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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15804594 No.15804594 [Reply] [Original]

Intel, Microsoft, Alibaba, Baidu, IBM, Oracle, Santander

Chainlink, iExec, Consensys, Hyperledger

How come TCF/Avalon are not discussed more here?

>> No.15804608
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Nothing more to discuss. We already made it. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.15804612

>How come TCF/Avalon are not discussed more here?

bro we already made it. every company on earth will chainlink their data bro. we rich already. we dont need to discuss TCP or avon catalogue.

>> No.15804622


>> No.15804631

Well, SWIFT is the only one that matters and it is now confirmed they will no longer be moving forward developing Chainlink integration. So..yeah.

>> No.15804644
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might want to work on your english pajeet, pathetic

>> No.15804647

If any of that mattered, why doesn't the market reflect it?

>> No.15804648

Since /biz/ became /mumbai/.

>> No.15804656

If /biz/ doesn't even notice who the fuck do you think is going to? This shit is so under the radar still it's silly. I give it 1-2 years TOPS before an absolute explosion happens.

>> No.15804663
File: 439 KB, 1253x3436, smartcontract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we're still early as fuck
the implications of smart contracts (let alone the oracles needed for them to function) are still largely unknown by the wider public. even your average crypto tard barely knows anything about smart contracts. pic related.

>> No.15804682

we're just waiting for an alt bull run
since the markets so weak people cant justify pumping link anymore
if this was jan 2018 link would be over $20

>> No.15804693

Nice pic, interesting way to visualize this

>> No.15804794

it's amazing. i feel like a literal brainlet but am still this far ahead of everyone else. i didn't just stumble into here by chance, right? there was some underlying reason i ended up and stayed on biz. even if only because i understood the autism (and where their autism would lead me) from a psychological perspective. i didn't succumb to the delusions of my ego, acknowledged my own short-comings and, instead of falling for echo chambers full of bitcoin maximalists and other shitcoin shills, i joined a deluded autist cult full of neets and other kinds of degenerates. feels good man.

>> No.15804806

*"where its autism would lead me"

>> No.15804810
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>I'm rich I just don't have the money yet.

>> No.15805383

Can somebody explain what the fuck is TCF and why is it important, thanks.

>> No.15805977
File: 99 KB, 563x1000, F14D3263-2C5A-47EF-B235-B356F7E8690E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s crazy that I feel like something led me here, it was like something grabbed me by the hand down a path, and I have barely any link but enough to feel secure, that just says a lot about the whole situation.

>> No.15805989

Next time that nice man in the van offers you some candy you know what to say.

>> No.15805992

it is we still have a thread about you fuckhead

>> No.15806010
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>> No.15806043


Not an investment when Sergey sits on 70% of the token supply.

>> No.15806530

this is well and good but there’s no guarantee that smart contracts can actually capture the same money that bitcoin and eth did. even if smart contracts go mainstream there’s no guarantee that you can profit from it. chainlink is the best bet but to take for granted that we would get the same kind of bull run like in 2017 is delusional.

>> No.15806544

OP here, fully agree thinking another alt run like 2017 will happen is nonsense. We will see a more steady growth though I do think a handful of alts will boom. Most will finally die off.

>> No.15806571

i dont care anymore what is there to discuss, this shit is so suppressed

>> No.15806596

Nice double 7s. Yeah I know that feel anon. And it's pretty interesting that a lot of linkers are cognizant of the slipstream that were on. A lot of us are reading the universe in a similar way. We're all in this together. Never underestimate the power of positive thought

>> No.15807114
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Extremely bullish, nice work, fren.

>> No.15807137

you don’t realize the power of efficiency and the money saved by adopting smart contracts vs traditional businesses. You think Sergey was kidding when he said “the competition will be forced to adopt”? 1k is fud

>> No.15807144

So what your saying is xrp and nano were the bubble: l o fucking l.
Nice chart anon
Fuck off /x/

>> No.15807233

Dude, three months ago I came to /biz/, and I have no idea why. I always used to go on /lit/ /sp/ and /soc/.
I had the same feeling with BTC in like 2012, but I didn't act. My friend told me about ETH, but he couldn't explain it well and so I didn't research.
I'm still accumulating link, but if we mooned tomorrow, I'd still be happy
Thank you /biz/
When I make it, I'll donate to autism foundation

>> No.15807448

God bless this thread, in jesus' name we are humbled by your grace and deliverance. Thank you for the temporary provisions with our gains, and for your testing our faith with our losses. Father, I know you have us so close to our destinies and with just one more touch of your favor we will be launched into a new paradigm of peace and prosperity.

>> No.15807541

priced in

>> No.15807578
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>running on lots of computers

>> No.15807594

>It’s crazy that I feel like something led me here
You are right brother, you are so damn right.... Checked

>> No.15807701

>I’m already rich from this ETH token I’m just waiting for the riches
>I make financial decisions based on cool looking numbers I see

The delusions of the Linkoid. You and the rest of the hilariously desperate and poor morons ITT are literally clinging to repeating post numbers for signs and guidance. Have yourself mentally evaluated.