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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15841519 No.15841519 [Reply] [Original]

So who is holding this gem too?

>1,7 million market cap
>Team consists of veterans from Microsoft, Dell, AMD, etc.
>big partnerships that haven’t been announced yet
>great tech, beta platform is coming out
>potential to 100x

>> No.15841526

omfg delete this asap
4channel is not worthy

>> No.15841559
File: 217 KB, 621x598, 1536758770140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

include uos or ultra in op so i dont have to see your STUPID thread

>> No.15841567

>first google search is "ultra crypto is a scam"

>> No.15841693
File: 148 KB, 1552x802, Google search Ultra blockchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry can't find it anon.

I did find a crypto gem report about Ultra

>> No.15841732
File: 48 KB, 945x698, 14695D52-4AB8-4171-BB49-AE60D9F11595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ubisoft has already started backing these guys. Only a matter of time before uos goes to the moon.

>> No.15841888

When are these fuckers getting a new exchange? Bitfinex is fucking trash with a bait “USD” pair which is fucking shit

>> No.15841951


They are getting listed on okex soon, seems like they have some connections to some smart chinks

>> No.15842173

It's fiat instead of Tether, there is a difference in both. USD is the real US dollar.

>> No.15842263
File: 143 KB, 818x304, 67336E20-5287-4E1A-B1D9-F20F3C66439E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon Microsoft will be down to suck their dicks too. Or is it the other way around. It Doesn’t matter who blows who. This is happening

>> No.15842345

I got soon as soon as Eos was backing it.

>> No.15842812

I just saw a nice article in other thread


>> No.15843051


Very nice. Only a matter of time before UOS becomes part of the top 100

>> No.15843063

imagine being so retarded you invested in a payment token.

>> No.15843374
File: 9 KB, 370x136, CA10D9E4-8581-4F63-9BCB-F17A829A2B3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding 202k UOS — hoping to make it with this bag

>> No.15843518

Yeah, just like SENT. Moon soon sirs, please buy

>> No.15843533

Imagine missing a big pump again.
Stop crying

>> No.15843545

>Imagine being so retarded not doing any research about the project







>> No.15843570

It does feature payments but also includes fusing UOS tokens within their NFTs to guarantee an inherent value (Enjin). Furthermore staking is also available and the UOS ecosystem converts all fiat deposits (purchasing games for example) to UOS tokens on the open market (exchanges). There will also be a digital asset exchange where players can trade their assets like what WAX does. But the beautiful thing is that this is all combined into one ecosystem.

>> No.15843654

Wow great info.
I knew a few of them but not all.

You missed 1

> https://www.fliphodl.com/exclusive-we-tried-ultra-and-it-will-kill-steam/

>> No.15843903

reckon I'll get rich off 15,000 uos? :3

>> No.15843922

Holding it. I did my research and i don't let fudder make me panicsell it. Let them pajeets talk what they want. If you are smart you are listening to yourself and not to some people who are shitting on the street.

>> No.15843934

You gotta jack those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.

>> No.15843981


Show your bag

>> No.15844035

Me me me,
this gem has so low marketcap, it can literally go 10x and still be undervalued

>> No.15844142

A bag of 50k UOS should be enough for big gains within the next few months. 2 more exchanges and they will make boom boom. Just wait for okex and huobi.

>> No.15844207
File: 13 KB, 907x115, Poorfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15844238

You will never miss a pump with just holding.
Selling the top and buying low from panicsellers is the best you can do desu.

>> No.15844493

I heard rumors about okex/huobi. Not sure what the better one is, but i think huobi got the better liquidity + pumps. Looking forward to see the player beta test which, when successfull, will spread great awareness

>> No.15844498
File: 523 KB, 770x840, 1568496544635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>how much link for a gf like this?
>>It keeps going up! (is at the same price)
>>bullshit meme photo, no context, no discussion, just a random dumbass nigger post
>>guys i have 700 tokens of shitty scam, please how do i make it thread
>>another link general, we need one every ten minutes!
>>guys my ex/gf/wife found me out, we're broke but have 50k link thread
>>all in, never selling, always HODL thread
>>just risked my entire financial stability on this token, y-you guys should b-buy too right?
>>LINK will reach 1000 END OF YEAR
>>Insider here, just keep buying!
>>Some vague company has increased profits, all thanks to chinklink!
>>some bullshit random thread to keep the link psychosis going
>>just non-stop chainlink posting
>>getting kicked out, have xbox and link, what do thread?

what other paid promotions am I missing?

This thread is solid proof of chainlink shilling from the chainlink team by Sirgay. Hurry up anons, report to the SEC, let's get Sirgay in cuffs already.

>> No.15844524
File: 106 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191007-174354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On uos

Is simpleswap run by pajeets

>> No.15844540

gtfo this is ULTRAAAA

>> No.15844673

Also read this article, got spread around the networks today, pretty good one, explaining a lot,
also see uos as a big player in the future, just, please, deliver......

>> No.15844934

The article explains alot, but anons here need to read. It's not always the fast flip but a hold for some mid term can be very good and rewarding

>> No.15845096

This 1,7million cap will be a 17 million cap soon.
Not trying to persuade anyone but this will start to roll when they announce the next blockproducer and supporter of their project.

>> No.15845171

that's a lot of em, I was banking on my 15,000 and definitely can't afford anymore.

>> No.15845215

>Retard there are 2 uos tickers live right now.

>> No.15845421
File: 448 KB, 703x939, Screenshot_2019-10-07-19-38-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]