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15832988 No.15832988 [Reply] [Original]

I need some advice on how to cope.

In 2017 I turned 15k of savings into almost 650k. Lots of ups and downs but I cashed out around 290k total. Not great, but not bad, can't really predict the top anyways.

I went to S. Korea to bang the fuck out of asian sluts (I'm white and pretty good looking so I absolutely CRUSH in asia). I ended up hooking up one night with this girl I met at a language exchange mixer. She was educated in the US and spoke good English, but was Japanese in origin.

The thing is, she was not attractive at all. Looks like a fucking japanese rice farmer peasant, but her family is really rich and she was SUPER into me. Like desperate for me.

I basically ghosted her to date a whore. Literally a karaoke whore who I took on lavish dates with my crypto money. We just drank and fucked and I fulfilled every carnal fantasy with her.

It's now almost 2 years later, I have no money besides like 100k in cash and stocks, no job (been lazy about getting a job again, told my former boss I left to go back to school which I was actually going to do but never did... so probably can't go back). I mean hey it's fine, I had some amazing experiences and what not HOWEVER-

I find out this Japanese bitch is from a multi-millionaire family. Like probably 250MM+ family net value. She has a apartment in Tokyo that's worth almost 10MM, and it's just hers no strings attached.

I've been following her on social media and have truly realized the depths of my failure. I could have been worth hundreds of millions of dollars if I ended up with this girl (she only has one sibling, a sister).

I don't know why, but it just fucking clicked that I completely fucked my life up by now railing this desperate girl and making her my waifu. I pissed a way a once in a lifetime chance to marry into some insanely wealthy family.

How do I cope? We're friends on IG and I see her bullshit everyday. She found a guy and she seems genuinely happy with her life now. What a fucking ugly bitch

>> No.15832999

kys rebecca

>> No.15833000

nice blogpost faggot, kys yourself

>> No.15833004

bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit

>> No.15833005

You literally behaved like a roastie, get fucked anon

>> No.15833012

Oh, and to add, her boyfriend is some ugly fucking bugman chink. Looks like a total fucking loser and is a midget.

>> No.15833018

>What a fucking ugly bitch
She wouldn’t have kept you around, women have an unconscious alarm that tells them when they are being used for their money.

>> No.15833035
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>> No.15833037

LOL definitely not. I'm not some fucking loser, I'm tall, good looking, very well educated and come from a good family.

She literally wanted my jizz to improve her shit genetics.

>> No.15833042
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if this isn't bait this is the most vile thing I've seen come out of a males orifice

>> No.15833052


>> No.15833051

by the way, Japanese are very against plastic surgery, which is probably why she never got any.

>> No.15833070
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You cope the same way this anon did. Good luck OP

>> No.15833083

Cope by realizing that she would have made you miserable, your life a living hell that you could not escape from because of an addiction to the lifestyle and the fact that her Yakuza cousins would have hurt you in ways that you can't even fully conceptualize

>> No.15833095

The thing is, she's actually pretty cool which is why we hooked up the first night. She's smart, fun, active, and pretty cool honestly...

but she is just so fucking ugly. Like when I see her, I want to punch her in the face. She looks fucking ridiculous and I my dick honestly never budged an inch even when we were full blown making out.

So yeah, idk

>> No.15833108

>she's actually pretty cool which is why we hooked up the first night. She's smart, fun, active, and pretty cool...

This is how they all are on the night. After the honeymoon phase ends you need more than that

>> No.15833132

I wonder if this guy actually killed himself when it mooned to 1000

>> No.15833151

THIS desu

>> No.15833163

Who is this bitch?

>> No.15833166

Post pic op or kys

>> No.15833206

post pic pls. i think i know the look you're talking about

>> No.15833208

Holy fuck,

This exact thing happened to me.

Coping is hard.

Im going to a coding school.

Gunna wagie until 55. Asian pussy days are over.

I drink vodka, drinking beer to mask my past errors would be too unhealthy.

>> No.15833209

>LOL definitely not. I'm not some fucking loser, I'm tall, good looking, very well educated and come from a good family.
you sound like a loser

>> No.15833238

Yikes. I don't want to help you because you seem crazy. Why would being ugly justify being punched? Run away I could understand.

>> No.15833253

how would you even manage to get to know a woman who you want to "punch in the face" well enough to know that she is "smart, fun, active, cool". if you are slaying in asia like you say than why would you lose 5 seconds of your time with a someone that repulsive?

