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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15802161 No.15802161 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /v/ here

My life is a complete mess due to my video game addiction. Mentally, physically, financially, socially, I'm honestly rock-bottom here

So anyway, I decided to sell my video game collection (please don't bother telling me "just play casually") and join a gym. I will also stop going to /v/ which is honestly the most toxic board by far here. I'm gonna spend some time on /fit/ instead and perhaps some more positive boards.
What about /biz/ though? I've been lurking here for a few days because I need to be smarter with money. Can I legitly learn good financial information here or is it all memes and shitcoin shilling?

>> No.15802178

Pic looks like me a few hours ago

>> No.15802180

Yes, just lose all your money as well as having a crippling stock market simulator addiction and forgetting to go to the gym after bulking. Thats how you win anon

>> No.15802186

Not really. I've only lost money here.

>> No.15802187

for how long did you play vidya?
how old are you?
do you have a job?

>> No.15802209

It’s all memes and shitcoin shilling.

That said, buy research ChainLink, but it, and wait to become rich like the rest of us. We’re all miserable faggots.

Also, if you really want to improve your life, get the fuck off 4chan. This place is a cesspool if antisocial mental pathology.

>> No.15802213

/biz/ is just a series of crypto hype trains and memes.
There are some people here with genuinely good financial knowledge but they probably won't share it.
Best way to use /biz/ is to see what gets talked about most, investigate it yourself, and if it sounds promising go ahead and invest.

>> No.15802276

>for how long did you play vidya?
Vidya, 4chan and youtube take up literally 100% of my free time
>how old are you?
>do you have a job?
Yes, I work 40h and earn $20cad an hour but spend money like a retard

>> No.15802277

Wrong. Have you ever watched a normie browse the internet? The first time i came to 4chan I immediately figured out to post and figured out the meta of this fourm because I'm not a fucking brainlet. Normies need help even getting to the right website, let alone figuring out how to post. Even zoomer normies are braindead and need help completing tasks on the computer. People dont know how to change settings on their phone, let alone program anything, trade crypto, or find areas on the internet.
Yes tech is not the be all end all, but basic tech literacy shows you can understand concepts without utilizing the billions of dollars worth of consumer packaging to make them more appealing.

Even the shitcoins here are gold, have you ever gone to an ICO rating site? There are still tens of thousands of dollars being raised for really shitty ICO's that normies think will work out.

No no, your wrong. /biz/ is unironically one of the smartest websites in the world simply by being a 4chan board. So OP really just leech off of what the smart people like me tell you here and don't forget to give back once your not a brainlet anymore.a

>> No.15802307

when did you start playing games? has it always been like that?

>> No.15802429

>when did you start playing games?
I dunno probably 4 y-o or something with SNES
>has it always been like that?
No, it got worse over the years because I eventually got into MMOs and my friends were getting married and having children so I gradually stopped seeing them, I guess because everytime I saw them it reminded me I was becoming a loser. Last time I saw a friend was maybe 2 years ago. I used to be fine in high school and in my early 20s though, I've had sex and girlfriends before

>> No.15802448

You're better off than 99% of the people that are in shitty situations honestly. At least you have income, know how to act around women, and some common sense. Try taking a small dosage of magic mushrooms or LSD.

>> No.15802476

you have to get your shit together, find a gf and breed within the next 6 years or you will become the looser uncle

>> No.15802522
File: 35 KB, 873x618, DE346B2A-798C-4D52-8091-FBB30A1BFA13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s some next level cope you’ve got going there incel

>> No.15802537
File: 10 KB, 234x250, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I am the loser uncle

>> No.15802553
File: 220 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2019-06-29-23-46-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish. We're literally fucking geniuses.

>> No.15802583

>famous celebrities that fall within this range include Natalie Portman
The cope is strong in this one

>> No.15802601

Close out a few of those notifications you fucking degenerate.

>> No.15802633
File: 45 KB, 577x913, 66948829_10214031802885107_9030013566966562816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in your exact position and I understand where you are at. You made the right move, well done.

/biz/ is a doubl edged sword because there is a lot of shill threads from pajeets and chinks and other NEETs who want you to buy their scam cryptocurrencies so you have to watch out for people talking shit about something they know is good because they want the price to remain low so they can invest in it more on the cheap, and also people who shill things really hard because they want you to buy it, so they can sell their stake in it for a higher price and leave you holding their bags of shit. There is also a strong glownigger/(((them))) presence, a constantly running campaign to demoralize and disenfranchise the users, threads that are like "hello (((fellow white people))), we all sad incels aren't we, life is not worth living, haha, I'm getting sleepy" and standard glow in the dark shit about how you should masturbate to trannies all the time, etc, but you are probably used to that if you are from /v/.

If you are aware of that shit and guard your mind from it (it's pretty obvious) then this is a good board to redirect your psychology towards more productive thinking habits about money and finance, etc, you will mostly find breadcrumbs but it will add up. You will also learn some things about politics and world finance that you may not learn on other boards.

/fit/ is okay but don't spend too much time there because there is as many mental health patients there as there is on /x/, they meme well and can give good advice but they are all extremely autistic and suicidally dysmorphic about their body image and will try to project it onto you

>> No.15802645
File: 992 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2019-06-30-22-22-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek, some discord tranny group was going around to all the boards dropping IQ test threads so they could get data on average intelligence. I followed them and took every test so i could raise this sites average IQ by at least 24 points.

Memes aside I actually do believe this site is probably the largest collective of fluid higher intelligence people on the internet, but why i believe that is a long rant nobody wants to hear so i keep it short and keep the hopium big brain memes flowing.