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1579644 No.1579644 [Reply] [Original]

Was she serious when she said she would make college completely free? That is the scariest thing ever. What would be the point in going then?

Then you have donald trump who likely will get us in a trade war with China and most things we sell will sky rocket in price. This election is the scariest the United States have ever had.

I'm an elementary teacher and I'm trying to figure out who is less likely to fuck up my like and career as a middle class teacher. I think I'm fucked either way.

>> No.1579653

Free college would be good for stem degrees and add cost to arts, social sciences, gender studies etc degrees

>> No.1579656

>Was she serious when she said she would make college completely free? That is the scariest thing ever. What would be the point in going then?

The admission rates wouldn't change you retard

>> No.1579658

>What would be the point in going then

To get a fucking education maybe?

>> No.1579663

There are countries with free college like Germany and it works I don't see what is that horrible about it.
People are willing to go into debt regardless and very very few can really afford college most really just go into debt and spend money they don't have.
The current college system won't work for much longer. Hillary won't change anything though she just tells everyone what they want to hear.

>> No.1579666

The point in going is to get your liberal indoctrination.

If you're not retarded it's easy to get into a decent university.

Wouldn't it be good if the things we sell sky rocket in price? That means more money for us.

Once college is completely publicly funded it can turn into shit like the rest of the education system. If people are incapable of rational thought they cannot protest a corrupt, incompetent government.

>> No.1579679

What about teaching?

>> No.1579686

Yeah much better to be $100,000 in debt otherwise it's GOMMUNISM.

Just like with healthcare amiright?

>> No.1579696

If you can't afford it don't go.

It's the government's loan policies that have made college a pre-requisite for a decent job in the first place.

As far as healthcare, once again it's regulations that prevent competition that make it so expensive. Why do you think healthcare prices have gone up under Obama (i'll give you a hint, it has to do with more regulations).

>> No.1579701
File: 56 KB, 640x652, 12c5c60268b49ea6107a1f0ff9856690d6647800e316fc46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah dude who needs regulations for medicine or healthcare

>> No.1579709

>Add another mandatory 4 years of education onto people

Eventually we'll be 40 years old before we're able to consider joining the work force.

>> No.1579725

>what would the point of going then?
The fact that the admission rate of top schools would go from sub 20% to sub 0.001% because of how many idiots would apply for muh college name prestige without having to worry about the house down payment cost per year.
No cost =/= no prerequisites or admission process

>t. ameriburger who's never supported free college.

>> No.1579726

>if college is free that means all of a sudden admission rates change

>> No.1579730

It's pretty easy to characterize my argument, but we do need some level of regulations.

It's the regulations that are bought by lobbyist to protect vested interests that we don't need.

>> No.1579732

>That is the scariest thing ever. What would be the point in going then?
Are you retarded? Are you really more afraid of free college than a no-fly zone over Aleppo? Do you really think that college degrees are valued because they cost money?

>> No.1579735

That's pretty much the only reason college degrees were ever valued.

It's why the first colleges were specifically for the wealthy and elite.

>> No.1579737

>That's pretty much the only reason college degrees were ever valued.

Right, and the education has nothing to do with it?

>> No.1579741

Colleges were for the wealthy and elite because nobody else had the time for an education.
The value of a degree is the education you get from it. Even liberal arts majors usually get preference over high school graduates, and they sure as fuck aren't known for being rich.
Besides, Harvard will still cost $60,000 per semester so there's nothing to worry about. Only public schools would be free.

>> No.1579747

I mean, yeah sure. But it was also a place to train for higher society and fitting in with that crowd. It's not like today where we have a wealth of information on every topic.

I really can't think of any time that my "education" was particularly good. Then again, I go to one of the worst state schools in the country, so I'm sure that other colleges are perhaps somehow better education-wise.

>> No.1579752

I love how you liberal retards call it free college.. like college is just going to rain from the sky once she is elected.

The best part is the millennial gimmie dats will have to pay their own college loans and then the next generations through ridiculously high taxes.

Oh not to mention the waste, fraud, and irrationality that follows government money. enjoy paying for every mexican's woman studies degrees that will be increasing in cost forever.

