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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 894x773, 1557727470472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15795753 No.15795753 [Reply] [Original]

i got my gf to start selling her underwear as a side business and shes made $2000 in the last 2 months with an initial investment of literally 0 dollars. shes just been listing a bunch of old $3 panties that she never wears for $50 and shes sold dozens of them and the rate at which shes selling is just continuously increasing

how the fuck is it possible to be poor as a woman? its basically being able to make money grow on trees

>> No.15795764

disgusting. you and your girlfriend are trash. you are not a real man if you let your girl do that. next you will let her swallow Tyrone's cum, you fucking cuck faggot

>> No.15795768

Where does she list them on.

Also does she use a fake return address? What if someone tracks her

>> No.15795777

dude they're just selling underwear chill out lmao

>> No.15795786

the only cucks are the ones buying them idiot

jesus imagine being this low IQ

>> No.15795787

Can I do this as a man? Sell my used underwear?

>> No.15795795

Imagine being a woman in the modern age and not being a millionaire by 25.
Seriously with the advent of the internet it’s so fucking easy.
Even something as saturated as youtube is a cakewalk

>> No.15795797

>being OK with hundreds of random men beating their meat to your wife's pheromones

absolute degeneracy

We need to cleanse America of you nu-male faggots

>> No.15795800

where do you sell them? do they have to have a certain smell? how hard would it be to pass dollar store panties off as worn panties?

>> No.15795804


>> No.15795805

dont tell him op

>> No.15795813

>i cannot make money like this so i am mad.

>> No.15795818

other men pay my rent to sniff the remnants of a pussy that i cum inside daily. im not the cuck in this exchange
she has a manyvids profile and a snapchat. i have a po box for my own business and she uses it for hers. shes never shown her face in any of the pics so im not too worried about the privacy invasion aspect

>> No.15795819

A real man shields his wife from the mentally ill sickos of the world. He keeps her pure at all costs. I could lose fucking everything and live on the fucking streets, and I would still not do that. I would fucking break my back in a coal mine before I let my wife do that shit.

I have no more hope in this country. The next generation is a bunch of degenerate fags

>> No.15795820

id rather have the pussy and money than the old underwear for 50$

>> No.15795860

ok bro, go ahead and break your back in a coal mine, it's no skin of my nose

>A real man shields his wife from the mentally ill sickos of the world
e.g., beta mate guarding (with the exception of violent crazies)

>> No.15795864

I mean, I would never do this.
I would never let my friends do this.
But by god does it work.

>> No.15795871

See >>15795819

Money is worthless if you have no fucking spine. What's next, are you gonna sell your teenage daughter's panties too?

They used to hang sickos like you.

Again, I would rather break my back mining coal in the depths of Hades than involve my wife in that filth.

If you ever make it (which you probably won't), you can never pay to undo these degenerate actions. Personally, when I make it, I will feel excellent knowing I never had to stoop to such vile, degenerate, perverted shit involving my loved ones just to make a quick buck.


>> No.15795921

Just sell women’s underwear online you dingus

>> No.15795930

I re-read what the thread was about

>i got my gf to sell her underwear
I thought the gf was selling on her own choice for an ez buck, not forced to. Scratch what i said.

>> No.15795937


I also have room temperature IQ

>> No.15795939

>Just being degenerate.
Found the zoomer.

>> No.15795945

Not gonna happen. If my girlfriend started doing that, well she better stop.

>> No.15795946

>What's next, are you gonna sell your teenage daughter's panties too?
he should they would probably go for double

>> No.15795954
File: 260 KB, 593x635, poorfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you even rambling about lmao, your reddit disease is seeping through your posts, keep seething you beta bux coal miner

>> No.15795973

I'm with this guy. OP is a cucked nu-male and refuses to see it.

>> No.15795998
File: 235 KB, 1280x817, saycheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga please. Do you even know where you are?

>> No.15796033

i dont think capitalizing on another man's temptation is morally sound. i try to avoid evil things as best i can

>> No.15796042

im going to get my mom to start selling her underwear to TRUE fetishists

"anons moms underwear $15 a pop." thats a huge ROI.