>> No.15833268

cope harder faggot

punch is the wrong word. It's sort of like I want to take a napkin or something and cover her face so I don't have to look at her

>> No.15833284

Sounds like she dodged a massive bullet. Good for her

>> No.15833287

We hooked up one night but hung out a couple times after that. I actually got to know her pretty well and did enjoy hanging out with her, but at the time I was just aiming for easy asian puss.

>> No.15833318

bahahahaha move on you pathetic little worm. Turns out you werent all that shit and a bag of potatoes were you? What lesson did you learn?

>> No.15833326

>cope harder faggot
no need since I am not a broke, degenerate piece of shit like you.

>cope harder faggot
>need some advice on how to cope.

>> No.15833349

lol don't worry, I'll still live an existence a thousand times better than you. I'm just venting but my life really isn't bad at all. compared to me you're that muppet that lives in a garbage can

>> No.15833373

I'm happy she found a different man, anon

>> No.15833380

you're definitely a degenerate dude, otherwise this thread would not exist

>> No.15833386

Hey >>15833380
this guy is not OP >>15833326

>> No.15833389

Fuck you. You deserve this and I hope you waste away your last 100k.

>> No.15833394

Am I on reddit? Why is everyone such a faggot tonight

>> No.15833405

Came post to here this

>> No.15833437
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Also I'm guessing she looks like this or some shit

>> No.15833451


>> No.15833482

No, I can't explain it. She just looks low quality.

>> No.15833493

it's because you're such a disgusting human being even 4chan finds you repulsive.

>> No.15833512

So you’re a white race traitor and low iq enough to blow all your money on decadence. No wonder Jews hate your race.

>> No.15833532

Using a women for her money Lmao.
Supposed to be the other way around grow your wealth again anon. You would’ve been her bitch.

>> No.15833564

Lol. There is no need to be so mad. Though the muppet comment is funny.
Seriously though, did you learn anything?

>> No.15833567

lol this

>> No.15833576

$250MM is a lot of money. that kind of green would give me pause as well. but you turned $15k into $300k so presumably you can increase your networth in the future. maybe not to $250MM but enough where you can be reaonably wealthy and not be bound to a ugly jap

>> No.15833658

>lucked out on crypto
>just do it again bro

>> No.15834069

Nice projecting faggot, judging from your miserable post I can tell you live a wonderful and fulfilling life. not.

>> No.15834081

You would have cheated and divorced anyway.

>> No.15834129

Don’t worry, odds are her actual family (father/mother) wouldn’t have allowed you to marry her.

>> No.15834164

I hope you continue to suffer and kill yourself from being crushed by the weight of your own cancerous, vile inner dialogue. You are low IQ, human trash.

>> No.15834180

You are a piece of shit who deserves wageslavery forever

>> No.15834213
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>has 300,000k
>blows it on short term pleasure like a nigger
>I'm really smart guys :^)

That was enough money to reinvest and become financially independent. And you threw it all away for pussy. Now it's time for you to become pic related and work for the vastly smarter NEETs.

>> No.15834217

I know someone who essentially took door B that you didn't take and he ended up getting cucked before they even got married, and she dumped his ass before he even had a chance to propose to her. He did end up getting a new 3-series out of it and a nice wardrobe before she ended up banging a much better looking guy, whom she did eventually marry. Men think women are the only ones that look for a sugar daddy, but there are a decent amount of men that do it too (with women).

>> No.15834260

i believe the next bullrun will be the biggest in history of crypto. Just wait for it mate and hold the right coins(stinky).

>> No.15834316

Anon, I made the same mistakes you did. You can still get back up off your feet. Start a new business, or go back to work. Really that simple. You have to move on.

The first step though is you need to change your lifestyle and remove all the costly crap you've grown accustomed to. You are BROKE. Stop spending money. I don't care if you have savings, unless that generates a whole bunch of income, it can't quite support you.

>> No.15834413


>> No.15834426

Christine chandler from Rucversville, Virginia.

>> No.15834474

you fucked a hot bitch instead, you'll be thinking about that when you die and not some FOB looking rich chick.

>> No.15834496
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She's lucky she never married someone with so little self respect. Her dad dodged the bullet of a lifetime because you're a shallow incompetent dumbass
You wanna know something really funny? When you actually become rich yourself, you can easily tell who these kinds of girls are just by talking to them for 15 minutes or so. They are always extremely well-educated and doted on by their parents. You, however are a much lower quality person and failed to pick up what could have been an obvious signal if you weren't a low quality fuckup.

>> No.15834526
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>> No.15834538


Dude wat.

