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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15814892 No.15814892 [Reply] [Original]

How far are you?

>> No.15814905

I own a kickass 2012 ford focus. Only been keyed once.

>> No.15814911

i went up the side entrance with my eth stack mooning in 2020

>> No.15814920

>thinking that this is a linear progression
>starting a family comes before all of that other shit

Boomer life seems ass-backwards to me the way that we seem ass-backwards to them.

>> No.15814947

Yes goyim. Buy a vehicle with being in debt. Fucking retards

>> No.15814960

>starting family before paying off all debt

>> No.15814965

In b4 link fantasy

>> No.15814982

Skipped straight to nice vacation and up.

No home
No debt


>> No.15814985

Got my fill of travel/fancy larping in my 20s and am mostly much over it. Starting a family and want to start a business too, everything else done

>> No.15815117
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Live like a pesant so you can pay your debt off, than you can get ahead. Get the debt out of your life.

>> No.15815171

Those steps are in the wrong order. First step is small emegerncy fund of 1k. Second is to pay all your debts off besides mortgages. Third is an emergency fund between 10k-20k, depending on job security, if you rent or own a home and how expensive your car is. Figure it out yourself. 4th is everything else. Also having a family is mutually exclusive from your financial status.

>> No.15815185

just bought my own vehicle at the age of 26

>> No.15815196

>lmao dude start a family when you're poor as fuck so your kids can continue the cycle

>> No.15815205

>Not having kids, buying a house and starting a business before you have an emergency fund

Never. Gonna. Make. It.

>> No.15815237


I'm in the middle of refinancing my house and the loan officer thought I made a mistake on the application when he saw that it was my only debt. Sucking at money is as common in America as obesity.

>> No.15815238

>traveling abroad
Why would I go to shit holes I like where I live
>paying off debt
Nothing to pay if you dont get in it
>luxury dinners
What the fuck is this supposed to mean
>nice vacation
Go fishing in the mountains its....kinda free

>> No.15815257
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Whoever made this is a fucking moron.

>buy a vehicle while in debt
>start a family before owing a home
>consider home ownership before paying off debt
>start a business before emergency fund
Really, whoever did it deserves a bullet to the head.

But let's tackle it while not considering the order:

>student loan
Waste of money - never took one.
Waste of money.
>Starting a family
Waste of money - I just have a frugal wife.
>home ownership
Almost a landlord
>starting a business
See above - nothing special, just safe.
>pay off all debt
Never been in debt
>Emergency fund
I have $130k - pretty sure that will cover emergencies
>nice vacation
A nice vacation is playfighting with my wife at home. A conventional vacation is a waste of money.
>luxury dining
Waste of money - my wife makes better food for 1/100 the price.
>travel abroad
MUH TREES, MUH ROCKS, MUH CLOUDS. Fuck off. Waste of money.
>text too small to read the last one
Waste of time

Bullet for whoever made that shitty pic

>> No.15815273

Never going to start a family but am at 750k net worth.

>> No.15815283
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>> No.15815363
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>> No.15815438
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>> No.15815471

This. I fell for the wife and kids meme, you're supposed to make money in your 20s and 30s, then fuck and waifu a 19 year old when you turn 40. It's unpossible to make money when you have a wife who doesn't see you as a father figure, and instead thinks half your money is hers and the other half is hers as well

>> No.15815502

>bot declaring bankruptcy and clearing all debt

>> No.15815515

>iimplying student or medical debt need to be paid
>implying those blocks are even the right order


>> No.15815520

>worship a fucking jew the highest level
jew worshiping faggot.

>> No.15815549

At the very bottom

How is it even possible to make it at $18 an hour with no previous familial help or cushion. Even if I save my entire paycheck that's only like 2k a month

>> No.15815561

How old are you? Anything you start saving is a start. If you're waging then just keep trying to find progressively higher paying jobs and keep your expenses super low. Find side hustles that you can do in your spare time to make extra cash.

The sooner you start putting that money away the faster it's going to compound.

>> No.15815575

wow its almost like if you never have debt you avoid all those fucking problems

I'm debt free and will retire in about 2 years at age 48.
Not the perfect life, but have fun waging until your 65 then too old to do anything when you retire but watch reruns and take naps.

