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File: 753 KB, 1439x1389, Screenshot_20191007-111957_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15841937 No.15841937 [Reply] [Original]

It over biz and you know it...

>> No.15841968

over? this is just the beginning.

also you realize all that tether has to be sold back into the market, right? People cant keep it on the sidelines anymore.

>> No.15842002
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>“Calculating damages at this stage is premature, but there is little doubt that the scale of harm wrought by the Defendants is unprecedented. Their liability to the putative class likely surpasses $1.4 trillion U.S. dollars.”
what a joke. imagine taking this case seriously

>> No.15842018
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>> No.15842031

It's super awesome. People will eager to jump off the ship by buying btc for the bs tether.

>> No.15842039

The Jews did this

>> No.15842046


>> No.15842062

kek the absolute state of shitcoins bagholders

>> No.15842068


>> No.15842106

>liability for 700x the total crypto marketcap
>muh market manipulation with 4B tether
yeah tell me how FED is creating 200B with a single click
get real

>> No.15842110

lmao I was hoping it actually said cardono

>> No.15842128

Big nothingborgar

>> No.15842135
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 32f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jason Leibowitz
>Owned bitcoin cash, ether classic, litecoin, bitcoin gold, ripple xrp, stellar, tron, QTUM, Zcash, Dash, Augur, NEO, EOS, WAVES, OMG, Cardano, NEM, IOTA, POWR, ICON and STEEM

yikes, get rekt kike


>> No.15842156

it includes both spellings

>> No.15842197

Actually this is true if you look at the names

>> No.15842234
File: 132 KB, 590x639, EE2CDB47-53D1-4100-B46D-A236CBBDA83E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pass extreme legislation to keep goyim from profiting off high risk - high reward crypto speculation
>proceed to invest yourself because you are special and chosen by God
>get rekt holding shitcoins in a largely unregulated market
>Oy vey-ing commences

>> No.15842248

It's not even about the fact the plaintiffs held shit coins you retards. Tether and Bitfinex unironically manipulated the market and you know, all 95 pages of documents in front of you explain all of it. If you're not going to take the time to read it then you deserve to be poor forever.

>> No.15842259
File: 33 KB, 480x480, 38E62DE3-16B6-43AF-81D0-22A6EF5D32A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey pol was right again

>> No.15842265

We should probably take a look at Bancor while we’re at it

>> No.15842282

Page 43
>on days where USDT omni is minted, 50.0% of the time the price of BTC moves up

>> No.15842286

manipulation in an unregulated international market? Stop the fucking presses.

>> No.15842291

Hahahahahhahahahahhahaha some jews absolutely SEETHING that some chinks and goyim managed to con them.

>> No.15842329

>muh we won against fake satoshi so we will win against bitfinex

these useful idiots are about to get NWO'd

>> No.15842337

Well no fucking shit Sherlock, that's because people are transferring USD into the system to buy BTC

>> No.15842364

>inb4 this further compels whales to dump btc for link

>> No.15842383
File: 41 KB, 1171x502, tetherLEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is already wrong with Bitfinex/Tether. They cant hold LEOs price up anymore.

>> No.15842393

Spineless fucking idiots, you're not in crypto for the technology. Bitcoin was created to prevent shit like this from happening in the first place. that is why it is an immutable ledger.

you cryptotards
>Hur dur we hate the banks we want control of our money! fuck the FED!
>yes we need fractional reserve crypto bank, its fine that it is a monopoly controlled by one company!

Why do you want such corruption to exist in this world? It may be inherent but if you aren't interested in stopping it then you are complicit by supporting the system.
Whatever it takes to pump your bags right? No morals, you scrape the bottom of the bucket for any amount of money you can get regardless of who gets damaged.

It's not a matter of how, it is a matter of when and I cant wait for people like you to finally be rid from this system. This type of mentality that you embody is what has held crypto back from reaching its true potential as a technology.

>> No.15842451

Fuck off newfag. Tether has been an essential onramp for fiat. The corruption you're pointing to does not exist, as shown by the 0 evidence in this lawsuit. Eventually when Bitcoin sucks up all the money in the world, we won't need stablecoins. But for now, have fun being cucked by boomer banks that don't want Bitcoin to succeed.

>> No.15842551

"fuck off new fag"
No, I've actually been around since the beginning. You are clearly one of the degenerates who got roped into crypto because of the boom in 2017, not understanding the technology and using it as a speculative asset instead. Bitcoin is not a store of value. That is not what it was meant to be. Bitcoin has been stifled for the last 8 years by this autism extravaganza lead by money launders, pedophiles, and corrupt devs.

