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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15783280 No.15783280[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15783300

that is the most disgusting shit ive ever seen

>> No.15783306

no job is worth it

>> No.15783313

then maybe its time to go back to reeddit

>> No.15783319

I quit

>> No.15783339
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Poor wagies

>> No.15783344

shut up, newfag. I bet you dont even know how to buy altcoins

>> No.15783357

India has no right to exist

>> No.15783366

I mean, it's not much. Sure it's initially nasty but if you had a few large garbage bags, a garbage can, and a shovel, you could eliminate 90% of the mess in a minute or so. The rest can be attacked with sanitizing chemicals first, and then squeegied into the floor drain. That leaves just whatever is left in the toilet that you couldn't shovel out, which can be taken care of at a distance with a good hose.

The thing is, European pussies will always think of themselves as too dignified to do certain lines of work, and then wonder why we have military bases all over their country.

>> No.15783375

>The thing is, European pussies will always think of themselves as too dignified to do certain lines of work
let me guess, you have a low skilled job and find "pride" in work?

>> No.15784349
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I mean... at what point do you just demolish the whole thing and start over?

>> No.15784374

If I was a sanitation worker making 150 an hour whilst in a hazmat suit I wouldn't mind. I hand drugs that would make me die a rather horrible death from internal bleeding if it got on my skin due to it being easily absorbed, so shit is nothing.

>> No.15784861

people just kept on pooing on it lol

>> No.15785127


>> No.15785147

Said no employer ever in that context. That's prob a pick of someone's house too, the home of a non-functional hoarder perhaps.

>> No.15785159
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How could zees happen?

>> No.15785167

This. I've dealt with something almost as bad.

This is what I did. I used a garden trowel. I used some Vick's vapor rub under my nose to keep from vomiting.

>> No.15785170

I would just get a water hose and spray it until it can be flushed down the drain in the bottom.

>> No.15785188
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>> No.15785198

Yeah I remember seeing stuff like that when I watched some of those tv shows about extreme hoarders, so that's exactly what came to mind. A hoarder has their toilet break and they are too lazy to try and fix it and too ashamed to call a plumber into their literal garbage dump of a home.

>> No.15785254

Get in there and clean it up NOW! I said now you pathetic wagie! And after your done make sure to take the coupon I left as a tip on the dining table, you earned it kiddo.oh and I also left this wagie a little surprise, I like to rub my balls after a good meal with the dinner receipt if they don't give enough napkins. I work up quite a sweat at the DQ after my XXL mcshake and mayonnaise fries meal.

>> No.15785279

Now you know why they prefer to shit in the street

>> No.15785289

you're fired

>> No.15785299

Your doing it wrong, i like to rub my balls with the $1 tip at the end of each mcdonalds meal, that way im getting the full use of my dollar before i have to part ways.

>> No.15785337

God bless those restaurant workers! Such sweeties! Me and Betty were going in to have our Sunday meal at chick fill a, ive been trying to watch my weight so I had a medium chicken bone in meal, when suddenly i had the worst urge to use the ladies restroom, being fairly heavier I had to use the family potty, I ended up making quite the mess! Oopsy! Heavens to Betsy it smelled in there. And then the toilet wouldnt flush! And it spilled all over! Oh my!
I called an assosicate who was the most polite young man, he had a tattoo that said chainlink on it I believe. I said oh sweetie theres been a bit of a mess in the ladies restroom can you clean it up? He said yes ma'am, what a gentleman. I made sure to leave him a $4 tip in quarters on the table.

>> No.15785399


>> No.15785426

Oopsie poopsie! Hehe

>> No.15785429
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Imagine getting bottom pozzed by a homeless aids junkie on that bad boy

>> No.15785452

LARP Chick-fil-A isn't open on Sundays newfag

>> No.15785502
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>be me
>had huge diarrhea attack
>went into a bar
>buy a pack of chewing gum
>"Can I use the bathroom please?"
>literally cold sweating in the meanwhile, holding it
>put pants down
>didn't sit because it was already quite dirty with pubic hairs on the toilet sit
>unironically pic related happens
>starting to spray diarrhea everywhere behind me
>involuntary starting to pee too
>pee all over the floor
>take the toilet paper and use the entire roll to wipe my ass
>didn't even flush the toilet, 99% of my shit & pee were on the wall and floor
>leave an horrifying scene behind me
>close the bathroom door
>give a smirk to the waiter and the owner and say "thank you"
>went the fuck away from there

>> No.15785554

Just get some polish cuck to do it

>> No.15785569

is this supposed to be sarcastic? holy fuck i hope redditor shit stains like you are heavily invested in crypto right now, specially shitcoins. i wanna see all of you broke living under a bridge, far away from the internet. good fucking riddance

>> No.15785598
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>> No.15785781
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>> No.15785797


Why the fuck was someone eating chocolate when sitting on the toilet?

>> No.15786370

You need to go back

>> No.15786394

No, and i dont care. Gonna buy boomer rocks and stocks instead.

>> No.15786895

with current economy is it a good idea to work anymore?

>> No.15787002

I would demolish the whole building. Although, the poor wagies who are doing the demo would still need to clean up the shit.