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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15787037 No.15787037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Can others chip in. Shit gets so subtle if you dont pay attention.

>> No.15787054

>Ctrl F chainlink 0/0

>> No.15787067

Yeah it's pretty obvious the board has degenerate shills. I don't know if it's trannies who revel in sexual degeneracy, people who hate 4chan or politically minded groups. My filter list gets it all and usually runs about 35+ threads blocked, if i ever access it from a different computer i realize almost all filtered threads are sexual or suicidal. Very odd and i have no doubt the mods are complicit.

>> No.15787085

This boards fucking dead, partly because of /Pol/ brainlets who can't figure out how to access their own board due to geoblocking. The tards come up with the most elaborate conspiracies with the Jews always at the centre, I guarantee not one of them has ever worked in senior management or government.

>> No.15787087

JIDF have been astroturfing this place for years. Don't know why /biz/ is the target now. Maybe they're afraid of crypto

>> No.15787090
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Why would they still on our board?
I thought JIDF only had an interest in /pol/ and maybe MAYBE /v/.
/biz/ seems like a lost cause given that we can't influence as much as /pol/ or /v/.

>> No.15787102

They can look at publicly available statistics though.

>> No.15787121

1. Anons making steps to real world success
2. Money outside of jew controlled fiat
3. Money outside of the eyes of law enforcement
4. General cryptography and dark web skills

I'd say /biz/ is also one of the major redpilled threads. We don't get anything like the spam /pol/ gets but we definitely get it.

>> No.15787175

I'm inclined to agree with you in principle, but ID change alone doesn't prove shit. Mobilefag or a different computer (probably not on this particular case, but a different wi-fi hotspot or switching from mobiledata to wifi at home is plausible) for example. If the OP had posted another post with his original ID AFTER answering with different ID, now that would've been more suspicious

>> No.15787203
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>> No.15787220

Based Bigbird ripping of the kike disguises

>> No.15787222

The spam is worse than on /pol/
The automated bot threads are absolutely obvious and the pasta spammers are more obnoxious than those on /pol/. Whoever is spamming the board doesn't makes it very subtle, especially the off topic demographic one post by OP threads give it away. Somebody wants to know who is posting on here, and freaking new fags are bumping those threads like crazy.

btw, this is also a bot, one post by OP thread, report and abandon

>> No.15787232
File: 241 KB, 1272x1023, 1569964403752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted that many times in many of those threads today. I was not entirely sure at first, but the responses completely confirmed it to me, and then seeing that guy post from a different proxy confirmed it to me beyond doubt.

In the dozen (roughly, maybe more or less) threads I posted that in, the responses I got were invariably the following every time:
-Being accused of being a "conspiracy theorist" as per pic related
-Being accused of being an "incel"
-Outright admission and flagrant arrogance about it -- that was the weirdest and most confronting thing of all, because after calling someone out their response was basically "so what" and I was like uhhh is anyone else seeing this? I recieved more than one response like this. They do not even care if we know they're openly doing it, they only care that we see it. That is extremely glow in the dark.

It also says a lot to me about the use of the word "incel" which is an accusation to discredit, but only targeted directly towards young white males; you will never hear this referring to women or black or arab males, ONLY white males. The inference is that you are a loser with low self esteem who society has rejected because you are white. It is a dogwhitsle word, because it seems normie and subtle and like an organic meme word, but the inference is extremely clear if you stop to actually think about it because if you picture what you think an "incel" is in your mind you will find that it is definitely a typecasting word, and that typecast is "white male school shooter racist mysogynist loser". You ONLY hear this word used by a very specific segment of the online population and that is by young liberal women, jewish people (confirmable on other social media platforms by name, profile pic etc) and in left wing extremist echo chambers. It is essentially a very low key "hate" word against white males.

Just fucking bizarre bros.

>> No.15787237


Lurk more

>> No.15787239

You only need your people at the top to control the whole organization

>> No.15787241

great picture

>> No.15787256

fuck off and go spam yet another off topic retarded question thread faggot

>> No.15787261

Incel has always been a plebbitor term. Anyone using unironically automatically outs themselves as an outsider. It's fucking disgusting how many newfags or trannies or possible jews and fbi agents are here doing this.
This image forgets the 3 letter agencies that specify target white people.

>> No.15787270

Go back to whatever shithole you came from. Pro tip you fucking newfag. If you don't like a thread, stop posting in it and it's one less person bumping it.

>> No.15787284
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looks like a rustled someones jimmies
why do you do it? Are you bored, are you paid, are you just a piece of cancer?

>> No.15787295

He's right about the 1 post OP. I don't know why it's been done here but nowadays the first thing you should check is if the OP has more than 1 post. Go over to /pol/ and see how many are like that. There it's to spam and flood out important threads. Here? Im not so sure.

>> No.15787305

most one post by OP threads are accompanied with a retarded off topic question. Most likely demographic research. As this is a shitcoin board, probably to find out what demographic is posting here and how to market shitcoins and other products to them

>> No.15787327

Likely, there's plenty of subtle and not so subtle advertising going on here.

>> No.15787336

Yeah I'm sure Jewish people have nothing better to do than to infiltrate a border full of depressed losers that will never amount to anything or make it.

Makes perfect sense. When will you nazis learn to shed your paranoia and embrace other cultures?

>> No.15787343

the other option is of course unethical market psychology field experiments. The sexualized and demotivation threads together with the demographic research point at this. Somebody who managed to scam his way into some research grant money is trying to produce results to not lose his public funding. This was the case on /pol/ after 2016.

>> No.15787348
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>When will you nazis learn to shed your paranoia and embrace other cultures?
I mean how obvious can you get? Can you guys see this? They either are completely unaware that they're not blending in, or they just don't give a shit. It's unbelievable.

