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15818228 No.15818228 [Reply] [Original]

would you help your family after you make it? redpill me on charity

>> No.15818243

It's pretty alpha since it comes from a place of power

>> No.15818272

How do you help them without it becoming full 'gibs me dats'?

Even now, I have to carefully weigh up the decision to allow someone in the family to borrow money, and 9/10 times the answer is going to be a big no.

>> No.15818287

yeah sure why not. just my immediate family though. id get them stem cell injections and get them on anti aging therapies and shit like that so that they can feel healthy and energetic. would also probably relocate my family to somewhere nice, scenic, and low stress. but im not buying people 20 cars and 40 gold chains.

>> No.15818294

My family doesn't need help other than my mom. I just need to support her when her roommate eventually dies.

>> No.15818310
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If you want to know what 'family charity' really is, ask any man who has a Filipina woman in his life. Brothers,cousins and 'he's not really my uncle but we treat him like that' appear from no where and you can give money to 100 'family' members and when you finally say no because you stack has taken a lethal hit, they ALL turn on you and family shame the girl.

>> No.15818523

I'll help my family as much as they helped me. So I guess I won't offer them a home or a place to stay and treat them like idiots that should do what I say coz I feel safe n comfy... That's literally what they did to me n started charging me rent at 16. Boomers are as inhuman as bugpeople

>> No.15818590

Classic zerg rush

>> No.15818601

If you think sacrificing yourself for your family is charity you are truly lost

>> No.15818616

>I’ll help them as much as they helped me
Good policy, frankly. Sorry your parents were shit.

>> No.15818632

My family literally rooted for my failure. Not joking. They downplayed every advance I would make and talk about how others in and around my family were doing so much better and were so much better off.
My plan is when I finally make it, and I'm talking really make it. I will take them all on an expensive all inclusive family vacation and let them have just a taste of what my new life will be like, and then after that, fuck em! I might do a small favor here and there, but on the grand scale, they don't get shit.

>> No.15818635

Parents absolutely fuck the rest of them

>> No.15818747

This. I can’t wait to throw money at people who’ve helped me fix my shit decisions over the years

>> No.15818761

No. Family is leeches

>> No.15819454


>hmm give it to family who treated me like shit nope

>give it to people who helped me out back when i had nothing


>> No.15819469

well your father probably slaved for 20 years to support you and your siblings if applicable. I would definitely help him. mother gave birth to you but if she was mean to you or wasn't motherly i'd say not required.

>> No.15819473


>> No.15819562
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>> No.15819586

Of course just so I can hold power over people. Imagine the mad flex you pull when you pay off your parents mortgages or your sister's credit card debts or your brothers University tuition. They'd have to kiss your ass permanently.

>> No.15819723

I'm not going to but if you family is not a bunch of blood aucking maggots like mine you should help them anon

>> No.15819756

>They'd have to kiss your ass permanently.

If you pay it off all at once, they forget about it in minutes and go right back to being dicks to you. You have to string them along. Let them beg a little and make one month's payment for them. Then if they kiss your ass enough, pay off a few thousand in principle here and there. You have to train them to kiss your ass, until they do it out of habit forever.

>> No.15819782

No way I'm just falling off the face of the Earth once my shit coin moons 100x probably Cancun I been and loved it