An on ramp for who?
"Instituitions" aren't investing in BTC so it's definitely not that. Why did Tether send $850m to Crypto Capital Corp with no existing contract? Why was it seized by the government? These are not normal occurrences. Tether said that they were 1:1 and we know this is categorically false. Tether execs have said that it doesn't matter if it isn't backed 1:1, people just need to believe it.

Can't wait to see every one of you fucks behind bars

>> No.15842578

>No, I've actually been around since the beginning.
>Bitcoin is not a store of value
Fuck off newfag

>> No.15842598

Fuck off actual newfag

>> No.15842605
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>> No.15842644
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The tether-btc pairing is the only reason why btc has survived this long, and the reason it will now succeed. However, the US govt. has a right to be pissed, surprised it took them this long to figure it out.

Tethers aren't worth shit but are "worth" a dollar because people value them on exchanges as such.

Whenever BTC has been attacked numerous times by banks and other institutions, bitfinex would just print tether [btw, this is literally the same effect as printing dollars directly] and buy btc, holding the price steady.


Bitfinex figured out a way to counterfeit USD and supported BTC price for years doing such; keeping it stable [or at least preventing a crash from say 5k to 20 bucks, which would have been devistating], fostering BTC as legitimate in the public eye and saving this technology.

Scammers and criminals maybe but perhaps the only reason BTC is likely to succeed now.

>> No.15842668

You forgot to add link to the list.

>> No.15842786

Kek. So it’s fine when banking elites use CME futures to cripple the currency that threatens their hegemony but it’s a crime when the new elites use their own scheme against them. Based new technocratic elite BTFO-ing the old guard financier elites.

>> No.15843048
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lol, they have no shame. Using an obvious joke post from 2014 as "evidence"

>> No.15843071

you are gonna neck in a few months

>> No.15843078


>> No.15843333

it's over for who?
you see that tether marketcap? look at it, because people who HAVE tether, will buy something else with it
figure out yet?

>> No.15843334
File: 1.10 MB, 1366x768, bagholder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overdue to be honest but if it dumps all cryptos it'll hurt

>> No.15843347

holy shit you can't be this stupid
how is money flowing OUT of tether and INTO cryptos is bad?

>> No.15843391
File: 197 KB, 565x800, be quiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that happens sure but i think most likely people interested in tether are more interested in withdrawing so money won't "flow into cryptos", it'll exit the crypto echosystem completely. holders of tether are using it to bypass regular money movement laws after all

>> No.15843400

Why is the price not reacting? Shit's supposed to dump on such news.

>> No.15843412

Check these digits btw

>> No.15843413

Dumb pajeeted Jews cannot do the needful

>> No.15843473

Nobody cares?

>> No.15843479

do you understand that taking money OUT of tether does nothing for any other coin
you understand that, do you?
now, most of that money can either flow into
>bank accounts
>other tokens
>other coins
how is a stabelcoin going to dump? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.15843489

Wrong. Tether has to flow into bitcoin to flow into fiat. While people are exiting tether, Btc will unironically moon and keeps people around. This is what caused the beginning of 2019 bull market--the tether fud forcing people to exit into bitcoin.

>> No.15843514
File: 605 KB, 1536x2048, F2CB5878-B251-4E80-B25E-69C37B2F7C23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s only over for those who don’t pack bags of RSR. There’s still time, anon.

>> No.15843526

I'm talking about bitcoin.

>> No.15843572

>Make people panic buy to force a bullrun
It's fucking genius.

>> No.15843804
File: 975 KB, 990x990, slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15844398

Keep dreaming your shitcoin will moon. You shitcoiners are fucking pathetic.

>> No.15845473

Price dumped on the news, then binance got "haxxeed" and tether pronted 250m

>> No.15845665

I really really like this image

>> No.15845678

You're honestly so stupid that I wouldn't even want to force feed you my cum

>> No.15846129

I saw this and I thought to myself 'you'd have to be fucking retarded to buy this shit'
the tokenomics sound good but it's fucking bitfinex, they're in so much hot water that there's no way that shit will get far before bitfinex gets fucked, it's like playing a game of hot potato.

>> No.15846143

So finally we get to see first hand the all prophesied Tether exit scam.

>> No.15846173

This is the end times for bitfinex

>> No.15847325

when the market is unregulated it isn't manipulation it's normal operations
and that's a good thing

>> No.15847607

>The lawsuit, filed by David Leibowitz, Benjamin Leibowitz, Jason Leibowitz, Aaron Leibowitz and Pinchas Goldshtein
Can’t even make his shit up

>> No.15847658

got Goxxed before, now prepare to get Tethered lol

>> No.15847671


>> No.15847690

drink some milk and chill out hosk

>> No.15847761

what a fucking retard

>> No.15847768

t leiboshit