>> No.15796049

I do it too, except in a guy pretending to be a girl.

>> No.15796060
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You guys are the 2019 equivalent of the SJW

>> No.15796078
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Missed one; same goes for you. Never, EVER going to make it with that traditionalist BS

>> No.15796094

but you don't mine coal. you angrily shitpost about morals on a mammon-worshiping board of gambling degenerates that speculate on highly volatile digital assets so they can get lambos and ez pussy.

you're not better than any of us and I for one look forward to sniffing your teenage daughters panties

>> No.15796101
File: 44 KB, 449x599, Adolf_Hitler1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how the moral decay of America grows. Shaming others for having a moral backbone.

>Come on, man, let Tyrone ass-fuck your wife a little bit. What are you, a SJW?
>Come on, bro, just let your son become transgender. Get with the times, old man!
>Come on, dude, just sell your daughter's used panties and socks to creepy perverts for a quick buck. You're not some kind of moral elitist, are you??

It's a really slippery slope down the abyss of degeneracy. I stand for none of that shit. You numales deserve the rope.

>> No.15796108

my aunt runs a business selling her panties for 100$ a pair. she keeps in amazing shape so her underwear sells asap. she pays all her bills and everything off selling couple hundred pairs a month

>> No.15796119
File: 1.85 MB, 346x267, baleful3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh slippery slope
You're too far gone. Wtf are you even doing here, get you ugly ass back to pol where you belong, fag

>> No.15796120
File: 19 KB, 680x138, imcoooming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just do what feels good guise
>just cooooom lmao
>t. Der Coomer

>> No.15796128
File: 8 KB, 493x402, thatsgreat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15796130 [DELETED] 

>/pol/ shaming
All you redditniggers need to crawl your asses back there.

>> No.15796139

>It's really a slippery slope
I was just about to say that. I don't disagree with you. I don't see what OP is doing as any different than selling your gf to others to fuck.
>I'd rather have the 50$ and the girl than a quick fuck haha!
I do think you are pushing it a bit too far with the
>Sell daughters undies
>M/F your son at 3 old man!!1!!!
There will be a revolt before that happens. If not I'll have been hanged for speaking against it anyways.

>> No.15796140

You look like him, don't you. Be honest. I struck a nerve.

>> No.15796159
File: 132 KB, 1280x800, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toppest of keks. "/pol/shaming"; gotta be the most fragile shit i've ever heard

>> No.15796173

Don't forget she must also show the buyers pictures or videos of her wearing them. Who would buy them otherwise

>> No.15796178

>two families with alcoholic dads
>dad in family A is functional and keeps up the illusion that his alcoholism isn't killing him
>dad in family B gets black out drunk regularly but when sober acknowledges he has a serious problem
This is a real anecdote. The children in family B became educated and highly successful. The kids in family A became drug addicts. You should do as I say not as I do and get off the internet. It's too late for me, you still have a chance.

>> No.15796184

.5 link for her to hold my cock

>> No.15796185
File: 80 KB, 766x960, losthope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, I appreciate the banter and all, but if this is trolling you should probably go back. PS. The only ugly people on here are /pol/tards

>> No.15796190

>that filename
>using quotes
Everyone knows you're a newfag after 3 posts, probably a kike too. What does it feel like? I need to know, heeb, what does it feeeeel like?

>> No.15796203

No bantz, I legit want you to kys. /biz/ is a /pol/ board, redditnig. Always has been. Call it a 'sub' if you like.

>> No.15796204
File: 66 KB, 214x214, lol1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm norwegian. What does what feel like?

>> No.15796229

Why is everyone in Scandinavia a stereotypical redditor?

>> No.15796239
File: 679 KB, 446x349, hmmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with using reddit? Again, if this is trolling that's hilarious I guess, but if you're as mad as your post indicates you should probably take some time to reflect

>> No.15796252
File: 50 KB, 750x804, 1567695594801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better educated, more traveled and generally mentally and physically healthier I guess

>> No.15796269

So adorably naive. Not even ashamed of his brainwashing.

