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15829777 No.15829777 [Reply] [Original]

Long-term link marines, what are you doing right now? Are you just hodling or are you still buying even now?

>> No.15829798

Never selling my linkies

>> No.15829803

just holding god

>> No.15829813

i'm buying 400$ every month when wagie paycheck comes, never selling

>> No.15829816

I have 48k+ LINK.

>> No.15830269
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still buying, every single paycheque
buy low
buy "high"
never, EVER sell

this method recognizes chainlink as the toyota of oracles
a mindfully-connected and assembled sequence of individual parts that, themselves, act as tightly-regulated enclaves of individuality—making the whole system a sequence of independent marvels of engineering that perfectly fulfill their specific roles, with wide tolerances to stress in the lines that connect these parts

when money skelly likened link to toyota, he truly was onto something

>> No.15830286
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enjoying the ride

>> No.15830292

Where did he compare link to Toyota??

>> No.15830302

Is 2.7k enough?

>> No.15830320

A while ago on twitter.
It was used as FUD... Kek

>> No.15830425

gonna sell half once at 5usd, and buy in back as soon as it reverts to below 2.5usd, then hold until it hits 1k usd and sell 1-10%, then hold rest until 1 is over a million.

>> No.15830447

Just holding since November 2017.
Comfiest two years of my life. Good times ahead gentlemen.

>> No.15830462

i've been hodling since oct 2017 :3

>> No.15830465
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I DCA 250 a week and currently have 6k link

>> No.15830471

I've got 19k link, I havent bought since maybe February. Just holding now.

>> No.15830501

i buy some every week depending on take home pay.

>> No.15830526

Been sitting on a 20k stack since $.39
Haven't bought any more, havent sold. I won't be selling any time soon

>> No.15830539

Bought top 1000 wallet when it was 30 cents then ran out of money.

I perhaps would buy 2-3k even with these prices, at least when it was sub $2, but I got no fucking money to invest in right now. I'm all in on link

>> No.15830568
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it could possibly have been an outright attempt at dismissing link, as if saying "link is merely one of many oracle networks"—but seeing as how this was never the case (even a year later, to this very day), i get the feeling that he, either consciously or subconsciously, knew the truth behind his comparison
the future of ethereum rests in link's hands, and link's hands alone—and vitalik knows it, but doesn't want to admit it

if you're looking to live a life where money is no object, 2.7k will be plenty
those who never sell, though, can never have too much link

>> No.15830579

I took profits when I saw them, I put everything into ALGO. At the current price its an absolute steal.

>> No.15830589

Vitalik is hardcore tsundere when it comes to LINK.

>> No.15830647
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Sold at 2.14 since its going back to $2 or under. I dont understand why people like to hold on the way down so much. Live life on the edge pussies

>> No.15830658

>if you're looking to live a life where money is no object, 2.7k will be plenty

at what price will that happen in your opinion?

>> No.15830671
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I don't think we'll spend very long below $2.09 anon. I have my buy orders set above $2.07 and am gonna be keeping GDAX open all afternoon

>> No.15830700

Holding, and will be working on setting up a node and creating an arbitrage bot for passive linkies

>> No.15830719

Took a much lower paying job recently, so just sitting on my stack

>> No.15830730


I'm willing to pay for that bot, you got mail?

>> No.15830731

I'm not buying, but I'm earning 8% on half of my stack

>> No.15830738

That meme is cringe because a woman would never say "individual freedoms"

>> No.15830751



>> No.15830780

Through binance or crypto.com?

>> No.15830804

I do but im not nearly done with the bot. When im done ill probably create a thread here. Lots of coding and testing still ahead.

>> No.15830813

playing classic WoW

>> No.15830839

Should have done that in June. We‘ll blow straight to 10$ this time

>> No.15830841

crypto.com, I didn't know binance let you earn interest on linkies as well

>> No.15830842

5.5k linklet here that bought at .43 cents. It could take a year or 5 years. Currently neeting so I just play video games all day and help around the house, Pretty comfy.

>> No.15830845

Had my 60k stack since 0.40 and will sell a single token at $1k by way of celebration.

Other than that I won’t be selling a single token under any circumstances.

>> No.15830859


How does the process work through crypto.com? Is it safe?

>> No.15830863


Baste and redpilled.