>> No.1579756

Like all socialist policies, it works really well in low-population white countries where people are mostly middle-class. Socialism usually can function as a "by the middle-class, for the middle-class" thing.

What is sold to us now is kind of a High/Low vs. Middle-Class thing where the establishment promises that they'll pay for all the Jamals and Joses to live for the rest of their lives without working but then when it comes time for them to actually pay up, "huh, seems we just can't get that much money out of us rich folk huh! Alright middle-class, let's see that paycheck!"

>> No.1579759

Are you dumb, free college tuition means free rates.

>> No.1579761

They used to be focused on the humanities. You'd go to college to learn about at, literature, philosophy, and so on. You'd also learn Latin and Greek.
They didn't teach you to schmooze at parties. That's what parents are for.

>> No.1579765

Unless the colleges are going to start implementing harsh testing for people getting in, they will change.

Good thing I hate parties. Wish I had a professor that actually spoke English though.

>> No.1579766

We know it's not free. It's paid for by our taxes you mongoloid

>> No.1579769

>Are you dumb, free college tuition means free rates.


Do you think admission standards all of a sudden disappear?

>> No.1579772


will obviously it works better in white countries yeah.

Everyone should have to pay for their own shit, or donate if they want to give to a scholarship. The whole problem is that government subsides are driving up prices.

I'm so sick of the government stealing my money to give to everyone else. fuck this gay earth

>> No.1579773

>Unless the colleges are going to start implementing harsh testing for people getting in, they will change.
No, they won't.
Private schools won't even be affected.

>> No.1579774

>college is free
>that means colleges now have infinite resources and can accommodate thousands more students

Liberals are THIS retarded

>> No.1579776


Then why do you euro faggots pretend you're getting such a deal? pay 30k now. or 10% higher taxes forever?

hurr durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.1579782

You're supposed to move to a capitalist country after you graduate.

>> No.1579792

What is a public school? Is that a school that has 100% acceptance rate?

>> No.1579794

>I'm a teacher
>What is a public school?
Might be in the wrong line of work my guy.

>> No.1579796

Yeah it accepts everyone

You're an elementary teacher and you don't know what public means in this context?

I think you're more likely underaged or a neet

>> No.1579800

Public schools don't accept everyone.
UMass Amherst had an acceptance rate of 58%, for example.
They do tend to be much less exclusive, though.

>> No.1579808

youre retarded

The flaw with "democracy" is that the people you elect are not the ones that call the shots, its the ppl you cant elect that call the shots. "democracy" is just another excuse to invade "non-democratic" countries.

Trump or Clinton, not much is gonna change you stupid american swine

>> No.1579827

It was sarcasm

>> No.1579973

corporations lobby the state for regulations against their own industry in order to prevent competition, we don't need overlords micromanaging every aspect of our lives

>> No.1579985

also like to say to everyone here that education isn't free and you will end up bidding up prices by guaranteeing student loans while schools become less efficient by building needlessly expensive amenities and failing to compete with better quality education. let the market sort out everything and get the governments tentacles out of the market

>> No.1580007

Won't they still be competing with private schools?

>> No.1580037

>I'm an elementary teacher and I'm trying to figure out
Stop doing that and leave this board too while you're at it.

>> No.1580051

Theres hundreds of countries where education is free.

What makes the US so great? Talking about markets? What about the other countries? The american system is flawed and only advantages the elite. Thats why niggers stay niggers and the rich get richer.

>My canadian tuition costs me less than 2k per semester.

You really think ppl would pay 100K to not even be guaranteed a decent job in the future?

Look at cuba where tuition is 100% free, they have the best of the best FREE medical systems in the world and with barely any funds, they almost found a cure for lung cancer. All the Scandinavian countries have free tuition and in almost every aspect theyre better than "Murica the greatest counrty in the world" (except for the innocent people killed every day all over the world + billions of $ down the drain doing so)

>> No.1580056

>Best healthcare

>> No.1580064

Convince me, as a working poor fag cashier why I shouldn't vote for shillary based on this issue. I have zero assets, no future job prospects and living paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.1580074

>Convince me, as a working poor fag cashier why I shouldn't vote for shillary based on this issue. I have zero assets, no future job prospects and living paycheck to paycheck.

