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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 300x250, A17189EF-86A6-4956-8FE9-8E1DDC749BC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15810138 No.15810138 [Reply] [Original]

Cryptocurrency is a meme, no one talks about it anymore, no one is buying anymore except people who are trying to DCA or get rich quick retards.

No one will ever use bitcoin as a method of payment, no one will use any of the shitty dapps being built.

The whole thing is fucked.. I’ve wasted 3 years on this shit.

>> No.15810141

KYS you demoralizer bot

>> No.15810148

True. It still makes sense to short this pile of shit to zero though.

>> No.15810152

he's right you faggot. we're at the point where something innovative needs to happen otherwise it'll just slowly die out. nobody gives a fuck about muh crypto. it's just the same gambling degenerates shuffling money around at this point.

>> No.15810170

This month the first central bank backed stablecoin goes live on a public blockchain.

That's something ain't it

>> No.15810174

what ruined crypto is the ability for any joe to create their own coin.

>> No.15810190

Exactly, degenerate gamblers chasing their first win.. I’m sure the blockchain or crypto in some regard will be useful in the future, but not as a method of currency/exchange of value.. shit is too complicated for the average joe.. plus everyone has quickpay now, so who the fuck cares.

>> No.15810193
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literally the same fucking shit as 2015 and 2016. do you know what a market cycle is? you are literally the exact same as people who said BTC would never reach $1k again.

>b-but it's different this time
No, it's really not.

>> No.15810198

This is the antithesis of core crypto values, and the opposite of “decentralization”

>> No.15810213

Check out what happened after the most recent Litecoin halving, and you’ll get a clear indication of what will happen after bitcoins.

>> No.15810227

He's not a he. OP is an it. Applauding bots is pure faggotry. Muh libertarian market. Muh it's awesome if someone pays bots or pajeets to shit post and push sentiment. You giblet.

>> No.15810233

I’m def not a bot, just a dude who’s reached his tipping point.

>> No.15810244
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Litecoin is a shitcoin that will go to 0. The only reason it's in the top 10 is because it got in early. You seriously don't understand the implications of BTC halvings if you say this. Especially the upcoming halving. The upcoming SF ratio will be so amazing that institutions will be forced to buy in. Nothing is comparable to bitcoin. And I say this as someone who is mostly in alts.

>> No.15810261

It’s all just a meme. The only thing that will be halving is your initial investment, unironically

>> No.15810268
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Kek you have no argument. You probably bought at $13k and are salty from holding bags. If you don't understand the importance of scarcity, read the link above. Newfags make me cringe when they talk about something they have no clue about. 2020/21 will make 2017 seem like a tiny drop in the bucket.

>> No.15810275

buy signal

>> No.15810280

2017 will never repeat kid. I'm sorry for you but you'll learn it the heavy way, there are money and months to be lost ahead of you.

>> No.15810293

This type of fud is very bullish unironically

>> No.15810296

This. No one even cares about bitcoin anymore.

>> No.15810325
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been here since 2015 and made a lot in 2017. kek, you newfags are cute. it's kind of creepy how similar /biz/ is now compared to 2015/2016. people like you were saying the exact same crap, mostly salty bagholders who hodled all the way to the bottom.
i do agree that 2017 won't happen again in the sense that shitcoins/scams won't moon left and right based on nothing. most alts will die out, with the exception of those with real use cases. 800 billion mcap is nothing though, crypto will easily 10x in the coming years.

>> No.15810343

It will run on a decentralized public blockchain. That's the whole point. Anyone can build anything on a decentralized, public and permissionless blockchain, even central banks.

I'm not passing a judgement on the morality of central bank issued stablecoins, I'm talking about large scale adoption of public blockchain technology.

>> No.15810346

>mostly salty bagholders who hodled all the way to the bottom
Salty bagholders want their bags to be bought. Like you do.

>> No.15810373
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nope, i mostly sold the top in 2017, both for ETH and BTC, and a suicide stack of antshares. diversified a bit outside crypto, bought btc and link near their respective bottoms in 2018. not everyone went -95% in 2018 and 2019. it's actually been a lot easier to make money in these accumulation periods compared to 2015 and early 2016, which was a lot more dead than 2019 has been. no need to project your losses on others fren. lucky for you, you still have, or at least had, a chance to buy the bottom in 2018.

>> No.15810380

I’ve been in this for years, and I can guarantee you bought during the 20k run, just like every other person on /biz.

>> No.15810390

> bought btc and link
So you do want your bags to be bought.

>> No.15810410

you probably bought my bags at the top :^), DCA'ing on the way down now

a blatant lie, any oldfag would agree with me. the only people complaining about irrelevant short term crabbing are newfags who've never seen market cycles.

>> No.15810439

Oh, kid, I would never buy a useless digital token.

>> No.15810512
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Nah private crypto projects get tons of funding. They dont do ico, just private sale and dont list on cmc

>> No.15810526

is this redd it?
imagine the smell

>> No.15810533

WHHoHos tththithis. MMoar

>> No.15810569

Oh I'm doing a lot more. Imagine the tactile feedback and the tolerance to power smashing that brap has. Truly disgustingly erotic.

>> No.15810570


>no one is buying except the people dollar cost averaging

Sell your coins to me pussy i’ll gladly hold for you if you don’t get it


>> No.15810591


You’re fucking retarded. Why would anybody hold litecoin?