>> No.15787359

Found the kike

>> No.15787362

They should accept crypto. And would they pay me to insult people over the net?

>> No.15787369

Maybe, but often on /pol/ they're threads they know will get attention. Old news stories from years ago dregged up presented as new, 'i hate x', roastie hate thread #8737. So sometimes there seems to be some drive to waste anons' time, keep them from more important things.

>> No.15787370

Obvious what? You nazi's expect to attack the innocent Jewish people and get away with it? Shame on you. Blaming others for your financial woes wont benefit anyone. Let's just post some more wojak threads. How can make money from fuck bobo?

>> No.15787460

John 8:44 – "Jews are the children of Satan"

>> No.15787464
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>> No.15787469
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>> No.15787476
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>> No.15787481
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>> No.15787487


>> No.15787495
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>pic related is debased to based

>> No.15787500
File: 272 KB, 600x594, 1568719991877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. its kike expulsion hour.

>> No.15787510

My post is related to business and finance you fucking dork. Also not Jewish.

>> No.15787525

>Blaming others for your financial woes
We're blaming jews not for our financial woes but for deliberately trying to pervert and depress our youth and destroy our culture by attacking our innocent children's psychology. That is heinous and deplorable, if this was a physical war and not an information war, that would be considered a war crime.

Jews are open racists, many prominant Jewish people speak freely amongst themselves about how the life of a gentile is worth less than the life of a Jew, it is standard dogma. That is racial supremecy. That is racism. Us combating racism against us in the form of psychological hate crimes is not us being racist towards our attackers, it is righteous justice.

It's not racist to stand up for yourself.

>> No.15787526
File: 3.34 MB, 4500x4602, 1568727285279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely jewish. why are you crying?

>> No.15787568

>absolutely jewish. why are you crying?
Not Jewish, a Jew wouldn't deny being Jewish. Surely that is a terrible sin.
Im angry because you fucking cunts keep spanning shite totally unrelated to the board. GET. FUCKED.

>> No.15787583

>innocent Jewish people

>> No.15787612

nearly ever off topic retard post is JIDF
it is making this board unusable

>> No.15787628
File: 135 KB, 1024x710, 1568727208467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which ones denied being jewish?
half the posts on this board are linkies spamming, im doing this for you anon.

wait is that curry im smelling?

>> No.15787635

How do we exterminate the /pol/tards? Preferably via gas chambers

>> No.15787638

>which ones denied being jewish?
You lack reading comprehension.
>wait is that curry im smelling
Yeah it probably fucking is, Manvinder.

>> No.15787644

>you fucking cunts keep spanning shite totally unrelated to the board
Kike confirmed

>> No.15787648

how many bsv did that post get ya moshi

>> No.15788801

Because truth spreads naturally and rapidly, the world is turning into /pol

Ergo they're scared, as the broader the base of
non brainwashed thinkers, the quicker the kindling could turn into a bonfire.

Meme flags were added to 4 chan EXPLICITLY so they could run D&C between different groups and nationalities.

In any conflict morale is key. Non Jewish morale must not be allowed to rise.

>> No.15788818
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Once you spot it you can never go back.

>> No.15788824

It’s not just jidf.

>> No.15788963

They have some bot system to montor every board for threads that mention Jews in the OP. You can do an experiment yourself: go on any board and make a thread that says something bad about Jews, and see how defensive and passive aggressive the replies suddenly get. Try it, it's a huge redpill to see how quickly they respond and how they say the same things in every thread.

>> No.15789021

jews are bad

>> No.15789038
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Adolf Hitler noticed this exact thing 100 years ago, incidentally.

>> No.15789067 [DELETED] 

>yfw you realize that the discord trannys are actually ways to get people who hold a lot of make it money into one place so they can be brainwashed/controlled

Do you think its on accident all this occult shit gets posted around here? they try and recruiting people using the MUH OCCULT so they can brain was/keep tabs on who has what.

>> No.15789071

Hitler was another NWO pawn. Just like the rest of them.

>> No.15789082

Kikes are frantic right now. The biggest plague on planet earth is Zionism. It’s getting hard for them to control the narrative.

>> No.15789090

We all know the likes are all over the place, just one of the reasons we hare them.

>> No.15789099

>yfw you realize they are recruiting people into discords to keep tabs on people who have make it money

You think its on accident all this occult shit get posted here? They are trying to mold peoples minds/keep tabs one who has what

>> No.15789126

The constant demoralization threads have boosted morale because they have led me to reflect on and reject my own suicidal/defeatist attitudes. Thanks JIDF.

>> No.15789137

>I just want to read posts that blend in waah waaah
back to plebbit

>> No.15789146

I kind of agree with you, but /pol/ is correct about Jews forming a huge fifth column on a macro level.

>> No.15789172

How you know these people are Jewish? I did a quick google search but I can't find anything suggesting they have jewish heritage.

>> No.15789233 [DELETED] 


two more threads of bullshit just popped up

>> No.15789255

would you look at that

>> No.15789275

Jews fuck with the natural order of the world. It’s all about destruction. Jews offer nothing of value to anybody. Being kicked out of 109 countries is a good start but the first world countries need to finish the job.

>> No.15789295

Most of them admit to being jews for one. I haven't confirmed every last kike in the picture though. Really should to make a gas list.

>> No.15789307
File: 777 KB, 1337x2048, a9a0639079a9285333b9869f1627920e8c2ba96abb3f71f690342a4662da0e09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them have the phenotype if you know what to look for. Only Wesley Clark looks somewhat goyish but... oh nevermind WHATTYA KNOW: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley_Clark#Early_life_and_education
>Clark's father's family was Jewish; his paternal great-grandfather immigrated to the United States from Belarus in response to the Pale of Settlement and anti-Jewish violence from Russian pogroms