>> No.15796281

You're a schizo dude, get help

>> No.15796283

Either that or he's a master baiter. Idk, I'm going to bed.

>> No.15796286

>schizo post
Topkek bro. 10/10 bait fren. Good night.

>> No.15796288
File: 64 KB, 214x210, angrydedede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waste of trips

>> No.15796292

can you effectively do this as a man?
I mean, larp as a 22 year old girl with some photos you grabbed on the internet and sell cheap female panties to stupid guys who are into this shit?

>> No.15796303
File: 52 KB, 600x800, jazzmusicstops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone who disagree with me is brainwashed
I'm not even trolling, you're mentally cucked if that's how you deal with opposing views

>> No.15796309
File: 30 KB, 500x280, 55311242490589337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still thinking slippery slope is a fallacy

>> No.15796312

yet you still were stupid enough to commit cultural and ethnic suicide.
cuckweden is an evolutionary accident.

>> No.15796314

shut it faggot if you had a gf you'd do the same. Just buy new ones and sell them on the internet or cum on them yourself. You could probably do it right now you faggot without a gf.

>> No.15796323
File: 1.87 MB, 498x280, wow....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, another fugly mong. Gotta love all the mgtow fags playing at business. This board would be so much better if you just stuck to your cringy containment board

>> No.15796324

it's okay if you say that they're brainwashed by jews, though. cause that's always accurate.

>> No.15796330
File: 58 KB, 720x653, 1565793400041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up the demographics of Norway, then come back and tell me what you've learned

>> No.15796333

I only call people that mindlessly regurgitate brainwashing brainwashed.
>what's wrong with validating my delusions in a heavily moderated echo chamber?
Correct, it's called facing reality instead of desperately scrambling to protect your fragile ego.

>> No.15796335

Degenerate. Absolute spineless prick.

>> No.15796337
File: 367 KB, 816x679, OHKEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small joke from a small man

>> No.15796354
File: 1.13 MB, 320x240, igiveup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing more fragile than pulling the brainwashing card whenever you come up short in a discussion.If you think echo-chambers won't form on this site you're either sub-80 IQ or you're arguing in bad faith

>> No.15796400

The fucking point is you communicate exclusively in reddit memes you braindead kike golem. Every single word is you reflecting the words of someone else, I'm not talking to a person but a reddit. You may even be physically incapable of thinking because you simply never tried it and have gotten used to life without it. You and your kind think you're adding something but you're just repeating old memes we all heard a million times before years ago.

>> No.15796426

>buy a shit ton of women underwear
>buy a sub to a small-time nude seller and borrow her pictures without asking
>walk with the panties for a couple of hours
>sell them online

How could this possibly go wrong?

>> No.15796430
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, cantcontainit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen someone typing with such fury while simultaneously saying so little. Fuck off back to pol, incel, you're really not wanted here

>> No.15796462

>tries to shame me for caring again
I'm saying these things because I love you. Please listen.

>> No.15796497
File: 673 KB, 220x164, stopgethelp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love you
>braindead kike golem

Yeah, schizo like I said. I'm serious though, go back to pol if you need a hugbox, this board is for capitalists.

Good luck with your life bro.

>> No.15796498
File: 779 KB, 750x416, E54277D9-A899-41AF-A018-433D8077B332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn’t true though 4chan is a churning high chaos environment where boards like /pol/ and /biz/ allow the most potent memes to manifest and spread unlike on somewhere like Reddit which has become a massive butthurt passive aggressive low IQ gay atheist faggot echo chamber

>> No.15796506

/biz/ wishes they could do this

>> No.15796518

Redd.it is for faggots.

>> No.15796524
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>> No.15796550
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>> No.15796563

If you can live with it and look your family in the eye afterwards then more power to you

Imo we all know what's shameful and what's not

Money can't buy pride lmao. You could get 1 billion and get buttfucked by Tyrone

I'd rather die desu lol

>> No.15796574

You are a braindead kike golem, it's a description not a slur. You're a mindless puppet of international business interests and proud of it. I used those specific words because they're /pol/ memes and I just accused you of only communicating in reddit memes. See how being self aware works?