>> No.15815584

Came here to post this.

>> No.15815601

>save only $2k/month

That's what I've been doing. No kids and house paid off. In 10 years that's $250k plus interest congrats you made it!
No reason you can't live off that until forever. Maybe take a part time job now and then to cover unexpected expenses.

>> No.15815615


Ra Ra Ra debt so bad

Listen here you dumb fuck wagie. If the free market didn't provide you that debt... You would be UNeducated and disabled or dead. But no debt am I right???

Fuck off. Better to get a fucking medical bill and debt than die of a preventable disease, better to be in student debt than illiterate.

Thus is the difference between degenerate nigger tribes and Western nations

>> No.15815620

Business normally comes before children

>> No.15815636

>Thus is the difference between degenerate nigger tribes and Western nations
*and the US.

Most western nations actually help their citizens with education and health care.

>> No.15815637

No one needs a $10k emergency fund. Invest that in non-tax deferred account you can withdraw if you really need it in couple days.
Keep a grand cash in the safe and another grand in a savings account. Anything more than that you use your 2% cashback credit card for emergencies then pay the balance with the funds from that account mentioned above.

>> No.15815638

God u chainlinkers are so gay. Really hope all you fags lose money

>> No.15815663

Piss poor

>> No.15815666

Do worry they all did.
A few of them still cling to the delusion that one day they make break even.
Unfortunately they'll give us peace because its on the next AnusCoin then the next and the next and the next.
Then they blame capitalism or jews or whatever for being broke and in debt their whole lives.

>> No.15815680


I mean he’s not wrong. I live stealth monk mode on a shitty salary but I only want to work one job, my free time is more precious to me than any money can buy.

>> No.15815729
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implying a woman even know what a "wallet" is

>> No.15815942

At the bottom but without the debt and GF.

>> No.15815958

damn thass a redpill m8. tho i think 35 is a good age

>> No.15816121

r u etard3d

>> No.15816350

>driver's license and car
well sort of. i've been banned twice for drink driving. i do own a 2014 car all paid for but haven't been able to drive it for 3 years.
>own 5 bedroom house, all paid for
impossible to maintain a relationship if you're an addict.
>start business
i owned a network of websites which accidentally made a load of money 20 years ago.
>emergency fund
like 1000. fuck all.
cbf, too drunk/hung over.

aside from owning a few sites and making money from cryptos, i have zero qualifications and have never had a job in my entire life, not one day, not an hour. i'm 40 btw.

>> No.15816403

Enjoy your down syndrome kids.

>> No.15816405

just market bought 100k

>> No.15816788

home ownership
the steps higher than that are useless
vacation? luxury dining? who the fuck does this shit?

>> No.15816815

down syndrome is only caused by old bad eggs
the sperm does not play into it at all

>> No.15816823

>the steps higher than that are useless vacation? luxury dining?

Yea you can do all that shit well before owning a home or even paying off debt. The government isn't gonna kick down your door or seize any assets because you aren't paying your loans.

I have 43k in student debt yet I'm still investing and planning to make minimum payments just so they stop calling my fucking phone.

>> No.15816833

don't be a retard
enjoy the call and have fun with the wagies that make them

>> No.15816865

Jesus Christ you sound miserable as fuck. What’s the point of having all that money if you’re not gonna use it?

>> No.15817098

On the uppermost step it says "Buying a Bitcoin"

>> No.15817110 [DELETED] 
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what things would you do if you turned into this girl?

would life be harder?

>> No.15817113

hush jew

>> No.15817274

I skipped buying a vehicle, starting a family and home ownership and went straight to starting a business. Payed off my debt but I think I will have to double back for all the steps I skipped.

>> No.15817284

All of them except for home ownership lol

>> No.15817299

>parents bought vehicles for me
>no family, just fuck girls from tinder
>dads buying me a home
>started a business when I was 17
>no debt thanks to family credit card
>yes emergency fund
>family has multiple vacation homes
>eat at fancy places all the time
>lived abroad and travel abroad too

>> No.15817313

And you came here to brag because....?

>> No.15817564

>being in (((debt)))
Absolute state.

