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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15788190 No.15788190 [Reply] [Original]

How can a nymphomaniac like Epstein become so successful? His houses were full of statues of boobs he was constantly jacking off to when he wasn’t fucking models and yet he was disciplined enough to be so successful that even Elon Musk sought him out for money

>> No.15788233

He didn’t make the overwhelming majority of his money. His job was front. Jeffrey Epstein was an agent of Mossad that lured in Western politicians so that they could be exploited and controlled. This is why they realized they couldn’t do anything to him when they looked at his stash of pictures.

>> No.15788246

You can’t say that in full confidence, in fact the attorney who gave him the plea deal making that claim of espionage seemed more like an excuse for his blatant fuck up

>> No.15788251

True. Anyways, fuck Israel.

>> No.15788300

maybe he never actually coomed

>> No.15788320

>a nymphomaniac like Epstein
I didn't know he was a woman?

>> No.15788934
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you can only make it if your brain is at constant post nut clarity. fap more and then after cumming immediately force your attention to something productive. the first moment a tit or ass comes to your mind you start fapping, then you cum and then you force your post clarity nut attention towards making money.

it also has financial advantages:
>fapping to porn is cheaper and more entertaining than holding a 5/10 3DPD and their mediocre sex
>porn can be easily pirated which makes it FREE
>no risk of getting babby (babby very expensive)
>dont need to pay for STD medication
>dont need to pay for roasties in any way
>can retire faster and invest more
>more money = more chances to make it

or listen to the nofap discord shills that want to drag you into the wagecuck ponzi for life while chaining you to some 3D pig. its your choice

>> No.15788942

What if you want babby

>> No.15788967
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You want to make it and be financially free? or you want to wagecuck the next 20 years?
the choice is yours

>> No.15788978

Ejaculate 3 times a day inside a woman and you'll be just as successful as him.

>> No.15789011


Think and Grow Rich and Jordan Belfort both said that constant sex and masturbation are a key part of success.

>> No.15789097

Based as fuck

>> No.15789150
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I know of a very successful guy who is a business consultant and owns three businesses. A self made millionaire, was earning six figures in his early twenties. He teaches men that regular sex (at least 2-3 times per week) is a requirement for success because it's pretty much a physiological need, if you don't have it your mind and body works like shit and you are unmotivated and depressed.

I believe him. But I'm too lazy and unmotivated to secure myself a one or few sources of sex. I wonder why.

>> No.15789194

idk whenever I have a girlfriend it feels like I'm wasting a tremendous amount of time with them when we're dating or fucking all day and then texting all the time when we're apart, and if any of that slows down then it's constant paranoia about cheating or stability

>> No.15789214

sleepy af

>> No.15789240

I fap for 5 hours a day and I don't achieve anything
how do I achieve this post nut clarity, because I just get dead tired after edging for hours

>> No.15789242

Epstein and Belfort are sociopaths, which have a constant need for stimulation and a huge natural sex drive. If you' re not like that, there's no need to emulate that.
For "norrmal" people, yes a couple times a week is a physical need like food etc.

>> No.15789254

I never talked about a gf. You don't have to do all that to have sex.
You don't even have to do 5% of that.

>> No.15789263

probably only "works" if you're a primal low iq shit and find "motivation" in fucking some vapid roastie. though even if you could fuck a vapid roastie in some shallow manner... what'd be the point participating in this cancerous society? exactly. there'd still be no motivation. of course this post is just shallow "muh sex is a need" paddling anyway.

if you would want sex and consider living in this society desirable, then you would be motivated to get it even if you would have none currently. conversely, if you would have sex and not consider living in this society desirable... you would still have no motivation. it's an entirely subjective desire of yours and massively simplifies why people today are depressed. only in order to push some agenda. by making personal anecdotes.

no, you're a dumb propaganda fuck. this entire thread is fucking propaganda. maybe you need cuddling and social contact in general. but not sex. i swear this thread is corporate incel astroturfing.

>> No.15789277

exactly you dumb cancer fuck. you're astroturfing, likely in order to enable the legalization of prostitution. when prostitution is mostly used by married guys who are bored, but not incels. because incels have no use for shallow sex with vapid whores you cancerous faggot.

>> No.15789282

Take your meds.

>> No.15789294

Take your meds schizo. If you don't have a natural sex drive you're not a healthy man.

>> No.15789300

I've had a fwb and hook ups but they're unreliable sources of sex. I'd love to indulge in prostitution but I'm broke and most whores look like trolls. A girlfriend is the most reliable sex asset

>> No.15789308

Meds mind

>> No.15789313
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Stop eating garbage and get your fat ass moving.
If you are not fat go visit a doctor, could be a Tumor
there is definitely something wrong with your body

>> No.15789330

Sex is for low iq monkeys

>> No.15789338

How did you do this?

>> No.15789357
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stroking my cock for 5 hours at night is NOT supposed to leave me dead tired?
and I might have cancer???
man this is great news

>> No.15789383

literally this

>> No.15789385

>they're unreliable sources of sex
Maybe you did it wrong.

>> No.15789398

Try jacking off for 2 hours a day or less and actually workout and dont eat shit

>> No.15789422

how about 0 hours a day coomie

>> No.15789425
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you are supposed to stretch these 5 hours of fapping over the entire day not just at night when you should sleep.
thats why its called "constant post nut clarity".

>> No.15789473

intermittent fapping huh

>> No.15789541
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basically everytime tits and ass creep into your thoughts rub one out. then focus back on your business.
your decisions will become better and you will make more money.