You ever dated an unattractive woman before?

It's fine those first few weeks. They will do anything you want and you fuck them silly. Then it starts to get to you, that ugly body and face day after day, that disgusting ho that you come home to. It gets old and unhappy and you can't wait to get out. Money can't fix that. Meanwhile they are 10/10 happy because they have you and think they got a real catch, meanwhile you are looking at them like trash.

It doesn't work bro. All the money in the world could not get me to wife up with an ugly woman. A big part of money is sexy ass that u get to fuck, so what's even the point if your wife is ugly.

Shit is not smart.

>> No.15834621

shit b8

>> No.15834633

I’ll fuck you till you love me.

>> No.15834648

If I was rich, I would fix her ass up like a project car and turn her into a bimbo sex doll with plastic surgery. They can do miracles now, especially the chinks.

>> No.15834686


>> No.15834692

I'd take a ugly girl that was really into me over vapid whore gold digger
as long as she is clean and not disabled looks aren't a big deal

>> No.15834699
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Where do you guys find all of these ugly Jewess porn whores to post?

>> No.15834803

300k isn't enough for financial dependence you broke retard.

This girl would have married me on the spot. I know her type, and I look like prince charming to her.

again, she would have def married me instantly

thank you sir

>> No.15834930
File: 19 KB, 374x394, FB_IMG_1540361728486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only loser here are you

>> No.15834946

a link thread died for this. thanks anon

>> No.15834972


Plastic surgery can only do so much and your kid will still get their DNA

>> No.15835011

>kys yourself
I thought that was the point

>> No.15835012

Tbh being a wagie was my most stress free experience in making money. Since i run my own business i stress way more, there are actually things at stake, but the money is way better.

>> No.15835029

Well honestly, I was thinking of just squirreling away money followed by divorce and living off her gibs for the rest of my life

>> No.15835049

yet he is better than you...interesting....

>> No.15835067
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Lmao, sounds like OP baited some asians. Absolutely seething.

>> No.15835086

bugman chink detected

right? seething asians looool what else is new

>> No.15835101

absolute cringe tier larp shitpost

>> No.15835124
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>> No.15835158

You would never have gotten near that money anyway, anon. Rich families aren't stupid.

t. rich kid.

>> No.15835199

>not understanding that rich Asian girls have dowry’s
Never going to make it.

>> No.15835214
File: 23 KB, 480x472, 24993162_1597863116965334_3513674809611922086_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh man, I never thought /biz/ was so infested with roastie orbiting betas that worship at the feet of skele tier asian woman lmao. This thread opened my eyes to how badly the newfag infestation on 4chan really is. OP is a fag, but all of you are redditors which is argubaly worse.

>> No.15835221

>stalking exes
>goes to asia to get laid
>takes whores on lavish dates
>makes a lot of excuses


>> No.15835240

If you hadn’t explicitly stated the genders, this would have been some great r/aita and 4chan would be making “roastie gets toasted” threads

>> No.15835268

East asians are modern. A rich family there will not be paying Johnny FreeRide to marry their daughter. If anything, they'll be expecting him to provide for her. How many Louis bags can you buy with that TEFL certificate, Johnny?

Family money is not for outsiders. Rich families all know this. That's why we only marry other rich people.

>> No.15835270

Hate yellow fever fags so much
You deserved it

>> No.15835288

You wouldn't have been worth shit, nigger. You'd just be a fucking roastie.

>> No.15835290

Wait. I turned about $10,000 into about $350,000 but cashed out about $220,000 in 2017 and then immediately came to South Korea as well. Just a weird coincidence I guess. I'm still here though.

>> No.15835345

KYS you are literally the worst parasitic piece of shit in the history of these boards.
Oh and easy to tell you'll never have real money again. Kek
That 2017 gain was a 1 time fluke in a bubble.
It’s over for you . The rest of your life will be abject miserable failure.
So do the planet a favor and end it now

>> No.15835375

HELLO GUYS, nevermind this faggot. I'm the opposite, got married to a 9/10 rich girl in russia. We met back when i was exploring the world with my bitcoin money. (where else should i put it, charity? Lol) I was basically budgeting my money at the time for 'immersion' since i tend to join travel groups for safety.

We met as we were in the same west europe travel group, she was with her female friends but we got to know each other because our group tend to hang out at night. We had a deal that she'd treat me if I ever tour russia (she had no knowledge of my bitcoin wealth at the time)

Well guess what, i went to east europe after and emailed her. We hit it off from there. Her family is rich as fuck with old money. Once her family got to know me, we made it a mission to travel together, sometimes with friends sometimes just us two. Touring japan with just her was a great idea, at that point on we realized 'this is serious'.