>> No.15796609

>jumps IP and continues on his retarded plebbit nigger rant.

>> No.15796618

on the same path of cuckweden.

>> No.15796632

where she seell it, femanon here

>> No.15796636

I'm with the "this is degenerate" crew. Grow some balls and take the responsibility of drawing the line SOMEWHERE like a man, fucking hell. This is the kind of behaviour you would expect out of an Indian or a Jew. I feel bad for your gf.

this guy is 100% a jew. You can tell by every word he uses. Incel, pol, schizo, echochamber, reddit; reading this shit is like playing JIDF bingo.
>in b4 nazi racist privilege

>> No.15796640

gosh anon, that post backfired on you pretty badly, huh?

>> No.15796843

Honestly agree with this guy. What kind of cuck lets his GF do this?

>> No.15796866
File: 32 KB, 650x488, picardtakingprisoners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad that I had to scroll down that far before seeing some sanity.
>A real man shields his wife from the mentally ill sickos of the world. He keeps her pure at all costs.
Note to all anons, if you don't understand this instinctively, you are subhuman.

>> No.15796905

>A real man shields his wife from the mentally ill sickos of the world. He keeps her pure at all costs. I could lose fucking everything and live on the fucking streets, and I would still not do that. I would fucking break my back in a coal mine before I let my wife do that shit.

I used to be this idealistic too.
Wouldn't let my ex work after I noticed male coworkers flirting with her, decided I'd work for us instead.
But nope, she's busy getting her holes filled while I bust my ass, turning me into an actual cuck.

And even in other relationships, it happened again. Give them a few seconds where you aren't drowning them in attention, like by being busy at work, and they'll be busy looking for the attention somewhere else. They're pretty good at covering their tracks too, I would never have caught on if I hadn't become paranoid and installed things like hidden remote admin tools, keyloggers etc.

All women are whores.
They're not worth the effort you are saying you'd put in.

But I also agree that selling your girlfriend's panties is cuck shit. That's also pathetic.

>> No.15796928

>confused reddit for 4chan

You must leave

>> No.15796930

Everybody in this thread accept for me is a retard.

>> No.15796934

>I go for vapid high maintenance whores and am surprised when they cheat on me


>> No.15796938

cucks gonna cuck

>> No.15796983

>vapid high maintenance whores
Not even.
I've even had a nerdy 6/10 gf, and a chubby 5/10, and they were the worst ones personality-wise.

I realized that the prettier 8-9/10 girls are easier to get along with, as they are probably more socially adjusted, and the not so pretty girls have TONS of self-esteem issues, are very insecure and this will start more fights over nothing and are more prone to attention whoring once they get a taste, as they don't usually get much attention.

Your statement sounds like something an incel who's never had a gf would say, thinking women have concepts such as loyalty and principle.
These are just bags of crazy hormones, no exceptions. They will do what makes them feel good and rationalize everything.

>> No.15797454

when you will finally learn

that all gals are just dumb bishes that you pump and dump, all you have to care is your self, your closest friends and family

fokin gals are dumb af, just have them but never a center of your life, yes u gon have fkin children and wife etc but that gon last few years too or forever if you cuck your self

>> No.15797631

this is why britain is a liberal shithole, maybe if you had better attitudes towards family and protecting women as your property then your home wouldn't be overrun with sandniggers and junkies and pikey child gangs you dense unit

>> No.15797924
File: 538 KB, 632x1952, 1554424087506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree but also kek d really hard

>> No.15798271

>this guy is 100% a jew. You can tell by every word he uses. Incel, pol, schizo, echochamber, reddit; reading this shit is like playing JIDF bingo.

Exactly. It's extremely noticeable. The kikes really glow in the dark.

>> No.15798354
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1534263136863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgusting. you and your girlfriend are trash. you are not a real man if you let your girl do that. next you will let her swallow Tyrone's cum, you fucking cuck faggot

>> No.15798405

Holy fuck thanks for the idea OP. I'm selling my panties for LINK now

>> No.15798491

learn to read
>only the Jew gets to make money on degeneracy
kys bitch