>> No.15810605


You’re right it won’t, nobody will be dumb enough to buy alts this time around meaning bitcoin will pump even higher this time lmao

>> No.15810611


>> No.15810792

ask the same for bch or xrp

>> No.15810797
File: 477 KB, 1936x1936, 863782E0-816A-44B0-9F38-DBDF3CBA26B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it was never meant to be mainstream was it. That argument goes against making real gains with crypto. Fuck ideals and what you think crypto stands for you obtuse faggot

>> No.15810802

also someone post the sauce of the OP

>> No.15810846

Some third world countries like Serbia are still running some long term crypto scams. That is the case of Serbia with SAFEX

>> No.15810882

>no one talks about it anymore, no one is buying anymore
That's EXACTLY when you are supposed to buy. I did and I made 4600% returns

>> No.15810889

Howdoo has some real world adoption, just watch it grow

>> No.15810900

>No one will ever use bitcoin as a method of payment,
because it's fucking retarded, why would you buy bitcoin just to spend it on some stupid shit that can be easiy paid for with cash or visa/master card

it's a store of value, people buy it and hold it like gold
>muh payment method
>muh blockchain
>muh dapps
>muh xyz

>> No.15810951

Getting late 2018 vibes here

>> No.15810968

It’s like the worst, least efficient, least useful Monopoly money ever conceived and the fact that anytime someone points out that the emperor has no clothes, they are shouted down by the crowd desperate to throw more of their money away after a scam they willfully ignore because it hurts more to be wrong than to lose all your money.

Every crypto “investor” is nothing more than a paypig for someone smarter than themselves.

>> No.15811036
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Time to buy my Monthly dose of monero i guess

>> No.15811075

yeah people including yourself are largely morons that judge something's quality by the reaction of others. cocksucking followers rather than conscious individuals with an opinion. OP you would be doing the world and this board a big favor if you would just kill yourself next time instead of making this thread. I mean, kill yourself regardless actually.

>> No.15811368

>muh digital currency gap
fear is a great motivator.

>> No.15811530

You are a retard. The price has 0% relevance to the future of blockchain. Development is higher than ever. I can't believe this thread has serious responses.

>> No.15812519

>3 years
Should've been at least 4 that's where you fucked up m8

>> No.15812536

Short sighted zoomer bobos like these are going to get absolutely btfo. When fb Libra comes and apple adds btc/ eth wallets to their phones (leaked info) ur gonna wish u were still in

I sold most of my btc between 200 and 600 last time. Not cleaning me out this time Mr. Boberg

>> No.15812953
File: 32 KB, 288x325, demoralized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ass is depressingly awesome tho

>> No.15813104

I would do anal in her ass if you know what I mean

>> No.15813305


>> No.15813331
File: 257 KB, 666x326, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fall for the Illusion. Think about why the original image was cropped.

>> No.15813345


This is related to bitcoin how?

>> No.15813352


>it will just go up to infinity. Did you see the Amazon dip? I'm sure it would go up 100x again.

>> No.15813358
File: 3.45 MB, 4032x3024, D4D7EB03-24EC-4E29-A092-BE10FAFC70B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory PiCoin contribution lol
The only crypto you can MINE on your PHONE

>> No.15813360

>Better than anything
PayPal, MC, Visa, most of the relevant names are backing out like it's a leper. Might want to come down from Zuck's dick.

>> No.15813362


Everybody and their mother made bank in 2017, every shitcoin mooned. Does that make crypto a sound investment with fundamentals and will it happen again?

>> No.15813372

>because it's fucking retarded, why would you buy bitcoin just to spend it on some stupid shit that can be easiy paid for with cash or visa/master card
yeah, but what if I wanna buy drugs online

>> No.15813379


How will Libra make btc and eth moon exactly? Can you go into detail?

>> No.15813390

Monero is your coin of choice in that case

>> No.15813409

>No one will ever use bitcoin as a method of payment
full retard

>> No.15813410

Read my posts. I actually agree that shitcoins will not moon left and right again like they did in 2017. But the money coming into crypto over the next half-decade and decade will make 2017 seem like a drop in the bucket, in terms of overall market cap. Most shitcoins will go to 0 though, if that's what you're asking.

>> No.15813415


I hope so aswell however there is no proof of any new money coming in in large amounts.

>> No.15813425

>2020/21 will make 2017 seem like a tiny drop in the bucket.
redpill me on this, will btc go above 50k in this time frame, I have significant funds to buy when it first goes to 4k

>> No.15813446

>buying during the 20k run
based retard

>> No.15813453

>why would you buy bitcoin just to spend it on some stupid shit that can be easiy paid for with cash or visa/master card
because people don’t like the taxtards combing through their transactions, Bit is practically untraceable

>> No.15813461
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At least you're smart enough to realize it now, there are still plenty of people who won't realize it until their portfolios are worth $100

>> No.15813492

True for now but you have to remember no one was buying in 2015/2016 either. All it will take is for BTC to pass ATH again and the mania will kick in. Institutions will have to jump in as SF ratio is something they all look it and in 2020 it essentially almost matches gold.

I doubt BTC is going to 4k again. But anyway it wouldn't surprise me to see $100k+ BTC by the peak of the next bullrun. The overall crypto market cap will be well into the trillions once the FOMO hits normies and you see crypto all over cnbc again.

>> No.15813510

>Bit is practically untraceable
The NSA begs to differ. I will agree that it takes legitimate effort to trace it on the blockchain, and you as an average Joe won't be scrutinized for every transaction as easily.

>> No.15814110

lmao newfag