We moved in together and i started a retail business. I don't use my bitcoin money anymore because the business is doing great. I'll even start a pub with friends soon.

>> No.15835418

I feel better now after my small loss today.

I have a good job, no debt, a reliable car, a family that loves me, a very smart gf who is my best friend and she has a house, and our dog. I dont need coins or gambling. I like my life.

Thanks for making me feel better about my situation op

>> No.15835445 [DELETED] 

Guys I’m really in a though position, and as I know that nobody is willing to hand money to stranger I’m really begging you, I need a loan of 12K USD, which I cannot yo back, I just need to pay my credit cards so the interest didn’t kill me please I really need help I don’t know what else to do, I’ve sold everything of value that I have I have been looking for a second job but it’s not enough, I’m will pay you, you have my word!

This is my BTC address 38HS3mddptMvq8aSpDH5eBJ2yLtEtDXfsL

But either way, we can arrange the pay back, I can pay 500 USD each month or more until I pay you back with interest and everything, please help!

>> No.15835448


I didn't fail you /biz/, I'm living 'the life' for all you /biz/anons who didn't make it. Know that even though you are waging away to depression, there's that one anon that got to live the life. Good wife, good business, got to see the world, and that makes your wage lives worth it.

>> No.15835461

IF you spend tens of thousands of dollars for aian pussy you are either a loser, have a small dick or no game. How does it feel that i literally have 3k to my name and sleep with 1-2 legit college hotties a week working at a restaurant?

>> No.15835507

I dated a chink whore from shanghai for 4.5 years, her family real estate was worth approximately 16+ mil, her mom kept buying condos like every few months for passive income purposes. Ended up dumping her after she cheated, she was mentally unstable, spoiled, and had shit lazy entitled personality. Dont ever put money first, you can be rich and miserable, sometimes struggling financially with someone who you are actually happy with is more important than living off of chink money like some leech while wanting to shoot yourself.

>> No.15835532

So what? I’m rich, I’ll sleep around on the side and have a bunch of illegitimate kids that I keep quiet with hush money . There is literally no situation you can’t buy your way out of.

>> No.15835548

hot college girls aren't banging the fucking loser working at dennys.

You might get laid as a server but the girls aren't nearly as cute as you're describing.

>> No.15835650

look, I'm all for being a piece of shit capitalist. but one thing I'm not going to defend is a gold digging whore. I discriminate against gold diggers equally regardless of sex.

and you're a faggot for defending this behavior.

>> No.15835659

because she's japanese and most faggots here are unironic weebs

>> No.15835682

>I didn't fail you /biz/,


>> No.15835688

sent ;)

>> No.15835691

Dylann Vox

>> No.15835793

Was going to laugh at you but realized I had something similar happen to me while living abroad. My dick would not get hard or even maintain while with her, who wasn’t ugly just not my usual. Parents were nowhere as rich as your ugly chick but they were definitely apart of the 1%. She was educated in a foreign country and spoke 4 languages and was in love with me but I’m a man with a high libido and the idea of not being able to fuck a partner boggles my fucking mind.

>> No.15835833

It's something with the face. There are definitely some ugly girls that I can still get very turned on by, especially if a little drunk. But the face this girl has is just... Idk. can't explain

>> No.15835839

He said OP was a fag. And I dont see why men shouldnt be allowed to get away with gold digging, considering how much woman rape men in divorce kangaroo courts, and are generally more privileged socially.

>> No.15835856

>mid 20s
>never had a gf
>had opportunities to get gf's, mainly ugly girl's
>never pulled the trigger because then and now I could never seriously consider wifing up an ugly woman

>"All the money in the world could not get me to wife up with an ugly woman."
Couldn't do it either, I'd rather die never having married a woman than to marry an ugly woman.

>> No.15835871

The young women wasn’t ugly per se, she had style and I found out no amount of ass could make up for nice tits.

>> No.15835922

Men should be able to get away with it too. It's still as disgusting as when a woman does it.

>> No.15835972

It's not disgusting at all you childish fucking mongoloid.

It's simply what she wants. She's rich, wants a handsome guy, and is willing to pay for it.

I'm not "gold digging", I'm just providing a service you fucking nigger

>> No.15836167

yes, the services of a whore. except instead of being straightforward about it, you're going to trick her into thinking you care for her and pray for a big payoff.

