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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15784851 No.15784851 [Reply] [Original]

realistically....how long becore link hits the singularity?

>> No.15784876

fundamentally? like next month

>> No.15784913

We're probably still a ways out, like 2-3 years before mass adoption I think.
If; however, the stars align, we could actually see 1k EOY 2020. For that to happen Link would need some crazy integration/announcement during the same time as a golden bull run.
It's unlikely to happen but there's still hope. I'd be thrilled if we were at double digits Q1 2020.

>> No.15784929

first it was EOY 2019
now its EOY 2020
next year its EOY 2021
fuckign stupid stinkers

>> No.15784933

never faggot. fuck off already

>> No.15784955


>> No.15784959

5 years MINIMUM

>> No.15784966

Please tell us anon how your portfolio is doing :) still sitting at a comfy 10x here!

>> No.15784991

This month.

>> No.15785001

November 6

>> No.15785064
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 02a2619e1ce8c9c95682cfd3b5c4eb0b_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>We're probably still a ways out, like 2-3 years before mass adoption I think.



BTC is still AT LEAST a decade away from mass adoption, and your stinky bags will be worth BILLIONS in 2-3 years?


>> No.15785066

2021 read the goddamn whitepaper

>> No.15785076

2026 should be a good year for Link !

>> No.15785079

>der whitepepe = infallible crystal ballsack
That's you, anon.
That's what you sound like.

>> No.15785094

You are retarded. BTC will never ever be mass adopted. It’s a ponzi shitcoin and everyone knows it. Once the corporate blockchain adoption happens it will die and replaced with functional coins like Libra.

>> No.15785109

It's written in the WP, DYOR

>> No.15785157

sorry lil' zoom zoom, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

>unironically doubling down on the claim that the chainlink whitepepe is a crystal ballsack

You guys are alright, you know that?
Great for a laugh.

>> No.15785160

kek i hope so, 5 more years of sergey memes

>> No.15785296

Am I talking stupid or can you program a smart contract to take a screenshot of your most recent transaction history with Bitcoin, triggered by the receiving party when you message them that you have transacted the Bitcoin and are awaiting confirmation(24hrs maybe) and have link staked based on buyers honesty. Effectively making a faster kinda alternative?

I'm wrong right?

>> No.15785310
File: 16 KB, 400x400, ATasteOfSlightDiscomfort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you on this board and not paying attention to ANY of the news that's going on in the world? Are you that dense to not pay attention to the weekly articles talking about warning signs of a global financial crisis coming?

>> No.15785600

You can program smart contracts to do anything

>> No.15785667


>> No.15785681

Theoretically, anything ... theoretically we're all made of cheese!

>> No.15786355

they said eoy 2018 too

>> No.15786593

Dude, miss me with that $1000 meme trash nigger

>> No.15786673
File: 122 KB, 472x500, 9BFCAEED-4695-43D3-862B-D8192A712166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1k eoy confirmed cry harder faggots