Because free college doesn't cause oversaturation of jobs to go away.

>> No.1580081


Cant you get scholarships or some shit? Maybe college isnt for you. We need cashiers and poor ppl in this world because this is america and you have to be my bitch

>> No.1580091

Socialism isn't a magic bullet. Taxes fuck economic growth and hinder social mobility. You end up with a bunch of poor people who live comfortably but never stop being poor as their country stagnates.

>> No.1580092

As a poor fag, I couldn't care less about this. I'm going to fight tooth and nail tooth and nail to find a way to pay for my education. I'm sure you would do the same in my position. There's a lot of more people in a similar position which why Hillary will be our next president. I have to vote for her based on that reasoning.

>> No.1580097

So you don't actually care about getting a job at the end of it, you just want to be able to go to college?

>> No.1580103

Hillary doesn't want college to be free. She thinks Bernie supporters are basement-dwelling retards because they want free college. She is just trying to trick them into voting for her.

>> No.1580107

>I'm going to fight tooth and nail tooth and nail to find a way to pay for my education
by that you mean voting for a cunt? Wow you must really be stupid and uneducated. Even the best college couldnt save you

>> No.1580108
File: 145 KB, 670x424, tumblr_o4rrd5IOaB1v0pigno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor people who have paid their college.
soon to be free circus for all

>> No.1580114

The way I see it, I can't be in a worse position than I am now. I've come close to starving a couple months back.
Who cares, even if she's lying. If I were to vote for Trump, I for sure wouldn't be able to get a college education.

>> No.1580119

Your mind is so focused on college that you can't think of any other possible way to make a dollar.

Try a trade. Everyone needs plumbers.

>> No.1580120

>Taxes fuck economic growth and hinder social mobility
Scandinavian countries are not considered socialist because if they were, NATO would start shit with them. Tell me more about how you've been brainwashed into thinking this. The facts are right in front of you, just google tax rate and HDI or some stupid shit. You might learn that the US isnt as great as you think

>> No.1580122

>If I were to vote for Trump, I for sure wouldn't be able to get a college education.

Oh man how i love the power of media in the states. No wonder the whole world sees the american population as retards.
Thinking youre smart and voting for hilary is the most hilarious thing you can do right now

>> No.1580137


their all gone. Literally, they have all been over run by liberals and shitskins

>> No.1580139


Greatest myth ever made up

>> No.1580141

What other way is there for a working poor individual to get ahead in life then? I really don't want to vote for her. There's wil be tons of unintended consequences with her legislation

How bothersome, she's already going to Ben our next president with the currently polls, whether I vote or not.

>> No.1580144

Fuck, autocorrect

>> No.1580146


So you invest into someone else's education who is just going to move else where to produce and pay taxes back that you wont even get?

Euro poors sure are Cucked hard

>> No.1580148

A school that receives public funding you fucking imbecile

>> No.1580150


I can't believe the left has brainwashed people so much that people think socialiasm and big government is in their best interest.

desu though, Trump is running on just another flavor of big government and entitlements......so

>> No.1580151

>You're supposed to move to a capitalist country after you graduate.

And where are you going to move to retard?

The US doesn't have that much of a difference in taxes.

if your country is rich enough to provide a top-tier, competitive education that's subsidized by the government, with a degree that's valuable in other parts of the world then chances are you're probably not going to want to leave the high-quality standards it has.

>So you invest into someone else's education who is just going to move else where to produce and pay taxes back that you wont even get?

People very rarely move like that. Most stay in their country. What the fuck is a "capitalist country", where are u gonna move to? Somalia or some ancap paradise?

>> No.1580159

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1580162

Japan is >99% East Asian and the world's second-strongest economy if you exclude the cheating Chinese.

>> No.1580166

>Japan is >99% East Asian and the world's second-strongest economy if you exclude the cheating Chinese.

