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File: 1.60 MB, 3023x3023, pasek-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15838018 No.15838018 [Reply] [Original]

17 years in federal prison

>> No.15838032

All niggers rapping deserve death for starting this Jean trend

>> No.15838052

never go full nigger
>a gold and diamond bitcoin necklace

>> No.15838058

Gaudy idiots always get what they deserve.

>> No.15838116

is that slazo

>> No.15838119

How much for a comfy apartment like this?

>> No.15838132

imagine waking up every day and watch towards the highway how wagie cagies get mad at each other during rush hour.
extra coooooome if it rains/snows

>> No.15838141

You're supposed to wear the shittiest clothes as possible, live in a shitty apartment and drive a shitty car when you are running a fucking counterfeit oxy operation. And damn this retard kept everything at his home. How the fuck was he even able to sell counterfeit oxys through dark markets? Won't the first customer leave a review saying how shit the oxy was? I don't get it. How much money did he really make then?

>> No.15838158
File: 107 KB, 615x615, 0_Wyatt-Pasek-the-California-drug-dealer-who-went-by-Oxygod-online-has-been-sentenced-to-17-years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did the math....

this literal retard was basically chapo rich and about to be a super narco....

he had a press and 100k pills... at 30 dollars a pop thats 3million....

but the fentanyl...he had a direct line for 2500 dollars per kilo, and one kilo fent makes 666,000 pills, 1.5mg active.

so 6 kilos would have made him 120,000,000 USD.

those kilos bought at I guess 3000 USD net 20,000,000 USD return if the pills are sold at 30 usd each

They are actually way more powerful than real oxy so they probably would.

what a fucking margin.... 6000%+

and he had a basically unlimited supply from china at pennies...

>two to three years away from being a billionaire druglord at 25
>take photos with wads of cash and guns

imagine what someone with a triple digit IQ could do....

>> No.15838170

he bought supplies darknet,

sold hand to hand

>shitty oxy is

fentanyl is 100x more addictive than actual oxy....selling vodka as beer...

>> No.15838179

good riddance
people younger and richer than me should be jailed

>> No.15838223

That or dress lower middle class in Amazon basics shit. No one gives office wageslaves any notice.

>> No.15838237

he was literally posting daily updates of his drug business on instagram.... weapons, drugs, cash cars etc

looks like he had less than 100k when they caught him...

6 months investigation, could have made 10-30million during this time

and maybe 1 year before that.

inside he is probably getting raped and extorted for the stash location, I'm guessing he his a few million somewhere

but 6kilos of fentanyl is $120,000,000 worth of fake pills

>> No.15838258

probably is doing, and not getting caught like this idiot lmao

>> No.15838279

"yo yo yo yo yo yooo.. yooo bros im going to post on social media about all of the unexplained money that i have and go viraallllllll hah hah. no one will ever investigate me the IRS will never get tipped off to all of this unexplaiened cash monayyyyy im just taking baths with dollars in the bathhtuuuub"

im really glad this guys going to jail for a very long time, i literally hate people like this with a passion. one of those "they never shoulda gave you niggas money" situations.

>> No.15838292


>> No.15838293


Couldn't have happened sooner desu

>> No.15838359

We should find his address and mail him a copy of this thread. Add insult to injury. He could have been a free white man. Instead he chose to be a nigger.

>> No.15838378
File: 1.83 MB, 3021x3671, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 months of his life was probably more fulfilling than 40 years of your pathetic basement dwellers' lives desu senpai

everyday I feel blessed to be a CHAD inheritance son

>> No.15838385

>The zoomer entrepreneur

>> No.15838388

Is that your boyfriend

>> No.15838396

Is that your boyfriend?

>> No.15838407

>everyday I feel blessed to be a CHAD inheritance son
tictoctictoc you know your money is running out and you can't maintain your lifestyle for long

>> No.15838411

>Desu Senpai

The former does not utter the latter.

>> No.15838441
File: 173 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2520 copie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder wagies
This slavic Chad had good times and now is going to rest and lift for 17 years while his Bitcoin stack is going to do a x250

>> No.15838546

>Making billions by killing hundreds of your fellow americans in awful, family destroying drug overdose deaths.
>Making It.

God Eastern Europe was a mistake. All these amoral post communist slavic fucks would murder their own mothers just to live like some nigger in a rap video.


>> No.15838561

Fentanyl dealers are Judas tier filth that deserve the cross.

>> No.15838567

it's called natural selection desu senpai

>> No.15838569

>This slavic Chad had good times
he didnt, it's all instacoping like you do. you're the only one fooled by instagram selfies because you're low IQ like him
>going to rest and lift for 17 years
he wont rest at all he will be a victim of choice in us prisons
>Bitcoin stack is going to do a x250
>implying he will be able to use it.