I just want to sit at home all day and play wow. This life has made me a haggard specter of my true self.

>> No.15830879

>Is it safe?
The general consensus seems to be that it's safe. I've seen no red flags, other than their app being a little janky.

Basically you deposit LINK and lock it up for up to 3 months. You can earn up to 8% per year for those 3 months in simple interest (not compound), so basically after 3 months you earn 2% of whatever you locked up. You earn it in weekly payments, though, and its in the currency you're staking (so LINK earns LINK). I have half of mine locked up, but once I verify that I can pull money out easily in weekly interest, I'm going to put the rest in. Depending on the price of LINK, I could genuinely live off of that interest.

>> No.15830893

if you end up trying it out, use my referral code and they'll give us both $50

>> No.15830899

Selling 1% of my stack every month
Will re evaluate in 24 months but until the dust settles seems like a reasonable middle ground

>> No.15830900

Chilling. Waiting. As long as there are garbage scams on front of link on cmc I am comfy.
Shitposting isn't fun any more. Biz is the worst it's been in, what, 4 years? Rory cucked the discord. Crypto twitter is literally at ATL in activity. Staking isn't even live yet. There isn't much to do.

>> No.15830908


Thanks. So you can't withdraw during that period of 3 months right? And then you earn 2%. And if you repeat it for 3 more times of 3 months you get your 8% at the end of that period?

What if they decide to exitscam with the link tokens. I'd literally kill myself.

It sounds a bit too good to be true desu. Don't know why more anons didn't pick up on that too.

>> No.15830921


Do you have to own an of the crypto.com shitcoin?

>> No.15830932

>What if they decide to exitscam with the link tokens
this is my biggest fear obviously. They insured for $100MM allegedly, against exactly what I'm not sure.

>Do you have to own an of the crypto.com shitcoin?
Yeah that's the other caveat, you have to stake 500 MCO tokens to earn 8% -- without it, you earn 6%.

> So you can't withdraw during that period of 3 months right?
You can't withdraw any of the tokens you staked, but you can withdraw the interest you get paid out weekly. So far it seems exactly as they say. I'm not sure why more anons don't talk about it, but one anon did say he's afraid they're going to lower the interest rate if too many people jump on board. I have to say, getting paid out in LINK is pretty insane.

>> No.15830943

Ironically enough, ChainLink could make this all smart contract driven, which we could trust after a careful code review. I can't wait for that day to come.

>> No.15830973

In the event of a "hack" or an exitscam, your funds are gone and there is no insurance. Earning only 8% per year seems like a big risk/low reward scenario. Binance lending of 6% a year with 14 day lock up periods seem safer.

>> No.15830996


Thanks for the explanation anon.


Agree. Do you have any experience with binance lending?

>> No.15831007

How is this not obviously a ponzi?
Who is paying those rates to borrow when the markets are obviously liquid?

>> No.15831023

>Binance lending of 6% a year
I don't see LINK available on Binance, what am I missing?

>> No.15831031

They have a lending platform which nets them more than 8% interest IIRC. I think they use the capital from Earn to lend and make a few percent. I thought about doing it with my 210k stack, but couldnt bear the idea of losing it all in an exit scam

>> No.15831032

>Who is paying those rates to borrow
Every platform I've seen, compound.finance, nuo network, etc, all of them offer the same loan rates.

>> No.15831037

No experience. If I loan half my stack(10k LINKs) I would only get about $56 in 14 days. Feels a bit scary, but then again 6% is quite low and Binance is a pretty big exchange that makes a lot of money and just got into margin trading as well. My 10k is either way on Binance already so might as well lend it out. Other half is on Coinbase. I don't trust myself with keeping LINK. Rather Coinbase exit scams or Binance exit scams than me fucking something up and losing my linkies.

>> No.15831047


currently it's full, so you have to wait until these ones end to subscribe

>> No.15831048


Kek i feel you. Is there any tutorial on how to stake on binance, do i have to give chinks my kyc?

>> No.15831087

You wouldn't happen to be that high iq larper who had the same sell plan are you?

>> No.15831115

There's an explanation on their site

Doesn't seem like KYC is needed.

>> No.15831121

Specialist here. Not selling. Not buying. Turned from speculator to full blown LinkMarine in January after doing DD.

holding for $100. Nothing more. Nothing less.