And getting destroyed because discount chinks rather masturbate to anime and play videogames instead of have children

>> No.1580177

So it'll be much harder to get accepted to college because application rates will skyrocket when tuition drops to $0.

Instead of whiny millenial faggots with no jobs it'll be whiny high school faggots who are too dumb to go to college. Actually, that is less annoying I guess cause they're just HS kids. Hopefully more 18 yo girls go into porn

>> No.1580178

1. She's just saying that. She's a liar.
2. Free college would not work for the scale you are talking about, quality of free academics would be very low.
Look at Obama care.
3. China is starting to slow down.
What trump wants is to repeal NAFTA, which could be good.
4. Clinton wants war vs Russia.

>> No.1580184

That's why they'll need to import over-achieving whites to save their economy.

>> No.1580187

Lots people believed this shit that Cuba had the cure for cancer but the FDA suppressed it bc muh capitalism. I have friends in medical school who visited Cuba on special visas. It's bullshit urban legend. Cuba is a 3rd world country with shit medicine. Rent a boat and go there from Florida if you don't believe me. Sorry amigo

>> No.1580191

real market competition brings about lower costs and prices and more innovation and higher quality through trial and error using profits and loss as indicators as to how to most efficiently allocate resources. these places are paying for it by lowering the wealth these people would otherwise have. they could use this wealth to buy these services for themselves, leaving choices and personalization up to the individual and getting the service they specifically prefer and leaving the market to have the previously mentioned benefits. the unintended consequences at least in part, is keeping the operating costs much higher then they otherwise would be, making businesses inefficient, and the MASSIVE opportunity costs involved with subsidization of an industry. seeing as the market is so powerful as to have these programs actually still exist year after year despite the obstacles the state throws in the markets way there is no telling of how much more advanced we would otherwise be.

>> No.1580198


>Overall tax burdens (as a percentage of GDP) are among the world's highest; Sweden (51.1%), Denmark (46% in 2011),[18] and Finland (43.3%)
The United Nations World Happiness Report 2013 shows that the happiest nations are concentrated in Northern Europe. The Nordics ranked highest on the metrics of real GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, having someone to count on, perceived freedom to make life choices, generosity and freedom from corruption

how is income redistribution not a socialist thing?
>free healthcare
>free college
>Norway, which includes a large number of state-owned enterprises and state ownership in publicly listed firms

Dont you guys consider this socialism? Oh wait theres no oil in those countries so we'll let them do their thing without imposing our own government on those countries.

I can go on and on about what makes this part of the world so great and that's because they're pretty far from the american capitalist swine model. I'm not socialism is good, I'm just saying american capitalism is retarded and youre even more retartded if you think the US is one of the greatest countries in the world.

>> No.1580201

>Clinton wants war vs Russia.
This is why no matter how retarded trump acts, he'll never be as retarded as Clinton.

I always lel when people say trump is a retard and theyre voting clinton because of that

>> No.1580205

sounds the same as US besides the free stuff and highest tax burden. looks like they just give up more of their money than US in order to get their "free" services. But this leads to be problems that i've covered here >>1580191

>> No.1580217

The only way for education to be free is if universities start cutting the bloat and useless degrees like Communications. Private universities can of course offer any liberal degrees they want.

>> No.1580556

The way you get "free services" through taxation is the ppl with higher income will pay a lot more for the same services than the ppl with smaller income.

Just because i dont have 20k to go to the doctor does it mean I shouldnt? That's the problem with american pig capitalism

To make things more simple look at it this way :
Bob makes 200k a year
Lisa makes 20k a year
Simon makes 50k a year

Going to the hospital would cost around lets say 10k per person

They all get an illness and have to go to the doctors. But since this is america, Lisa has to pay half of her salary to get a treatment but bob doesnt care since its only 2.5% of his salary and now hes laughing at lisa cuz she cant get treatment and she needs loans to pay for her treatments and stay poor for the rest of her life paying off all that debt.

On the other hand, a 9% tax on all 3 of them would cover all 3 of their medical expenses and bob will still have 182k left after the medical tax.

Now you say well fuck lisa its not my fault shes poor. Not everyone can be rich because what makes you rich if everyone has your the same amount of money as you?

the benefit of this fictional 9% tax outweigh the disadvantages of the rich having to pay a little more.