Hopefully the family has enough sense to have the girls share of the assets in a trust, assuming she doesn't have the sense to get a prenup.

>> No.15836268

and what's wrong with being a "whore" besides the fact that the word has been stigmatized?

All capitalism is "being a whore".

No one marries purely for love if they're over the age of 25. No one. I'm just taking it to the next level sorry you aren't on my level bro

>> No.15836489

bump, issue is not resolved

>> No.15836496

imagine thinking this is true

>> No.15836499

Kys, male whore as nigger

>> No.15836527

if real you did the right thing op
she dodged a bullet

>> No.15836538

op, why don't you just suck black dick for money?

>> No.15836547

because I'm already rich you desperate nigger

>> No.15836635

That's true, Anon. All the actually social people capable of "love" (most people don't actually "love", but are retarded teenage faggots) and sound relationships are snagged up before they reached that age. Whereas all the people still single afterwards are worthless shits or those who have been unable to find a good mate due to unfortunate personal circumstances. And desu IDK why all the other Anons defend the Japanese chick either. She's clearly a roastie-type if she makes out and opens her slut-holes instantly. Why would I defend a roastie slut? Only because OP is a whore? Roastie and whore clearly belong together. ("Muh stigma" is also a shitty copout. This behaviour will always be stigmatized and looked down upon negatively by people capable of stable and superior relationships... people who aren't cucks etc.)

>> No.15836642

then why do you make this thread?

>> No.15836643

what happens to the girl in OP? does she take it in the pooper?

ayy, needs to be posted on r9k

>> No.15836648

Right... I think people like you are called "leftovers".

>> No.15836698
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>> No.15836799

Would have married her to borrow 10MM to turn it into 1B. Fucking looser *dabs*

>> No.15836834

same story bro...
but happened in Bangkok
I was dating a playmate with a 120 sqm condo in Asok (1M euros) to her name
Her dad had porsches, camaro ss, mercedes
I left thailand because I enlisted army
she is now dating a blonde french guy from the riviera

she was crazy about me
I still have 300,000$ cash tho

>> No.15836986

I would love to live like animal. Drumming away at life, eating garbage whenever i want and loving it. Not a care in the world...

>> No.15837125

that's because you're a degenerate

>> No.15837246

Your first big mistake. Never met a bigger bunch of spoiled, retarded insects. They make the rest of the chinks seem positively holy.

>> No.15837586

>I need some advice on how to cope.
I'm a good guy, so I am going to help you out.
First of all, from what you have been telling us, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to go back and "run into her" and have another shot at it.
Secondly, rich parents hardly ever let their wealth befall their son-in-laws. You would probably get to live in a big house, and your wife would probably inherit a lot of shit, but that doesn't mean you could liquidate it and get a pile of cash.
Thirdly, you admitted to not being sexually attracted to her. Do you really think you would enjoy living with her?
Fourth, rich families, and rich girls, generally place very heavy expectations on the man to get his shit together.. If you don't have any wealth of your own, or a high-level occupation or some other status thing going for you, everyone in her family, including your wife, will look down upon you. Especially your children. Have you seen the big lebowski, you are kinda like the big lebowski, some poor crippled fuck leeching off his dead wife. not very cool.
Fifth: There are a bunch of rich asians looking for white husbands. Finding a 250+miller may be hard, but there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to find other rich asians. Maybe even a good looking one.
Lastly, stop acting like a fucking pussy. From what I can tell you are fairly young handsome white man who is worth 100k USD. You are literally miles ahead of 99.99% of the world. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go out and get what you want out of this life.

>> No.15837877
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 6dBt2Oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese and east asians in general have mostly nothing against plastic surgery and makeup and similar things. holy shit OP you truly missed out on a once-in-a-billion-years thing.

why didnt you court and get with her and then guilt her into undergoing plastic surgery? it's impressive what doctors can do these days. enhancements of any type!




>> No.15837967

This. Fuck you OP you little slut.

>> No.15838135

>I have no money besides like 100k in cash

Fuck you

>> No.15838690

To make the pain from your failure even worse, every Galaxy Brain Man knows you never wife a beautiful woman. As the song goes, if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. She would have known she couldn't do better than you in the looks department, and you guys got along famously to boot.

A shame. A real shame... Your children would have been princes.

>> No.15839422

Post your Arby's flaps or GTFO.

>> No.15839509

I know that you feel like a loser OP.
Because you are a loser. THE JAP CHICK DODGED A FUCKIN BULLET.
Well done Jap chick.