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15834259 No.15834259 [Reply] [Original]

When will millennials begin confiscate boomer wealth?

>> No.15834268

We're going to eat the rich plans already undergoing on /pol/

>> No.15834270


>> No.15834279

So /pol/ were just closet commies. As expected of all talk no work fags

>> No.15834283
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God please hire some editors. Such fucking unprofessional writing.

>> No.15834293

Its easy
Since you are the average millennial, then ask yourself when will your dad give all his money to you

>> No.15834294

I hope I live to see the day boomers line the street begging from scraps. Probably a pipe dream, but it would be glorious to laugh at them in their most vulnerable years of life.

>> No.15834299

Haha get ate Richie

>> No.15834311

This is the standard now.

>> No.15834315

Unironically when they all die. Statistically boomers born between 1960-1970 will either be dead or close to death near 2045-2055.

>> No.15834327

Kill yourself kike nigger

>> No.15834338

You write a better headline.

>> No.15834348

Boomers will be fucking immortal as medical tech improves during the coming decades and they start pumping their wealth into sustaining themselves.

Seriously though, it's going to take ages for them to disappear from the picture.
The entire management sector consists of these fuckers and they have no intentions of fucking off any time soon.
Combine this mentality with the ever rising retirement age and the improving medical tech and we'll be in our mid 50s until those buggers start kicking the bucket.
It's going to be like Japan. We're going to see 85 year old managers gatekeeping the lucrative positions in companies as they hire cheap ass part time grunt workers and obliterate the concept of full time employment.

>> No.15834362

I disagree. This scifi fantasy of them becoming immortal is retarded. They will die just like the rest of the generations will, Only this time they will have technological luxuries, They cannot escape death.

>> No.15834369
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Enjoy your stay at the local nursing home.

>> No.15834383

Rich boomers don't go to nursing homes idiot.

>> No.15834386

They don't have to be immortal, even just staying alive for one more decade is enough to literally destroy the planet.

>> No.15834401

They need home visits since they can't wipe their asses anymore.

>> No.15834404

Well time will tell, I do not think there will be a difference whether they live to be 85 or 110. How would they destroy the planet? I'm genuinely uniformed besides my knowledge of them destroying the ozone.

>> No.15834411

You should only keep what you can protect. Coming for you boomer fucks.

>> No.15834414

That's not a nursing home.

>> No.15834438

Yeah, I did say that we're going to be in our 50s when they're going to start dying.
Obviously we're not going to have immortal boomers around, but medical tech is going to start doing wonders to the human longevity during the next decades.
Especially with biotech stepping into the picture, that field is going to be massive once it takes off.
Boomers are going to live long ass time and we're not going to be rid of them anytime soon. Worst part about this is that they're going to squander all of the wealth they might have left as they keep on trucking and they're also going to keep on preventing the entry of younger generations to the higher up positions as they keep on holding onto them.

I wouldn't be surprised to see millenials end up as a generation who will never rise to the top, because when boomers finally die the good positions are going to go to younger guys rather than the 40-60 year old millenials.

>> No.15834447
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>> No.15834466

Sorry it's just immortal means just that, Never ending. We will see what advancements we make, But I cannot see these fuckers living to 120.

>> No.15834500

yes it is the old people of all races that hoard the wealth. not the one race who control the financial system and account for most billionaires. kill your parents and take their condo anons.

>> No.15834543


>> No.15834559

>boomers die off the exact moment America becomes minority White
Well played you boomer fucks. They get to enjoy decades of the greatest living standards on earth and die right as it all goes to shit.

>> No.15834572
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This is what I did to my Boomer parents:
They gave me nothing and pissed their enormous wealth away on nigger art, nigger charities, and Christian church shit. I was left with literally nothing.

I had them declared mentally unfit and then got control over the tiny amount of wealth and possessions they had left. I liquidated all their shit, got $25k for it, and used it to buy a new Subaru BRZ.

Then I stuck them in the worst state-run nursing home I could find in the nigger part of town. They begged me to move them literally three days after they got there. My response was as follows:

>Stop being racist! This is their culture. You spent your whole life supporting these people and bringing them into the country. You are staying there and you will learn to live among them!

I paid their coon caretaker $500 cash to ignore any of their requests that were """unreasonable""" and told that shitskin they were both racist and to do what you have to in order to keep them in line. They are both suffering a lot of abuse including not being properly cleaned.

It's the future they both chose. For you pussies who will cry about this, you can take your egalitarian faggot shit and shove it up your ass. Boomers deserve to be punished. The only way White people will ever learn anything is through their suffering. We need to ensure that the entire Boomer generation's final years are sadistic torture as a warning to future generations who might piss away their children's opportunities.