>> No.1580564

that makes so much goddamn sense

>> No.1580584

You know what's really unfair?
When I eat at a restaurant, or buy a car, I have to pay a much bigger percentage of my income than Bill Gates. He should have to pay thousands for dinner, and millions to buy a car because percentages.

>> No.1580639

8/10 I chuckled

>> No.1580644

Pretty sure Gates pay way more taxes than you.

>> No.1580652

>socialism is not a magic bullet
>here's a link saying scandinavia is socialist
Anon I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.
Everyone and their mother knows Scandinavia is socialist. Nobody in this thread has disputed it.

>I'm just saying american capitalism is retarded and youre even more retartded if you think the US is one of the greatest countries in the world.
Can't hear you over the world's strongest economy, the world's most powerful military, and the world's most influential culture.

The problem with socialism is you give up most of your income to the government. Tax burden in Denmark is over 60% when you account for VAT and sales tax. You will live comfortably but you will never advance.

We get it, you're a communist and you don't believe in insurance.

>> No.1580659


Tho being socialist, Scandinavia has more of a free market than the US

>> No.1580684

you now what? this is fucking genious. lets say every transaction you do, weather buying a car or going to hospital, is taking a percentage of your whole income and asset. normal as usual but now: every same topic transaction is making your percentage rise in ratio of your fortune. so you will make wastefull (rich) people pay more for every waste

>> No.1580689

>Pretty sure Gates pay way more
>Does he live in Cambodia too?

>you now what?
>weather buying a car
>going to hospital
Please take a remedial English class before posting here
You should take a remedial English class

>> No.1580691

>spending is wasteful
bad meme

>> No.1580702

I do think America is a great country along with all it's flaws. It's pointless to make claims about the "greatest" country. Absolutely pointless. There are certain things you cannot measure with statistics or dollar amounts such as culture or general happens.

But there is no doubt in my mind that US capitalism works. Sure a lot of people lose but the average American has a much higher standard of living than the rest of the world. I believe the flaw with capitalism is that it gives people a skewed reality of what really is important in life. But not everyone...

The US economy has slowed down so much along with innovations and infrastructure simply because of higher wages. Not that I am suggesting people shouldn't be paid a livable wage but if you look at when America was booming the most it's when we basically had slave labor. Look at countries similar in size around the world that are booming or simply just powerful, slave labor....

Average yearly income in: China - $4,700, India - $5,000, Russia - $6,000, Saudi Arabia - $18,000. The average yearly income in the USA is ~$58,000. I would consider that a much higher standard of living.

Although I think Hilary Clinton is absolutely "deplorable" for the things she has done behind the scenes and in no other situation should she be allowed to run I do believe she has Americas best interest in mind (along with a more than a few donors"), the fact of the matter is Donald Trump would be the equivalent of a 12 year old child holding office. Let's see what happens in the next 10-15 years when a new generation of people come in and we don't have the old crooked hacks running this place. There's a new generation coming and things are going to change for the whole world.

>> No.1580710

>99% east asian
That's because they have a nationalist citizenship program. You're literally not allowed to become a Japanese citizen unless you're of the Japanese race. Very few exceptions, all require high level government leaders breaking tradition to help you.

>> No.1580714

No you're right you should totally buy that useful gold plated dildo you always wanted

>> No.1580720

College in Canada is like $7000 a year max and even that is a rip off.

>> No.1580727

Yes that is literally what will happen. College education will drop like a rock in order to receive more government money from retards who shouldn't be there in the first place. You'll get even more people clogging up the system too, like the 40 year olds in community college. It's going to be harder to get the classes you need with more people in the system.

>> No.1580734

She won't do anything unless she feels she needs to do so to get reelected.

Colleges and healthcare are completely fucked as it is. When you get someone else to pay for all your free stuff you don't care about the price. Demand becomes infinite, supply stagnates, and prices track towards infinity until rationing is forced upon the market.

Welcome to economics 101 boys. It's going to be a fun eight years.