>> No.15838579

>knowingly sold fentanyl
deserves to get gassed desu

>> No.15838600

AHAHAHAHA all the rednecks getting mad at this slavic chad because he literally sold fentanyl to the poo of this planet : fentanil addicts

>> No.15838616

Shit bruh, I gots the most commissary on the block dawg. Chico Black finna tat my nut sack with dolla signs today cuz I gave him $10 worth of soups. G shit, I run dis bitch. Tyresius (T shock, not T blicky) been collecting CO cigarette butts so ya boy smoking steady up in dih bitch dawg. 100.

>> No.15838645

AHAHAHHAA all the children making fun of addicts because their only view of addiction has been created through fiction so they think all addicts are homeless schizos with track marks

>> No.15838663
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, 1565348333084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething valium addict
get the rope faggot in Philippines a death squad would have gun you down in front of your mother

>> No.15838673

t. nigger cope

>> No.15838689

Ohhh the edgy boys are here

>> No.15838749

>at 30 dollars a pop
>a pop
Get a load of your tough guy and get up and the uh

>> No.15838769

I cant imagine being an opiate addict in 2019.

>> No.15838801

>imagine what someone with a triple digit IQ could do....
it already happens anon, only the stupid ones get caught

>> No.15838818


>> No.15838949

Man drug dealing seems like a mugs game to me, especially in the US with the massive sentences.

People calculate the potential profits
( especially the courts when sentencing you ) but I see hardly any evidence that he had more than a few 100k.

Getting drugs these days isn't very difficult, the real business is getting a large customer base and distribution network which then you're competing with 1000s of other psychos who have an army of people ready to murder you if they need.

>> No.15839223

most drug dealers are fucking retarded though. Do all your bidding through encrypted communication, nothing at all tied to your name/home and take payment in crypto will get you a loooong fucking way.
When you've made enough, fuck off to some crypto haven and cash out there.

>> No.15839328

>$30 a pop
>not bulk selling to move quick
Probably way less than what you think or what the cops will say! (USD value wise)

>> No.15839374

Lol why the fuck do people even own social media when they do stuff the size of a bbc.
That white boy will literally have very much fun, I'd never want to go to a us prison.

>> No.15839402

it's a lot harder then that. The feds have been running honey pot vendors on tor markets since for ever

>> No.15839434

yeah, most dealers are retarded....and you have to network with them. that seems like a whole separate liability. even if you're game is on point, someone else who you have to deal won't be and the odds of him rolling you over if his own life/freedom is on the line are pretty high

>> No.15839481

a real chad synthesizes LSD and supplies the yacht party with free acid

>> No.15839495

You mess with big pharmas profits this is what happens

>> No.15839530

And customer acquisition through encrypted communication as well? And getting crack heads to pay you in anything except cash from knob slobbing? I doubt your customers will take off. Now this bloke who was producing such quantities could have used your advice, not a dealer

>> No.15839631

17.5 years in federal prison

>> No.15839646

the steroid dealers in my country do it exactly like this. They're sitting on millions worth of supplies and have been going strong for over 10 years. A bit different from a crackhead yea, but why would you take the time to sell 50$ worth of shit to a crack head in the first place? It takes more time to do it like that, of course, but what's the fucking point in making a lot of illegal money if you're going to get caught?
They've managed to get their head out there, every single roidhead in this country orders from either those guys, or the polacks that get that pharmagrade shit legal in their country.

The illegal drug market is a big fucking ponzi. If you can keep going long enough and be the big guy at the top, you've fucking made it.

>scrawny kid goes up to big dude
>sells him some stuff that he bought from the supplier
>he marks it up by a little so he makes some money from the trade
>suddenly the scrawny kid's friends wants some of this too
>scrawny kid buys more, sells to his friends for a small markup again
and you're fucking rich, if you're the supplier. This goes for all the drug markets

>> No.15839662

the only thing this guy will have left when he comes out of prison at 40 will be his crypto. the only asset that cannot be seized. he literally just needs to remember a 12 word sequence in his head kek

>> No.15839689

It's not edge dumbass. It's reasonable and sensible. The only reason summarily executing opiate dealers is considered "edgy" is because we live in clown world, where weakness and disease is celebrated and desirable.

>> No.15839724

this is with every market. You think people on ig are making there own chink crap

>> No.15839735

well yeah, but those are legal markets, you don't have to take any precaution when you're printing your label on a standard black tee made in china.