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15794060 No.15794060 [Reply] [Original]

Granted I compete in natural bodybuilding so the money we earn from placing well in shows isn’t even in the same ballpark as the IFBB but I still used it as an opportunity to increase my holdings of LINK, ETH and BTC a few days ago. Am I gonna make it brahs?

And yes making this same thread since I forgot to get back to the other one in time before it archived. To answer some of the questions though, we get polygraph and urine tested at a show to ensure we’re natural however I’m also not naive enough to think that there aren’t some people cheating the system out there.

Contest earnings depend on the show but usually average between 1-3k depending on the size of it. I got 2nd at this recent one and only got $500, but my next one is giving out 3k for 1st and 1k for 3rd so it does just vary

>> No.15794107

In b4 not natty. Shredded mayne. We have a similar build. That's dedication right there.

>> No.15794119

It's not though.

>> No.15794127

Yes. He is though. Faggot. You just don't know how to eat anything other than Taco Bell and Doritos.

>> No.15794139

holy fuck man, you must go through hell to look like that. that muscle mass to bodyfat ratio is disgusting as a natural. aren't you in a bad mood and exhausted all the time?

>> No.15794155

In b4 not natty. Shredded mayne. We have a similar build. That's dedication right there.

Yes. He is though. Faggot. You just don't know how to eat anything other than Taco Bell and Doritos.

>> No.15794180


>> No.15794194

Yes. He is though. Faggot. You just don't know how to eat anything other than Taco Bell and Doritos.

It's not though.

holy fuck man, you must go through hell to look like that. that muscle mass to bodyfat ratio is disgusting as a natural. aren't you in a bad mood and exhausted all the time?

>> No.15794198

Dang, if you got second, i won't even bother. Looking solid, tight and thick OP. What are your stats out of curiosity?

>> No.15794202

What is this meme?

>> No.15794209


holy fuck man, you must go through hell to look like that. that muscle mass to bodyfat ratio is disgusting as a natural. aren't you in a bad mood and exhausted all the time?

>> No.15794265

>he thinks its a dip
anon, i....

>> No.15794334


Lol thanks man but don’t let me persuade you not to. I compete at the pro level so obviously it’s very competitive now, but on the amateur side of things it’s very accessible for beginners. They have novice classes for a reason, it’s what I started with at my first show back in 2010

>> No.15794349

Oh and I’m 5’10 165ish on stage. So yeah natty af lol

>> No.15794358


Not natty.
Unless you just took a pic with an amazing pump, in amazing lighting with a great angle. perhaps you are natty.
post pic in normal unflexed lighting.

Natties DO NOT look that full in their muscles when that lean. they look flat as fuck and very small. even at their genetic maximum. Your chest is way too full for someone this lean who is natty unless its just a fantastic photo. stop frauding. you are on something.

>> No.15794368

You are not natty. Fuck off you’ve run at least one cycle of test

>> No.15794383


Hungry yes haha and can be very moody at times, but I’ve learned how to handle that aspect very well for how long I’ve been competing now. Most competitors are generally whiny little bitches about the process because they either don’t know how to prep properly or have that long term experience to not let it phase them.

I only compete every 3-4 years though due to how hard this shit is as a natty (no drugs helping us lean down like IFBB dudes) so that also helps as I’m mentally prepared it

>> No.15794412


You forgetting that I’m a pro? Of course the average natty doesn’t look like this, but you would be surprised at how a lot of top pros look. We aren’t the typical natty lifter you see at your gym. Also this is the day after a show where I’m shredded out and filled out quite well due to all the food the night before, I definitely don’t look like this year round. I only compete every few years really and usually walk around 25-30 lbs. heavier

>> No.15794430

Damnnnn that physique. Who cares if he’s natty or not, even if you cucks took steroids you wouldn’t even look close.

>> No.15794456

> Any Pro body builder ever
> Natty
You're too retarded to even pick 1

>> No.15794460


So that makes a lot more sense. I can believe that now.
You were depleted and small and anemic looking as all natties are when they get that low.
And yes while most natties in the gym don't look good, they also train infrequently and dont know how to diet and are far form potential.
I've seen PLENTY of natties who do it right and reached their genetic maximum. when as lean as you they are literally 2d.