>> No.1580739

I find it funny how people moan about demographics collapse yet refuse to consider free college when that's a large contributor to the problem.

That's literally not true, the only countries to my knowledge that have that are Liberia (might've been Sierra Leone), and Burma.

>> No.1580741

Move to Japan, let us know how it works for you as a second-class citizen.

>> No.1580743


Even the nationalists will give up when they realize that importing educated whites is the only way to stop their economy from collapsing.

>> No.1580744

Nobody mentions the obvious "subliminal message" in OP's photo...?

>> No.1580745

They don't like weeaboos and english teachers and with good reason.

They already are. They're getting some from SEA too.

>> No.1580796

Simple. As long as you hold a job as a teacher or other "essential" government employee, your student loans will be covered under the same ordnance.

Not that I agree with adding costs to one degree over another (if anything certain degrees should have additional incentives to encourage students to enroll in them) .

Regardless, the education system needs to be reformed to the point where one should be able to pay for his/her own college education while working a summer job.

>> No.1580802

I think we could probably subsidize college if we cut military spending a little. We don't actually need to make college free. Obviously, we don't do anything for private schools.
We can justify cutting military expenses if we stop invading sovereign nations that haven't provoked us.

>> No.1580816

Absolutely (but I'd rather cut for-profit schools before private schools).

The problem (that I see) with making college "free" is that the "rich" > $125k/year would see a sort of double fee because they would be expected to pay for their children's education without government support AND pay extra taxes on top of that to pay for people whose families can't afford college at all. If you're going to make college "free", find a way to make it free for everyone, or reasonably subsidize i.

>> No.1580844

What I meant was we don't need to subsidize private schools. We could still offer federal student loans for them, I think.
But it wouldn't hurt to end loan offers for for-profit schools.

>> No.1580964

sure but you now develop the situation where you have to pay 10k for a hospital visit in the first place, you are looking for a solution in which you caused the problem in the first place.


>> No.1580968

this still leads to be problems that i've covered here >>1580191

>> No.1580971


>needlessly expensive amenities

I can vouch for that... worked as a technician installing "educational technology and equipment" and the average classroom setup cost $60,000+ . Most of it is never used and the prices on some equipment and the mandatory software licenses is gouged by the manufacturer.

>> No.1580972


>> No.1580976

>What would be the point in going then?
wait you think in countries where education free nobody goes to get educated? or the degrees are somehow worthless?

>> No.1580978

health care is a necessity you fucking retard. you cant compare it to commodities

>> No.1580979

anon if you do this donald trump and his likes will have 10 bucks to his name on paper and he will get everything for almost free.

>> No.1580988

Finnish person here, all of our higher education is paid by the government and I don't think it's a good thing at all. Everyone and their dog is getting an uni degree, and because of that degrees are not worth very much around here. Only a few schools where it's really hard to get in, are valuable, for example med schools.

I would imagine that "free" college in the US could be a total disaster, with all the lazy and poor dindus suddenly starting to "study".

>> No.1581007

Don't you take into account the difficulty of the course also? There are a couple degrees that are really hard to finish e.g. physics. I was the second of my class to finish it.

>> No.1581019

>Everyone and their dog is getting an uni degree, and because of that degrees are not worth very much around here.

But Finland ranks 7 in the world re. industrial patents per capita. There is a reason for this.

>> No.1581057


>I couldn't care less

This is why poor people deserve to be poor. They only think about the short term.

>> No.1581107

And the cure for oversaturation of jobs is?
Oh thats right, its socialism. Oops.

>> No.1581108

In the 53 years I've been alive I have never needed a plumber other than when a mario craving hits

>> No.1581114

>There's a new generation coming and things are going to change for the whole world.
Thats what they said in the early 70s

>> No.1581120

Rich Americans believe poor people should just go untreated and die they could care less.

>> No.1581121

>she would make college completely free?

Jesus Christ.

We already have Affirmative Action niggers graduating from college who can't spell or do basic algebra.

And now we want to hand out college degrees to everyone.

You college fags think your degree is worthless now?!?! You fags think you're having difficulty finding a job to pay off your debt???