>> No.15831124
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>> No.15832046

Blessed ID color and bg

>> No.15832066

..um...that already happened...

>> No.15832100

I sold at the bottom and can't buy back in now unless I accept a substantial loss that i will be unliklely to recover. Sucks to be me.

>> No.15832253


I’m at 150 links, wanna go to 300, but unsure if I should buy now or wait to see if we drop to 1.60 again...if only I got into crypto a few months earlier.

>> No.15832311

stopped adding to my bag at 250K avg of 3200 Sats . Been waiting for a long while now. Although I felt like it would be a 3-4 yr hold. im at 2 yrs now. i check in on /Biz/ 2-3 times a month and FUD Link to make nulinkers confused. truth is i married a 3.9 gpa and she makes way more then me but we spend freely regardless of who earned it. I bought 12 BTC in Sept 2017, took 2 BTC and slowly converted to ETH then directly to 15+ ICOs while BTC was pumping. made sick gains with DRGN/HOT. enough to take a few yrs off.
cashed out 10 BTC through local BTC during the $20k run up.
i cashed out all my crypto kept the Chainlink

basicly i do nothing speciaal, eat sleep fuck. all the regular stuff. ive got alot more spending comfort, my wife wants to travel all the time, im more of a home body. ive got no mortage, just property tax though its $23K, Cali real estate is insane. I gamble more, always did but nickle and dime stuff but now id need at least a $500 bet. good thing is im actually good at handicapping and poker. also currently building a 347 stroker small block ford engine to make 450 HP.
4th qtr 2019 feels like good awareness and momentum building. i plan to do little till the singularity takes off. id consider selling at over $25-$30 range. i'd be set for life.
also checked

>> No.15832318

Masturbating tbqh.

>> No.15832325
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Imagine doing that with a coin that has a circulating supply in the 3 digits

Moron lol

>> No.15832331

How did you marry a girl that makes more than you? Do you look really good?

>> No.15832351

Stopped buying once I got over 20k. Sold 2k on the CB pump and will sell in similar amounts on the way up.

>> No.15832367

i never had problems with ladies. I fucked my sitter I was 11, she was 15. i guess that kinda installed confidence at a young age.

>> No.15832424

Never gonna make it

>> No.15832447
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If you're a nulinker I'd recommend to keep accumulating as long as you can.
I already have a comfy stack however that I bought at 20c, so right now I'm trying to accumulate a total of 32 ETH for delicious steaking (eventually).
After that I'm gonna throw a few hundred bucks at random low mcap shitcoins, and patiently wait for one of my investments to mewn.

>> No.15832453
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I await the thawing process; the ice around me recedes more every day. The alchemic fire becomes more visible daily, It began as a little starlight so far off in the distance but its burning crimson flames are now visible. I am to cast myself into these flames to be remade in their warmth anew, and within a melancholy dream of the ice, I was presented with my future as a member of a new social class of "nodes-keepers" that is tasked with cataloging the world's data into our network.

>> No.15832578

Sound like a KEK desu

>> No.15832918

sold 4000LINK today, first profit I took from buying Link all through 2018. Now I can peacefully neet for another year or so. That's 2x my investment after tax, and there's absolutely no chance of me selling 1 LINK before 10$ now.

Learned my fuckin lesson after not selling at 4-5$ and watch it go down for months while being stressed the fuck out.

Big part of me selling today is that BTC is not showing any fuckin signs of bouncing back, and I don't see a reason for new money to enter market atm.

Half of top100 coins should be purged from the market, BTC whales showed us on Sept 25th that they can crush this shit to 3-4K again.

This time around I will be after i locked my profits in, and don't give a fuck if LINK goes to 1$ or 5$ tomorrow. Same with BTC/LINK shenanigans, especially if BTC wants to stay under 10K, any LINK gains in sats are mostly irrelevant atm.

I will be suprised if we hit 10$ by EOY, then I will unload couple K again. But I guess people with 100K+ Link would exit en masse by then and crush that point.

>> No.15833078
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>> No.15833193

I bought small amounts of link and other coins during 2018 been here since mid 2017. Just waiting right now. I feel burned out because of my job and life is repetitive. Trying to lift and lose weight. First lieutenant here btw

>> No.15833689
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will stinky linkies make it?