>> No.15789562

>be a slave to your impulses anon it will make you a better person
absolute coomer cope

>> No.15789616

t. r/nofap

I'll see how this works out
I enjoy the smut more than the nut maybe that's the real problem

>> No.15789654
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If you do it right you will make more money and enjoy it more.

>be a slave to your impulses
you got it completely backwards its the other way around.
>dont fap and let it build up
>make worse financial decisions
>in worst case doom yourself to wagecuckery for life

If you fap you make better decisions, more money and you will avoid a lot of trouble on your way /making it/.

>> No.15789672

I went on nofap for a few months I just lifted all my free time and was a peak ragie wagie at work

>> No.15789784
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>> No.15789802

>dying without a child
You're just a genetic dead end

>> No.15789838

>being a genetic dead end somehow restricts your freedom

>> No.15789860

The problem is everybody on here faps to underage anime girls and rationalizes it by claiming that in the show/hentai, they're adults. You've been cucked and jewed far worse than any other category of subhumans. You also dont have friends because all you can think about is little cartoon girls who squeal and shriek in the most annoying and disgusting high pitched voices whenever they do literally anything, especially while being penetrated by a school boy. As long as you maintain that detrimental mindset none of you will ever acheieve anything of value. In other words, you're all beta cucks and none of you will make it

>> No.15789891
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>dying without a child
who said anything about that? you are free to pursue this AFTER you made it (or not its your choice).
with a Kid and Wife or The Old Ball and Chain how I call it, it will be much much more difficult to make it.

2D is superior to 3DPD pornography. It is wholesome and pure while 3DPD is not. 3DPD corrupts the soul.

>> No.15789918
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Cumming feels so good

>> No.15790047

single daddy with full custody is the patrician lifestyle

>> No.15790281
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thats nice and all but you dont want to raise them living from paycheck to paycheck. you want to spend time and money on your children and to get the freedom to do so you need to make it first.
you raise your chances making it by fapping and using post nut clarity to make good decisions.

>> No.15791236
File: 35 KB, 680x468, 1569213023218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally typing this post with one hand as I slam another one out

feels really good

>> No.15791268
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Nobody asked for life advice by a weeb faggot

>> No.15791326

Cope more faggot

>> No.15791396

This is literally how i finished my graduate dissertation

>> No.15791414

It's overrated. The moment before cumming is where it's at.

>> No.15791426

that jizz lane fucks well chick was a bit of a milf if you ask me.

>> No.15791430
File: 30 KB, 615x328, 1_PAY-WORLD-EXCLUSIVE-Andrew-INSIDE-Epsteins-house-of-depravity2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this.
No big traders had dealt with this guy. No brokers, nothing. Huge front operation.

>> No.15791612
File: 230 KB, 1240x1754, 4f3652082c87159e14ad9ce541d1f3ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so mad? whats the problem?
what cope? post nut clarity is the key to better decision making.
because its literally how all successful men actually get shit done, with post nut clarity.

>> No.15791662


People with mental illness are always rich or homeless, since the dawn of time. We just live in a world where staying in moms basement is now also an option.

>> No.15791969

israel is based though
makes muzzies seethe just by existing, not to mention blowing them the fuck out in every war.

>> No.15792121

Wrong. Why the fuck do you think those people are being displaced all over the western world? You fucking moron.

>> No.15792289

wtf are you talking about
what does this have to do with israel.

>> No.15792335

>if you fap you make better decisions
It’s literally the opposite. Choosing to fap is a bad decision in itself. Get a grip on your impulses you hopeless coomie.

>> No.15792369

>blow them the fuck out in every war
>doesn’t see how this creates waves of people that want to gtfo of the area

>> No.15792451

One's formative years are key. Late bloomers are doomed, no matter what they do.

>> No.15792480
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you're so fucking stupid
the huge surge of refugees was from syria, due to their civil war, the rest would be from the wars the US started after 2001.
when I said Israel blew them the fuck out I was talking about stuff that happened 40+ years ago dumbass.

>> No.15792501

Ok, you’re right, Israel had nothing to do with 9/11.

>> No.15792515

>How can a nymphomaniac like Epstein become so successful?
Racist privilege.

>> No.15792518

He is a Satanists, they have access to secret knowledge and have an extreme fund of resources. In order to be an elite you have to be either extremely talented in some area (a money maker) or be born into it.

Epstein is an old jewish illuminati line so Epstein was grandfathered in, he probably knew every inside trade the jews were privy to

>> No.15792529

actually brain dead
don't reply to me ever again

>> No.15792534


nofap is king

>> No.15792535
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>It’s literally the opposite.
Its literally not the opposite, post nut clarity is a real thing unlike nofap bullcrap
any man with a functional penis can confirm this.

>He is a Satanists
he is a glownigger
they like to hide behind "satanism"

>> No.15792558
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>> No.15792561

>he was disciplined
Not disciplined, he was good at blackmailing rich and powerful people with young girls.

>> No.15792564

Sorry Rabbi

>> No.15792586

tell me again how mad israel makes you muzzie
or have you gone to fuck your goat wife for the 4th time today.

>> No.15792604
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"Get behind me, satan! you are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God but merely human concerns!"

>> No.15792635

I’m a white American
By the way, Israel also armed rebels in the Syrian civil war so yes they had their fingers in that conflict too.

>> No.15792668

I think you meant to say the united states

>> No.15792690

but I wouldn't doubt they were, not nearly to the extent the united states was though.

>> No.15792728

I’m aware that the United States is also involved. Do I have to goy-splain AIPAC to you?