Just wait till Hillary gives every illiterate nigger a feel good "degree."

Your $80,000 ohio state degree will be worthless.

>> No.1581127

But it is not a right and therefore cannot be guaranteed by the federal government of the United States.

It is not a right because doctors do not have an obligation to practice as that would be an affront to their liberty.

>> No.1581138
File: 17 KB, 300x450, Lucius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont bring this /pol/ shit to biz please

>> No.1581157

And food is not a necessity? You try living without food and I'll try living without healthcare and see who has the better life.

So his point still stands. How is it fair that when Bill Gates buy the same groceries he spends a much smaller portion of his income than I do? Wouldn't it be better if the government handed everyone an allotment of food stamps and then just taxed people according to their income? Fucking bread lines man. So efficient and fair!

>> No.1581186

It needs to happen.

>> No.1581195

>graduating from college who can't spell or do basic algebra.
These people usually don't graduate at all. Affirmative action tends to matter more during the application process than during the actual schooling.

>$80,000 ohio state degree will be worthless.
Ohio apparently has this program where you pay them a percentage of your wage for the next 10 years and your debt goes away. 80k is for the out of staters.

>> No.1581201
File: 102 KB, 1300x1130, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw German
>tfw getting paid 500€ bafög a month to study
>tfw got to good college learning medicine because i did really well in highschool/gymnasium. not because daddy is rich

feels great. enjoy your freedum americucks

>> No.1581209

No, but I could care less if people like you starve.
Maybe you can sell your game consoles for some respect.
Wait, we both know that's not going to happen.

>> No.1581211
File: 41 KB, 348x367, 1477129487407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw foreigner living in Germany
>tfw leeching free uni
>tfw moving out to low tax countries in the future
>tfw got good German engineering degree for free

Feels great indeed :')

>> No.1581239


Socialism ladies and gentleman. Its great for parasites.

>> No.1581241


Enjoy that tax rate for the rest of your life

>> No.1581244

>stop doing what you love because I said do.

>> No.1581265

gladly, since i'm not super rich it doesn't cost me that much.

>> No.1581279

At least the general population of the country is smarter. 10% is worth less retards in my opinion.

>> No.1581285

>i'm not super rich
And if I ever become rich, I'll just be a hypocrite.
Problem solved.

>> No.1581289

if i ever become rich i wont care about the 10% taxes i have to pay more, because i'm rich anyway.

>> No.1581298

Well played Hansel, well played.

>> No.1581305

Only an american would think that free college is "the scariest thing ever".
I bet you think free healthcare is an invention of the liberals to fuck up your country too ?

>> No.1581308

In Germany and here in the Netherlands dumb kids, normal kids and smart kids don't go to the same school.

Dumb niggers don't get allowed into universities, even if it's cheap. Because they didn't take the same study path throughout their life as the smarter kids did.

If America makes university free it shouldn't mean everyone gets to study.

>> No.1581315

only an American would think "free college" is actually "free."

Taxpayers will be paying for your "free" diploma from Full Sail University.

>> No.1581326

>i wont care about the 10% taxes i have to pay more
u wot mate. Taxable income above €52,881 is taxed at 45%, plus a "solidarity" charge.

>Germans cucked so hard they think 52k is "rich"
I guess Achmed isn't going to pay for all that free college so someone's gotta do it.

>> No.1581341

Sure you won't.
At that point, 10% more will be millions.
But hey, you're such a generous guy, "you won't care".
Thanks for the chuckles.

>> No.1581433
File: 46 KB, 570x139, 87394cd5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anybody voluntarily suck so much rich jew dick? Mr. Goldberg isn't monitoring this thread so theres no promotion to be gained.
Enjoy your dwindling middle class while some bankers son is pump and dumping your wife

>> No.1581459

Neither of them are going to get a single fucking meaningful thing accomplished. Stop sipping the kool-aid you moron

>> No.1581475

>rich jew dick
Go back to your rally.
Sturmbahnfuhrer Hesse is looking for you.

>> No.1581565

> Was she serious when she said she would make college completely free?
She never said she was going to make college free. She did say that she will make it DEBT free and make community college free.
