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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15802459 No.15802459 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck are girls so happy

>> No.15802465

because they are some of the only people on earth who get to have their cake and eat it too in most aspects of life

>> No.15802471

hot girls are happy because they can always hook up with a billionaire. instant royalty-tier luxury. whereas dudes without money, no matter how good looking, end up on the streets if they don't provide for themselves.

>> No.15802480

>why are people living life on easy mode happy?

>> No.15802481

They are shameless

>> No.15802482

because they play the life game in easy mode

>> No.15802485

this is /biz for you these days...

Idiocracy in the making

>> No.15802486

She faking the smile OP

>> No.15802493

A lot of them release sexual tension through dancing, that's why

>> No.15802501

Because life for females is on easy mode. Menstrual cycles got patched in just to give them a little adversity later on.

>> No.15802512

>eat their cake and have it too

>> No.15802514

> why are hot women happy
> why are rich chads happy
> why are billionaires happy
> why am I, a ugly, lonely, poor incel, not happy ?
I don't know anon, I really can't tell you..

>> No.15802515

getting laid regulary without effort

>> No.15802533

Most men are shit at sex tho

>> No.15802535


they have life on easy mode.

>> No.15802549

prepare for the shitstorm anon

>> No.15802572

I'll have you know I'm the best fuck my hand's ever had

>> No.15802579

think about Gizem, in these situations. once harmony goes belly up, and her millions start to evaporate, all she will need to do is find some billionaire silicon valley chad to latch onto, settle down, and start having babies. she will never have to worry or regret dropping out of harvard to work for a pump and dump scam.

>> No.15802580

Or maybe you're shit and just fucking lay there

>> No.15802589

They aren't. Every girl I've ever had any kind of relationship or friendship with, slowly reveals that they are extremely depressed. It's actually pretty disturbing when it surfaces. It's a really strange phenomenon. I'm guessing it has to do with the way traditional gender roles are frowned upon in society. It leaves women listless and miserable, since it is innate for them to be mother's and caretakers. Yet, on a surface level, they all pretend they're happy

>> No.15802602
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they arent
the majority population is content at best

>> No.15802603

seriously, this what passes for a thread on /biz today?

>> No.15802607

that would be their pseudoscience mbti type. only people that do this like this are esfp, esfj, maybe estp. almost the complete opposite and much more common than the most popular types on 4chan which are intp and intj. those types wouldn't do something like this dance move because it is pointless and we are not happy.

>> No.15802610

First day?

>> No.15802613

Permanent children.

>> No.15802619


>> No.15802620

Holy shit this.

They especially regret sleeping around when they're younger and tortures their psyche when they get into their late twenties and onwards. I honestly feel bad for a lot of them, especially the early millennial women who got groomed into getting a good job (60k a year ceiling) and now have nothing to show for it.

>> No.15802629

Not true. A good looking guy can work his way up dicking bitches down.

>> No.15802632

They aren’t. Very few actually are. Most put it on as a front so they can bring you in and then siphon your energy.

>> No.15802642


>> No.15802646

Sugar diet and alcohol which makes them hit the wall past 25. Also, they crash daily after their sugar highs, so don't be jealous.

>> No.15802657

chicks won't date a dude with less money than them, dudes will fuck a tramp if she's hot

>> No.15802662

This. If you're a good looking guys you can have any life you want, and any girl you want. Pol is fucking retarded.

>> No.15802670

sadly, no

I am pretty sure it is my last though

>> No.15802673

You don't know what you're talking about. You're repeating shit that incels said on pol.

>> No.15802691

I never had sex and really have no interest in roasties (I'm legit waiting for 2d waifu robots), but men are leaders even when it comes to things like dancing. And if the woman just lays there, then maybe you're doing something wrong/can't get her in the mood/whatever. Or you're one of those types who have a victim perspective like Leddit neckbeards who care only about "muh surprise blowjobs". And then cry shit like "she won't suck my dick the way she sucked chads". Or "the prostitute fucked my brains out". Or other shit. Literally, again, victim perspective. Maybe you want mommy girlfriends or something who actually are active and fuck you? Maybe with a strap-on up the ass or w/e.

Maybe you can start off by getting muscles and throw her around if she doesn't move her ass. And if she still doesn't join in, then IDK why you are together with someone who is this socially inconsiderate. I really don't know about sex and shit, but please...

>> No.15802694

Easy mode explained:
Chads 100% > Women 80% > Rest 15%

>> No.15802718

*I meant "dominant", rather than "active".

>> No.15802729


>> No.15802733

i don't use pol.
go on a diet sweetie. choose love over lard. men do not want greedy splats of fat.

>> No.15802745

Dude you are not attractive so you don't know. Do you know how many ugly rich guys there are? They may find a bimbo here and there but those bitches cheat on them for good looking guys all the time. A good looking guy makes a woman's brain shut down and she gets wet.

>> No.15802747
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wow so many incels here

>> No.15802752

So I was right then.

>> No.15802794

They are not all happy. The happy ones just can’t shut up so their happiness is in your face all the time. The unhappy ones keep to themselves and go unnoticed.

>> No.15802799


nah woman are just like that even if they are mothers

i have had lots of milfs actually tell me that they have never loved their husbands, that their children weren't a mistake per se but that they hoped they had anticonception back then, and that they are just accustomed to being with their husbands but that they feel like missing out on life

basically women are always feeling fomo so you are stupid to marry one in the first place, unless you like getting cucked by people far more young than you are even if you dedicated your life to your family

>> No.15802809
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good point desu

>> No.15802816

welp, i'm 6ft3 and rated 9.9/10 on that old 'hotornot' site. dunno what cheating has to do with anything.

>> No.15802821

Got that backwards incel
Have sex

>> No.15802823

She's probably dead inside but needs to keep up appearances. The same phenomenon can be seen in gays. Anyone who is that outwardly "happy" has something wrong with them.

>> No.15802835

maybe she also invested in Telecoin and TeleX..