But if you took this pic after filling up post contest and got all full from it, and then got a pump, and then took a grea tpic with good lighting and a good angle i can completely beleive natty.
but reality is you don't look like this 99% of the time. Just a short while post contest or in a pic. Thats no discredit to you. its not easy to even get to a point where you can look like that for a picture as a natty so well done.

Im more surprised that you seem to have been lifting for 10+ years and havent roided yet. its extremely difficult to continue lifting after year 6 when your gains are all acquired and you will train extremely hard, repetitively and boringly for 1lb of muscle a year. that drives most people to roid who make it that far.

>> No.15794508
File: 107 KB, 584x584, 9D5C2F70-0512-42E2-AC2B-EEDE51BFAE46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True for most of /biz/ but wrong for some of us.

OP is not natty, he’s an insecure little cuck that needs to pretend he hasn’t run cycles of test and anavar/hgh to random spergs on the internet

Oh and btc still has 7k+ to drop, you’re gonna lose all your winnings faggot


>> No.15794515

it looks like u already made it brah

>> No.15794531

Lel must have not been much competition

>> No.15794550

Thanks man. I was tempted by roids at first but once I discovered I could build a pretty good physique naturally it made the decision much easier. It can be frustrating with the slow progress but considering I’m really just trying to bring up details and minor improvements rather than add 20+ lbs. of muscle, I don’t mind it at all really.

Plus I don’t wanna have to work my way up through the amateurs again in the NPC. Shit is long, tiring and expensive. Even though the pay isn’t anything crazy, it’s still a nice feeling knowing I can compete to win some money on the natural side of things which is a nice literal payoff after years of grinding to turn pro

>> No.15794571


I wouldn't rule it out either, but unless you see him in normal pics average lighting etc you cant be sure. With great angles lighting pump and post contest rebound it isn't out of the question.

>> No.15794581

Lol I didn’t even post my best pics because I didn’t want to include my face. If you saw a stage pic you wouldn’t say that, but I know you’re just a jealous insecure dude trying to talk shit to make yourself feel better anyway so couldn’t care less desu

>> No.15794833

are you really natty though? I can almost believe it if you have godtier genetics and years of training. rountine?

>> No.15794853


Do you do a salt fast / glucose loading before a competition to look like that? Even with low bodyfat I hold a lot of subq water

>> No.15794970

I got this lean once, maybe slightly less. Never again. For about 6 weeks i got maybe 5 erections. My libido went to nothing. A pornstar could have my dick in her mouth and i wouldnt have got an erection.

For me it wasnt worth it. Took months to go back to normal again and i was only 24. I lift to look good. But part of that is to use my dick.

>> No.15794994

You know you cruise, probably a low amount of test with anavar or something else mild.

>> No.15795036
File: 253 KB, 1600x1561, SPO-culturisme-alexandre-villeneuve-B-e1541187489146-1600x1561 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you post more pictures?

t. 37 y-o natty bodybuilder, 5'11 170lbs on stage

>> No.15795066

Great physique. Don’t care if you use gear or not.

>> No.15795087
File: 235 KB, 1365x2048, alexandre-villeneuve-2896368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stage pic if possible btw

>> No.15795788

This. Im thinking like a TRT level of test at least for most of the year.

>> No.15795993

imagine being so deluded you think OP is natty

>> No.15796318

why are titty so big?

>> No.15796395

I can’t even imagine

>> No.15797531

You have injection bumps on your abs from peptides or GH. Cycling off in time for the on to piss clean doesn’t make you natural, bitch.

>> No.15797554

You look great but are the steroid side effects worth it?

>> No.15797883
File: 1.62 MB, 2316x3088, 32DBD610-4A45-4E0A-BD74-03C3EE91C3AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude stop lying you're on some gear lmao...

this is me after almost 2 months of lifting with ~300 mg of test per week.

You are def on gear....stop fucking lying to people

>> No.15797895

They are not...I have heart palpitations at night...So I have to take a bunch of propranolol and blood pressure medicine...

I am gonna cycle off here soon. It fucks with your emotions and cardiovascular system...