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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15791511 No.15791511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Be me 31 year old neet
>Spend last $50 on domain from venture.com
>Sign up for Shopify.com for $24.99
>Netting over $1 million in sales

Why aren't you doing this /biz/? Are you still betting your hopes on shitcoins?

>> No.15791530
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If any of y'all wanna free advice lemme kno! Started with a domain from venture.com now about to hit $2 million

>> No.15791557
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>> No.15791601
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i guess this /biz/ is only for shitcoins nobody wants to know how to turn $50 into $1 million thanks to venture.com

>> No.15791633

Tell more how you started OP

>> No.15791647
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Im E-commerce store owner that sell herbal vapes, 1 mill+ yearly organic traffic/revenue, and will be selling soon for 2+mill. Leased a domain from venture.com which was the best decision of my life.

Domain authority is huge and I started my site off with an old high authority cannabis site through 301-redirect, which is basically very similar in strategy to what OP did and know for fact it works to boost rankings. My site didn't have the luxury of tons of magazine/editorial posts with tons of natural traffic coming through the links though... that is fucking gold and invaluable!

Technically speaking I'm in debt as I utilize a 50k revolving line of credit. However, can pay that off anytime I want as I also own 3 homes and multiple six figure combo of gold & silver.

Also I definitely own crypto and expect that to pay off more than anything over the next 2 years.... Biggest holding is: NEO , tier 2 is MCO & Link, tier 3 = shit coins lol

>> No.15791689

how dark is your skin op, just curious

>> No.15791725
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Im E-commerce store owner

>> No.15791728

this is some ooga booga level shilling. around here "y'all" is frowned upon we prefer "meine freunde"

>> No.15791737
File: 1.95 MB, 237x240, 1537957908786.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to readit shill you just mad we leasing domains from venture.com and not shilling shitcoins

>> No.15791739

There are two of your threads on the front page. Do you think nobody notices this?

>> No.15791750

based ironic shilling anon REMEMBER GOYS GO TO V-E-N-T-U-R-E-DOT-C-O-M AND YOU TOO COULD BE A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE IN LESS THAN 8 MONTHS WITH ONLY $50 CAPITAL REMEMBER THATS venture.com venture.com venture.com did I mention I have your best interests at heart so go to venture.com and BUY MY DOMAINS GOYS

>> No.15791760

how do we find OP and kill him ?

>> No.15791772

How are you storing your product? Or are you doing the drop shipping stuff that eventually causes you to lose all your customers?

>> No.15791778
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Is this the flavor of the week shill now?

>> No.15791786

Fuck off pajeet nigger. No one wants your vent*re.com crap that already has 17 threads open

>> No.15791791
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Yeah that other guy took my screenshot that faggot
they have tracer.com on venture.com if you wanna get that and develop a service for this

>> No.15791802

three threads per day exceeds your daily thread limit, meine freunde. as we say here "Wir müssen die Reinheit unseres Chan sicherstellen"...

>> No.15791803
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Yep dropshipping directly from ebay, amazon and alibaba

venture.com gives you plugins for your Shopify.com store for all of this. Easiest $1 million in my life broski!

>> No.15791813

Also do you make customers pay shipping or do you pay it yourself? What shipping service do you use? I'm guessing by herbal vapes youre talking about weed pens and shit like that, arent you afraid of having your cash seized by the gubbernment?

>> No.15791829

You do realize post id’s are turned on you dirty brown street shitting pajeet nigger. GTFO with your venture.com like shill you dirty Jew nigger

>> No.15791838
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I use DHL and UPS. And yes they pay for the shipping I also charge a little bit of a fee as venture.com allows for that

No i operate out of Chebelsk in western Ukraine for this but you can adapt it to better things

>> No.15791897

Bout to go wageslave but do you have any other resources that are good for reading up on? Or even an in-depth story of how you came across drop shipping, things to watch out for, how to find the right product to dropship, etc?

thanks for sharing anon

>> No.15791916
File: 492 KB, 1536x2048, 1570015553462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All on venture.com broski!

Check it o ut and sign up. Lease your first domain too only $50 and you can be making $80k a day from organic traffic it generates look at my stats

>> No.15791957

That picture is a dude and you are a street shitting dirty pajeet scamming nigger. REMEMBER THATS VENTURE.COM GOYS YES GOYS VENTURE.COM VENTURE.COM GOYS

>> No.15791962

Cool deal. do you have to pay extra for whoisit security? Last time i owned a domain name i was constantly bombarded with telemarketers

>> No.15791968
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How do you know its a dude? You gay broski?

>> No.15791973

Theres nothing illegitimate about the website, its just a domain registrar like godaddy and host gator

>> No.15791989

Something tells me you have vested interest in venture dot com

>> No.15791994
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Dirty kike

>> No.15791995
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Nah, you get it for free. Its registered in the original owners name so its never in your name as you never own it. But head over venture.com and sign up

>> No.15792003

some real organic conversation going on between you two. I'm convinced what is it venture.com? where do I sign?

>> No.15792005

Hey sorry I'm late to the thread just wanted to add my 2 cents. Venture.com is a fantastic low risk investment with potential for a very high return in a short amount of time. I use venture.com for all my domain SEO traffic needs. Hook it up with google ad sense and facebook ads to really see your dropshipping and shopify traffic increase thanks to the rare domain names. Of course not everyone will succeed with venture.com but most don't have the skills and don't dyor. Personnaly I increased my initial investment by a sizable porportion and flipped my domain long before the big lease fees kick in. I say get in while it's hot!

>> No.15792011
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i have vested my life into it and helping anons get more for their money rather than shitcoins like bitcoin

>> No.15792014

Dude can you just release a security coin that pretends its utility so we can fund your buisness so you can go shill to normies? This isnt fucking rocket science, you probably have a negative impact advertising your actual buisness use case here.

>> No.15792043
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>> No.15792053

Very very intersting sir, can you tell me what site did u use to get yur domain sir

>> No.15792059

wait you were 28 in the last thread. or are you turning the other guy into a pasta

original thread: >>15789368

>> No.15792060

at least i know the shitcoins i paid for are mine

>> No.15792072

A google search shows that the website has zero mentions on web master/SEO/marketing forums and reddit. It's a scam run by some Indians or Nigerians.

>> No.15792077
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Venture.com is already doing this. Leveraging normie lease debt to make them default after 7-8 months because its impossible to generate the revenue required to sustain a lease of the monthly fees + 4.6% raise.

We will leverage this debt to take people to court and foreclose on them, selling off their assets and giving returns to our investors.

Everyone wants to own google.com - nobody wants to play the piper. The few of the lucky ones who manage to pay the monthly instalments will be foreclosed on as we can adjust fees for inflation. Your $500 a month lease will soon become $5,000.

VentureCoin will become the biggest coin since bitcoin thanks to /biz/

>> No.15792101

you will get nothing. enjoy your website and instagram shilling you stupid fop pajeet

>> No.15792118

well, i guess i was wrong about it being a domain registrar, its actually more of a leasing service. the original person buys a domain name, then he uses venture.com to rent out the domain name, allowing you to get a more reputable looking domain name

>> No.15792129

Yeah, after looking into it a bit more i realized that

>> No.15792142
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Its owned by Google you dumb Portugolino rat

>> No.15792143


>> No.15792151
File: 48 KB, 512x512, 6C18E180-D154-47E2-850D-86039BC671BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advice on making millions of dollars while sitting on your ass

Yep, totally legit.