...Final note: my mom spent her entire life working with a Lutheran church to import Somalian nogs into America and she was very successful at it. I hope one of her caretakers gives her a fucking good smack or three

>> No.15834578

this is my favorite pasta

>> No.15834602

Based and pillowpilled

>> No.15834676
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>> No.15834752

Nice pasta faggot

>> No.15834787

Based nog, the boomerknocker

>> No.15834832

You know this is a Jew'd board when the word "kike" is only used in this >>15834327 post and not addressing the fiat pyramid scheme perpetuated by the Jews.

>> No.15834857

Everyone hates (((Boomers))) you idiot.

>> No.15834923
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ok, this is based

>> No.15834934


Jews have nothing to do with my grandparents burning through every cent they have.
They went from owning multiple apartments and earning 6 figures a year to now living on rent. Rent which they can't even afford and are soon set for living in a home half the size of where they currently live.
During the last 10 years they could have easily bought a home of their own, but instead they blindly keep on spending above their means and they're now reaching a point where they're very much fucked.
Boomers are simply the most retarded and short sighted generation ever born on this planet.

>> No.15834949

Boomers will crash the system before handing their wealth off to millennials.

>> No.15834973
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>"LOL we're spending the kids inheritance!"
>money runs out
>"okay kids, pay my nursing home bills!"
yeah, nah.

>> No.15834980

>Everyone hates (((Boomers))) you idiot.
I see Boomer rhetoric all over this place.

>> No.15835002
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>> No.15835047
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Underrated pasta

>> No.15835104

To defeat the monster sometimes we must become monsters ourselves.

>> No.15835165

I'll take "things that never happened" for $500, Alex

>> No.15835206

This is really the most frustrating part of the whole thing. I also love taking advice about work from someone who hasn't worked in 30+ years because shit was so good for them.

>> No.15835230

lol it unironically triggers me. They crashed this with no survivors after looting everything - we might even see a giant boomer middle finger appear in the clouds right before the world is totally annihilated by nuclear bombs as one last "fuck you" to the world that they doomed

>> No.15835253

That's Generation X

>> No.15835272

Agree w this, we need to take it from these bastards and that’s the political campaign for the next wave. Not ready now but I’m 4 or 8 years someone needs to campaign on taking this shit from the asshole boomers. Maybe jail them too if they talk back

>> No.15835480

I would classify anyone born below 1975 a boomer. I guess that's biased because I was born in 1999, But I fucking hate old people. Not because they are old, But because of their ideals. I like the generation that is going to stand up to the jewish system. The generation that is full of doomers that are redpilled about the aryan struggle. The generation that will not be afraid to be labeled as domestic terrorists in the future when they tout their ar15's proudly even though it will be against the law. Boomers are too old and brainwashed, Anyone before 1980's still has boomer ideals from their boomer parents. People born 1980's-1999 will be the warfighters.

>> No.15835666

Know the generations you'll deal with...
You have your early boomers who are among the very last who remember "old America" before JFK was assassinated, before gold and silver were completely removed from currency, and before the Immigration Act of 1965.
You have your late boomers who remember the tail-end of the moon expeditions and mostly came of age in the era of stagflation.
You have your early Gen Xers who remember nothing before the cultural revolution and came of age during the economic boom of the 80s.
You have your late Gen Xers who can likely recall the Challenger explosion and the final era of the Cold War. They were the wiz kids of the Dot-Com bubble.
You have your early Millennials who came of age around 9/11 and the Afghanistan/Iraq wars and graduated college before the Recession. They built up a lot of Web 2.0
You have your late Millennials who remember 9/11 and either came of age or graduated college during the Recession. We made lots of YouTube Poops and.. uh.. contributed much to rising drug rates and apathy.
You have your early Zoomers who were about the same age during the Recession that late Millennials were when 9/11 happened. their recollections of the pre-digital world would be hazy, at best. They were mostly in school through the bad economic times but could very well end up graduating college into yet another bad economy like so many of us did.

That's the American lineage, at least. It can vary region to region. European boomers had it notably worse than American boomers. A subset of Japanese Gen Xers have been infamously cursed as a "lost generation" simply for showing up at the wrong time and being shut out of the rites of succession as a result.

>> No.15835781

You young whipper snappers will be eating lead sandwiches!!!

>> No.15835790

jesus zoomers it isnt hard to give someone a firmed handshake

>> No.15835820
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These things are boomer personified.
>Grossly expensive
>Huge eyesore
>Symbolic of a hedonistic carefree lifestyle at the expense of younger generations
>Gets in the way

>> No.15835837
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Boomers are one of the worst generations to have ever existed. The fact that they're still allowed anywhere near government or law is insane.

>> No.15835840

Unironically based, doing gods work

>> No.15835956

Despite their diabeties, their high blood pressure, their gigantic guts... They're going to live for so fucking long.