>> No.15817594


>> No.15817596

i don't have those balls chained to my ankles

>> No.15817622

poor americucks i swear. the NHS means everyone from tramps to billionaires are guaranteed absolutely all and any medical assistance necessary, with a bill upon leaving of precisely zero. amazing that americans don't have something similar all because 'wahh muh communism'. you do not know what you're missing.

breaking bad would have been shit if set in the uk. day 1: you have cancer. day 2: free surgery begins. roll credits.

>> No.15817628

>starting a family before paying off all debt

>> No.15817633


I don't see "buying a yacht"

That's where I am

>> No.15817634

>tfw don't have those balls chained to my ankle
>Still can't get past the first step
Fuck this is just insulting.

>> No.15817637

fuck off, the nhs is shit and you’d be waiting 60 days for surgery whilst ahmed and all his paki mates skip the line

>> No.15817638

>shitty little house at the top
>not heaven
Seems like the cartoonist could have done something with that

>> No.15817639

why the fuck would someone key a car?

>> No.15817647

go back to pol please sonny.

>> No.15817659

fuck off back to rēddit

>> No.15817700

Quiet Satan. I'm still 500% up on my initial.
Reddit is over there my good man.

>> No.15817736

Yeah, I had an issue getting a mortgage because I havn't had any debt. its bullshit.

>> No.15817737

Traveling abroad.

>> No.15817746

anyone ever told you to kill yourself?

>> No.15817748

>paki mates skip the line
what the hell are you even talking about? are you proposing that preferential treatment is given to non-brits? you're making a fool out of yourself pumpkin, stop going to the babby boards, your "KILL EVERYONE WHO ISN'T ME" philosophy just makes you look even more 12 than you are. And as for the NHS being "shit", tell me that when your mother has cancer and you don't have half a million quid handy for treatment. Children are seriously fucking annoying, children poisoned by pol are the single most fucking arrogant and poisonous little shits ever to pollute the planet. Grow up.

>> No.15817760

flat, car, wife and daughter, 14k debt

>> No.15817772

no chains
no debts
no roast
chillin in the bush to the side laughing at stupid normans chasing the (((dream)))

>> No.15817862

>just be born rich lmao

Fuck you

>> No.15817864

>buying a liability as your first step

ok boomer

>> No.15817883

i told you to fuck off back to rēddit once and i’ll tell you it one final time. fuck off back to rėddit, you paki apologist.

>> No.15817891

no one said you have to get a new car on credit. buy an old car in cash.

>> No.15817907

i pity you anon. have sex ffs. imagine how a room full of adults would react to your nonsensical screeching.
agreed tbqh. having a vehicle yields all kinds of opportunities. expensive bastards but a valuable and lucrative tool.

>> No.15817944

Not interested in a vehicle
Not interested in starting a family
Debt free
Have an emergency fund
Can afford nice vacations twice a year

So that would be Home Ownership

>> No.15818255

Spotted the virgin

>> No.15818411
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Risk of autism is higher if the father is old as well

>> No.15819259
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>> No.15819289

you dont even deserve a (you) fucking false flag tranny

>> No.15819320
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well not that exact order but:

>almost done paying credit card debt (paying no interest)
>no other debt besides ~2300 medical debt, that already went to collections, fuck em, I'll worry about it later
>my interest is fucked but about to be debt free
>computer science degree, 2.5 years experience with niche language thats very valuable to company
>401k that I contribute to, company matches
>2014 honda civic, good condition, not many miles, completely paid off
>long time girlfriend bought a house, going to move in with her and help her with her mortgage
>we have a dog, both really into our careers, don't think we will have kids

Think if I don't fuck up somehow I will be okay. Just going to have to rebuild my credit after I get out of this fucking black hole of money apartment.

>> No.15819334

Is the house on the hill death?
too close

>> No.15819337

thats so sad it's borderline pathetic

>> No.15819342
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she has to die..

>> No.15819571

I've actually been doing this entire list in reverse and it genuinely makes a lot more sense.
>early 20s going to bars and fancy restaurants, dating and sleeping around
>mid 20s travel and invest
>late 20s (I am here now) just started a business with my LINK gains
>early 30s gonna pay off all my debt
>mid 30s gonna buy a house (hopefully market will correct by then)
>late 30s I will start a family once I have a house, no debt, and a successful business
Don't even think I'll bother getting a car. Fuck being a 50 year old uncultured boomer going to Paris after decades of eating Arby's

>> No.15819605

I skipped the first two steps and went straight to being a home and business owner with no debt and an emergency fund, but then I stopped short of the materialistic stuff like vacationing which only contributes to the decline of the climate.

