sold, and i'm not touching a thing before double digit/eoy2020.
didn't took profit once before that, bought through entire 2018.

now i'm stress free after being almost shaking after LINK went from 4,5 to 1,5 in 3 dumping months.

Sergey derisked, i did too. Now I can go full neet for another year and not be concerned about short-term.

The thing is 10$ would require crazy amount of money to flow in, and I don't think the market is ready for that. We might not see a proper bull movements in this year.

Nothing is guaranteed, but the future looks super fuckin bright for LINK. Hope market will follow through aswell

>> No.15841995

how many do you have now?

>> No.15841996

if you didnt sell your whole stack at 2.50 youre a fucking brand new baghodler, congrats

>> No.15842072

My stack isn’t big enough to sell much or I risk being just’d

2220 link. Better than some, worse than many.

>> No.15842125

not going to post exact, less than 10K, more than 5K. the lowest order of 2018, was buying 4K LINK at 17-18 cents, so let's say i sold that.

and that profit that i took, covered all of my 2018 buyins x2 after tax and left me with enough of a stack to be happy and ride this crazy adventure for many months to come.
not true, it gained crazy in sat, if BTC recovers and LINK holds properly, 5$ is in sight
you need to buy 2 more link

>> No.15842200

I need to buy 20,002 more link.
But, being poor caught up with me.

>> No.15842207


Same here brother, 2080 stack. How long do you plan to hold, will you try to buy any more?

>> No.15842356

My “make it number” is $100
I’ll sell then and walk away happy.
I need to pay off my house, and I can live off the passive income I have.

>> No.15842369

I’ll try to get more, but it’s not in the cards right now. So I may miss the boat unfortunately.
My first link buy was at 19 cents. I didn’t listen, I didn’t believe then. But despite all the fud, link is one of the only projects out there I’m confident in. It’s not gonna be this year, maybe not next. But $100 will come, and I’ll retire before 35.

>> No.15842495

happy? negro that's like pure fuckin never ending euphoria and /biz/ renamed to /link/. many many people have way lower targets here. even if I don't "make it" fully from LINK, i hope to have enough money to kickstart my business or some other venture.

I highly doubt 2017 scamrun will happen again. I hope for top3 BTC/ETH/LINK but i doubt crazy 40x run from here will happen with it.

>> No.15842582

It’s a possibility that it will never make it that far.
But it’s a gamble either way. Sell at 20/30/50? Or try to hold through the ups and downs and get lucky?
I’m not sure it’ll happen either, But historically, btc halvening bring ups the price, and if we’re still coupled to btc, it could be beneficial. Each cycle people say “this is it. It’s the end, it’s going to 0.”

Who knows though? It’s all a gamble, but I didn’t gamble my savings away, so I’ll be able to eat the loss, be sad, and move on if it all comes down.

>> No.15842637

if you set up your sells in mind way before anything happens it will be way easier to not get crazy. if you have 2220, don't think you will be able to unload everything at 100$ like it's some magic world. i think it's fair to say that you can sell for example 300 LINK at 10$ and be super fuckin happy when you bought it for 19cents. then another 300 on 15 or some other target. and don't touch 1000 or some number until 50,60,100 whatever.

who the fuck knows, but hope for the best, prepare for the worst. life doesn't end here, and even if you come out with lower amount, that can be a life changing too, just in a different way you imagined before.

>> No.15842757


Yours truly

>> No.15842867
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>It's all a gamble
It's not gambling when you know you're gonna win you fucking pleb.