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15785817 No.15785817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can't get an office job because I cant stop farting. What do?

>> No.15785827

Are you serious or joking?
If serious I will do a big write out, there are many possible factors but they all share similarities.

>> No.15785840
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Please help I just had another meeting with HR because my odor offends the others. They put me in a separate office too

>> No.15785868
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>tfw you’ve spent the past hour farting with reckless abandon in the privacy of your office and then a qt knocks your door

>> No.15785878

I’ll do a quick one
It comes down to flora and diet. There is no one fits all solution, but flatulence and ibs are both tied to flora and diet. What you eat is consumed by your flora, and different flora makeups process the same foods differently.

The two quickest ways to alter your systems function (hack it) are to figure out what is going on with flora and food.
There are something like over 500 gut flora last I checked, some years back.
Flora can be improved with cultured foods like yogurt or saurkraut, but those have two things to look out for, histamine and the limited kinds of bacteria (only about 14 to 15 I believe). Also kefir. Small amounts here and there can’t hurt. Probiotic foods basically.

Part 2 coming

>> No.15785886

You think that's bad. I've been shitting in the women's bathroom for over 12 months. I even shit and piss all over the toilet seat.

>> No.15785887

literally chew your food

>> No.15785911

what about itchy bunghole? i did a combination of things last year:
>hot sauce on eggs every morning
>no shower same undies
>gain a waist size pants too tight
>shave my arsehole
it’s still itchy

>> No.15785920

Have you tried to modify your diet yet anon? I did about 5 months of Carnivore diet and I barely had to fart. You just have about 3-5 days with some diarrhea but DYOR and learn about it before you try it. (pro-tip add pink Himalayan salt to your water for the extra minerals)

It might sound counter-intuitive since you're probably used to hearing about "protein farts" but that's from onions/milk based proteins / shakes. You need to eat beef/pork/fish and fats.

Good luck. I'll be going back on it probably after the Holidays but I plan on staying on it for a year + this time. Only stopped because I got lazy.

>> No.15785935

Hold it in you fucking lard

>> No.15785957

Part 2

Before I continue, see a gastroenterologist and get stool tests and blood tests to rule out any infections. If you have an infection take antibiotics, unless it's h pylori, I've seen H. Pylori cured with a mix of flax seed, pomogranate juice, and almond milk (prebiotic mix) followed by a mix of different kefirs. This is a high histamine routine, but I've seen test results before and after showing elimination of H. Pylori, screencap this if you end up with H. Pylori.

Bacteria just do what they do, so each one processes stuff in their own ways, and releases different gases, or more gas.

If you go to a gastroenterologist, which you should do, you might get a label like IBS, irritable bowel syndrome. Syndromes are supposed to be with you forever, so that's basically the doctor saying they can't do anything else.

research them, you don't need to get one, but by studying them you'll learn a fuck ton of information about gut flora. It will all make sense.
For me, I had to go meatless and sugarless, but I've also had to go the opposite direction and consume more meat, so every person is not only different, but every person changes over time.
You need to consume PREBIOTICS, not just probiotics. Give your flora diversity of well cooked foods, so avoid raw stuff like raw fruit or raw veggies or raw fish until this stuff passes. If you like a good orange or apple, have one occassionally like on a weekend because fruits have good prebiotics.

If you've taken antibiotics you might have reduced the diversity of your gut flora, or your diet has altered them to become more gassy, or a combo. Or you have an infection of some kind, so get that ruled out.

Good luck anon, I'll stick around a bit. A decent but sometimes bullshit site is selfhacked. They reference a lot of studies that you can go find yourself and learn from. Fecal transplants, gut flora, prebiotic, probiotic, types of gut flora, flora mapping, are all good keywords to use.
Good luck

>> No.15785964

Wipe properly.

>> No.15785965


>> No.15785966

fiber an enzymes

>> No.15785973

that's not the problem. only one side is scaly and beat up.
oh right one other thing i did last year was start using scott's TP because it was cheap but it's so rough.
i even shower after now. one side is constantly irriated and i have to manage with gold bond or some other creams.

>> No.15785983

See a gastroenterologist

>> No.15785993

You should never be ashamed of allowing sweet fecal crust to form around the rim brother. I do this on purpose so in the middle of the night I get tickled around my arse and I enjoy the sweet itching relief. Even afterward I have something to smell until I go to sleep.

>> No.15786000

Put scotch tape over your asshole before you go to bed. Itching can be caused by pinworms and crawl out while you're sleeping. Check the tape in the morning and see if any are stuck.

>> No.15786002

I too suffer from this problem, OP. Let me ask you something, do you often find, when eating with others, that you are finished before others are even halfway done with their meals? You eat too fast. Eat slower, and stop farting so much. Or, be like me, embrace it.

>> No.15786078

I use to have this problem... or i thought i did. I became super self conscious of needing... or thinking i needed to fart in quiet or crowded places like a class room or office. Soon as i walked into one of those places, my mind would be hyper focused on not farting. Which caused upset stomach and the sensation of needing to fart! Fucking clown world, it seems that problem has gone away or i've gotten over it now. Even though i haven't changed my diet

>> No.15786086

Thanks anons for the help. Definitely need to get more exercise and change my diet. Not sure what is causing it. Have to isolate different foods. I'm eating cereal in the mornings with coffee, sometimes I have an energy drink and these seem to help a lot. I think something gives me constipation but not sure what. Doctors are not much help. They look at me and think I'm just complaining for no reason. I have to live with this and don't feel like I can get help. I'm told I have a fatty liver too of that's related but nothing else that I know about.

>> No.15786107

didnt read thread but there was a guy at work who had terrible gas for years and he finally found out he was allergic to something super common like wheat/gluten. when he finally figured it out it changed his life.

>> No.15786181

move to a cucked city like Portland, OR and lawyer up
make them recognize flatulence as a disability
now you're a protected class
get paid to fart at work
if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable, get them fired

>> No.15786186

You're welcome anon. I've also been neglecting my workout routine and diet so my advice is as much for you as it is for myself. Elimination diets also work very well, that's kind of what the Carnivore diet did for me. Since I eliminated everything except proper beef and other meats and eggs. Keto worked also, but I found carbohydrates of any kind really fucked with my digestion and made me feel sluggish. Probably has to do with blood sugar/insulin. Anyway, I'm off to sleep. Good luck!

>> No.15786221
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Fascinated by the depths of and in this thread so far...
>one never knows

>> No.15786228

get a remote job

>> No.15786232

best idea ive seen on biz

>> No.15786245

I used to have farts so bad, I was sent home early from work.

Exercise and intermittent fasting seem to have reduced it. Also, a lot less fiber in my case. Had waaay too much for a while. Farting went from being funny to making it hard to sleep.

Good luck OP.

>> No.15786257

Dr Shit Sniffer

>> No.15786274

Change your diet

>> No.15786298
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My brother of refined taste

>> No.15786330

There is nothing wrong with this..

Flatulence is an acquir3d skill... my gf is jealous of my musical talents

>> No.15786344

Ah yes... the sweet sweet stench.
Nothing wrong with a good scratch and sniff from time to time..

>> No.15786881

This OP. Had the same problem. I avoided gluten and the flatulence stopped. It was getting out of hand. On top of that other problems I had my whole life ended too. Headaches and stomach cramps.