>> No.15819614

I;m also there except my two balls say
No work experience
No skills
Serious question:
What can I do?

>> No.15819617

Get a skill then get job experience

>> No.15819727

Link is the measure of value of memes

>> No.15819758

autism is a superpower.

>> No.15819762

One time is already too many times
Get a better social standing with your acquaintances

>> No.15819775

learn how to search
other keywords: hiring now/immediately
do NoFap to increase your focus and motivation. stop browsing online humor sites like this one and stop wasting time.
thank me in 2 months

>> No.15819791

>Buying a vehicle is the first step
Low IQ boomercomic

>> No.15820182

His car probably didn't get keyed by one of his friends you dumb fuck.

>> No.15820240


>> No.15820242


>> No.15820642


I was driving my now ex to a store which resided deep in the heart of nog territory.

>> No.15820667

eh, it kinda is for a lot of people. your job opportunities are fuck all without reliable transport, especially if you live rural it's a death sentence . plus, you can live in a car

>> No.15820721

>do NoFap to increase your focus and motivation.
t. 14yo

>> No.15820731

>america is the only country in the world

>> No.15821256
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>> No.15821265

i started a family but skipped the rest

>> No.15821951
File: 2.82 MB, 414x382, 1520917884443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1000 years of Christianty produces a Europe strong enought to bring the world to heel
>Jews introduce atheism
>Europe loses moral conviction, strength of will, and determination
>50 years later Europe is the laughing stock of the world and being plundered without resistance by a complancent population that is predominatly atheist and weak

you got it backwards, jews hate Christianty and love atheism

>> No.15822307

>posts a kike republicunt
>bring the world to heel
Sorry guy but christkikery never did any of that
>Europe loses moral
Prior to christcuckery whites had morality.
>50yrs later
European has been a laughing stock for since the fall of the roman empire and the forcing of christkikery.
>Jews hate
Sorry guy atheist are the leaders of many of the racialist movements in the US. Ch4istcucks are against eugenics and the progression of real science (not pop jew/science). I'm not an atheist I hate leftist atheists. Jews love Christians because again you are so easily controlled by it. Your foundations are Jewish your savor is Jewish all your prophets are Jewish. So of course Jews can easily use you when you use one of there tools.

>> No.15822327

Okay incel, calm down. Didn't think it was edge o'clock

>> No.15822343

I am 26 and I have all of them

(the perks of having rich parents)

>> No.15822392

i got past buy a vehicle but stuck on family. prolly not gonna happen.

>> No.15822418

pay off all debt and own a home

>> No.15822548
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How the fuck is that edgy? Reality is a problem with you?

>> No.15822597

This is /biz, 4chan is a Peruvian flute enthusiast forum. Please keep posts and comments relevant to Peruvian flutes or business ideas and events associated with flutes.

I've reported your post to our Jannie overlords for sanitation

>> No.15822641

never trust a guy who writes "waifu" unironically

>> No.15822904

America is also the only country that enslaves its young people with student loans and medical debt. whats your point?

>> No.15823050

spotted the poorlet

>> No.15823102

Good intuition. Aristotle himself said that the ideal age for a a woman to marry is 18 whereas the ideal age for a man to marry is 38. Ancient Chinese culture used a "half your age plus one" basis for an IDEALLY aged wife. Compare that to the garbage modern mantra of "half your age plus seven" as a MINIMUM age. Stay /fit/, anons. Focus on your mind and body and take yourself a good woman when the time comes. Don't fall into society's traps.

>> No.15823112
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buying a house before starting a business

>> No.15823117

>text too small to read the last one
You should invest in better eyes, eyelet.

>> No.15823164

Hesiod said 30 for man, ~20 for a woman which was common in Ancient Greece

>> No.15823179


>> No.15824072

It's /biz/ not /biz newfag

>> No.15824220

Society will call you a "pedo" if you date/sleep with an 18 year old. America might even raise the age of consent to 21/25 in the future with the way thinks are going